L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/ibgSLTesserayiel のバックアップ差分(No.1)


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<FONT face=2><div align="center">
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Stranded Light Courier</div>

<DIV align="left"><FONT face="1">Preface: The Stranded Light, as a new guild in Cyrodiil, is not well known. Who are the people behind the guild? Names like Traven, Vilena Donton, or even the Gray Fox, are familiar to everyone. Raminus Polus or Modryn Oreyn are also names most simply know.</p>

Those folks behind the Stranded Light? Not so much. Therefore they've been given the chance to be introduced to the public!</font> 
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<FONT face="2">Tesserayiel</DIV>

<DIV align="left"><FONT face=1>Usually one of the first people you meet when visiting Merendin is none other than Tesserayiel, who founded the Stranded Light and is currently in charge of operations. I took the chance to ask her a few questions.<br>
<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>How did you get the idea of founding a new guild?<br>

<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>I took a walk near the Imperial City as I saw fires in the palace, guards rushing heedlessly from one place to the other. Shortly thereafter the news of Uriel Septim's death spread. I realized that a darkness awaited Cyrodiil, all of Tamriel even. And what do you do when darkness lingers? You light a candle, a fire to bring light into the darkness.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>Despite your - sorry - martial appearance you do not fight Mehrunes Dagon. Why?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>I once did, and learned something; it is not my part. Some fights have to be carried out by others. Instead I do what also needs to be done. The intention of the Stranded Light is to help, not build up another army. Nevertheless I must point out that there are certain threats we take care of. If you ever meet Karashivuel, ask her about them.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>There are rumors about Daedra worshippers in the Stranded Light. Any truth to that?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>As far as I'm aware, none of us are worshipping any Daedra. No need for that, really. As you doubtless notice, the Stranded Light is open for everyone with a good heart. In this crisis people tend to see Daedra as monsters. And it's true, those serving Mehrunes Dagon are monsters. Not all Daedra are like this. Daedra have a tendency to be more extreme than mortals, but this doesn't mean they're all like Dagon's servants. Think about Krazzt serving the Tribunal Temple in Morrowind. Or of Karashivuel. Without a doubt she is no mortal, but she's rescued more peasants and travellers from cutthroats and marauders than most Fighters Guild members. Which are more obsessed with fighting rats, or so I've heard. Should we judge her evil just because she wasn't born on Tamriel? I don't think so.<p>

<font face=2>Question: <font face=1>I'd like to thank you for your time! A last question, do you have anything to say to our readers?<br>
<font face=2>Answer: <font face=1>It's the heart that counts. The Stranded Light is here to help.<p></font>

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