L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/ibgSLCSQ2Voids のバックアップ(No.1)


ibgSLCSQ2Voids Edit

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<FONT face=2><div align="center">
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/TSLHeader512x256.dds" width=512 height=256> 
Stranded Light Courier</div>

<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/BloodyMary360px.DDS" width=360 height=360> 
<FONT face="2">19 Voids Explored!</div>

<DIV align="left"><FONT face=1>Through sheer stamina and willpowerm a member of the Stranded Light survived the trip to the (in-)famous 19 Voids. It's risky to investigate the rumors surrounding the '19 Voids'. For those not knowing about the '19 Voids': It's an 'inn' on an island near the northeastern shore of Mania.<p>

And it is a dangerous place: Run by the Daedra Seducer "Turumerin" it is a remote pleasure pocket of Sanguine, but the more darker shades of Sanguine's sphere are the most present there. Rumor has it that only that's why the place is even accessible - most that survive are driven utterly insane by their experience.<p>

Yet only few do. After falling asleep for a short time our member discovered that:<br>
1. Turumerin has her way with whoever enters her domain. Including draining their very life away.<br>
2. Belongings of her visitors are taken and distributed around the Isles for adventurers to find.<br>
3. What's left of the visitor usually gets eaten by Turumerin's pet Xivilai.<br>
4. Remains of her victims are then dumped into the ocean.<br>

Only by being an experienced adventurer, our member survived Turumerin's assault. Those who are not suicidal shouldn't even get near the 19 Voids, for their own safety.

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