L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/ibgAQ2GuildGuide のバックアップ差分(No.1)


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In Morrowind you don't need to travel by foot. Or by horse, if you find one in the land of the Dunmer. Several unique travel methods exist. The most famous are the Silt Striders, giant insects with a kerf in their back, a place to sit down and steer their movements. Another possibility is to charter a ship, especially popular on the island of Vvardenfell. Unfortunately the geography of Cyrodiil prevents such an endeavour.
Another way to travel in Cyrodiil, though, is by using Guild Guides. Specialized spellcasters working at Mages Guilds, providing a service of instant teleportation for a modest fee to other cities with a guild. Until a few days ago, Cyrodiil lacked a similar service.
Then a lot of new - some quite unique - faces appeared in our cities. In a torrent of events, a lot of conflicting reports reached our ears. A Golden Saint, a specimen of Daedra known for the terror they spread in Vvardenfell in recent years, appeared in Chorrol. Or was it Bravil? And in Skingrad even a Xivilai was seen around the Mages Guild.
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After the dust settled it became clear what has happened: Together with a new minor guild, calling itself "Stranded Light", the Mages Guild created - or currently creates - a Guild Guide in Cyrodiil. Why they're using daedric servants is not yet known. A spokesman for the Council of Mages refused to give any comment.
Who didn't stay silent though is the Stranded Light. One of their members, calling herself 'Kanaane', wrote a letter explaining that the Guild Guide was put in place to make travelling between cities a lot easier and less risky, especially in these troubled times. She also likes to point out that the headquarter of their guild, a run-down Ayleid ruin named Merendin, can also be reached by the freshly created Guild Guide.
You have to ask yourself, though, why you would want to visit a place half submerged in a swamp, every city and even every town being countless miles away. A question Kanaane didn't addressed in her letter. So while we certainly have to evaluate what good or bad the Guild Guide will bring to Cyrodiil, we can certainly assume that it's used as an advertisement for their group. We'll have to wait and see if the Guild Guide will be anything more, if it will achieve the same popularity as the Morrowind service - or if it will drown in a swamp of meaninglessness like Merendin.

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