L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/bgOQ2PaintingText のバックアップソース(No.1)

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<FONT face="5">Hey Rythe, burn in hell for that Marmelade picture!<p>

Is that a freagin cat imperial? =(<p>

ppl and thier cat fetishs<p>


Look, first of all, as if Kajiit weren't bad enough, the last thing we need is another beast race in Cyrodiil. Try turning your talents to something useful like painting Bosmeri. And for the guy who started out with his comment: "Wow...just wow" you suck! And to everyone else who like that Marmelade painting...you obviously have a problem.<p>

It looks like a retarted Khajiit.<p>

Why would you paint a beast?<p>

your furry fetish concerns me because children go into museums and look at these pictures.<p>

I understand if theyre wearing underwear, but they're freakin naked!<p>

yiff in hell furF,A,G,S<p>

once again, yiff in hell.<p>

Save the furry for the mental hospital and mom's basement<p>
Norbert the Graywolf</font>

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