L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/bgSQZ19VoidsHandbill のバックアップ(No.1)


bgSQZ19VoidsHandbill Edit

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<div align="center"><font face=2>The 19 Voids</font> <br>
<DIV align="center"><IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/19VoidsComeHere256px.dds" width=256 height=256> </div> 
<DIV align="left"><font face=5>Don't know where to go? Or looking for the time of your life? Come to the <font face=2>Nineteen Voids, <font face=5>, the premium pleasure pocket in the realms!<br>
Northeast of New Sheoth, on an island in the Enjaen Sea. A small cozy home, where we're all waiting just for <font face=2>you<font face=1>!<p>
<div align="right"><font face=4>Legal notice: A visit to the Nineteen Voids can result in an untimely death. Visit at your own risk.</div>

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