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<FONT face=2><div align="center">
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/TSLHeader512x256.dds" width=512 height=256> 
Stranded Light Courier</div>

<FONT face=1> <DIV align="left"><IMG src=?Book/fancy_font/m_65x62.dds? width=69 height=62>any people need help from time to time - and there are many organisations in Cyrodiil offering help. Do you need a cave cleared of trolls? You've got the Fighters Guild. An item recharged? The Mages Guild. An ill relative cured? The... what?
<IMG src=?Book/fancy_font/w_69x62.dds? width=69 height=62>hen was the last time you saw an Imperial Cult healer travelling to an reclusive village? After the death of Uriel Septim, Cyrodiil became a darker place. Bandits and marauders are roaming the landscape, Dagon's minions went visiting Mundus, monsters breed in abundance.
<IMG src=?Book/fancy_font/a_70x61.dds? width=70 height=61>nd who will now help people in need of help, not in need of a sword or a spell? Travelling the world has become dangerous, and only seasoned adventures and veterans can travel the world safely.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>hat's the place the new guild, named the "Stranded Light", likes to take. So if there's anything needing to be done, just pay Merendin a visit or drop a note, and it will be done!
<IMG src=?Book/fancy_font/y_62x62.dds? width=62 height=62>es, the "Stranded Light" is open to everyone, from wherever he or she may be. Merendin is a recently cleaned Ayleid ruin in southeastern Cyrodiil, Blackmarsh Border. Just follow the Panther River, and at its spring turn south.</div>

<FONT face=2><DIV align="left"><IMG src=?Book/fancy_font/f_59x61.dds? width=69 height=62>amous members:<br>
<FONT face=1>- The hero of Kvatch, who singlehandedly liberated Kvatch and rescued innumerable survivors.<br>
- Tesserayiel: Once a commander of a small task force defending the Longing Coast and the Isle of Flame.<br>
- Zerreshju: A well-known diplomat, served once as ambassador for Pinnacle Rock in New Sheoth.<p>

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<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/TSLLeaders.dds" width=512 height=256> <br></div>

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