L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgZAQAurealDialogue-03 のバックアップ差分(No.2)


FormID: 0303236B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery4a	0	OK then. Remember, it's somewhere in the Shivering Isles, likely still in New Sheoth. That's all I can say for sure.	
__オッケー。それじゃあ覚えておいてね。本はShivering Islesのどこか、おそらくNew Sheothにまだあるわ。とりあえず私が確実に言えるのはこれだけ。
FormID: 0303236B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery4a	1	Keep your eyes open. Don't forget, this book is dangerous. And you can't get rid of it once you've got it.	
FormID: 0303236B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery4a	2	Good luck!	
FormID: 0303236C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery4b	0	Alright then, I can fully understand your decision.	
FormID: 0303236C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery4b	1	To be honest I had expected some other contracts as I've started. Well, maybe later!	
FormID: 0303314C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKanaane	0	Yes, I am Kanaane, at your service. What do you wish, bringer of lust and despair?	
FormID: 03037CEA	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharTeshekru	0	She's the Daedra Seducer who's soul was trapped in the Soulgem you've recovered.	
__あなたが取り戻したSoulgemに囚われていたDaedra Seducerね。
FormID: 03037CEA	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharTeshekru	1	Keeps to herself, mostly. Still doesn't exactly know what to do.	
FormID: 03037CEA	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharTeshekru	2	At least we're able to keep an eye on her, as long as she's here.	
FormID: 03037CEB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharTeshekru	0	I don't dare going near her.	
FormID: 03037CEB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharTeshekru	1	She's, uh, what's the word? I don't like the way she talks. Or is giving looks. To just about everyone.	
FormID: 03037CEB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharTeshekru	2	Especially me. She doesn't seem to be that interested in other Daedra. Both mortal men and women seem to be fair game for her, though.	
FormID: 03037CEC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharTeshekru	0	A Daedra Seducer under observation. For now. She doesn't seem to be able to change her form. That's a good sign, I guess.	
__目下、監視中のDaedra Seducerだな。とりあえず変身能力は備わっていないようで、一安心だ。
FormID: 03037CEC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharTeshekru	1	So not all of her kind exhibit those form changing ability. At least not to their full extends.	
FormID: 03039F8A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	0	Now with the Guild Guide in place, I've thought about another attraction to get more people coming to us.	
__ようやくGuild Guideの設置も終わったね。実は人寄せの一環として次の計画を考えているんだけれど…。
FormID: 03039F8A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	1	Karashivuel still frightens a lot of visitors, although she's quite harmless. Well, harmless for a Xivilai, that is. Err. What I thought about is what do the people of Cyrodiil miss?	
FormID: 03039F8A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	2	A lot of things, obviously. Most importantly though means to create their own enchantments, to create their own spells. Traven has restricted them to the Arcane University, and *not* to the public areas.	
__思い当たる節は色々あってね。中でも私が一番注目したのは付呪と構呪だよ。ここでは人々が自前で付呪と構呪をする手立てがない。確かにTravenはArcane University内での付呪と構呪を規制しているけれど、その規制は大学の外にまで及ぶものではないし。
FormID: 03039F8A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	3	Which means if we're able to secure someone able to create enchantments and new spells for Merendin, people have yet another reason to visit us!	
FormID: 03039F8C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ5Spellmaking1	0	No, no, absolutely no.	
FormID: 03039F8C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ5Spellmaking1	1	Err. Pretty likely. Yes, for sure. I doubt that we're able to recruit anyone from the Guild itself. Nevertheless offering these services does not violate any law. We're not bound by Traven's edicts.	
FormID: 03039F8C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ5Spellmaking1	2	Take Morrowind: Local Mages Guilds offer the same services. And then there's House Telvanni, which lately overcome the public service restriction and is offering various arcane services, too.	
__Morrowindを見てごらんよ。Mages GuildはCyrodiilと同様にサービスを提供し規制もかけているけれど、競合のHouse Telvanniは規制と関係なく色々なサービスを提供している。
FormID: 03039F8C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ5Spellmaking1	3	Only problem will be to find someone. This will be the real challenge.	
FormID: 03039F8D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ5Spellmaking2	0	There are some persons outside of the Mages Guild able to perfom these services. Tracking them down is difficult.	
__Mages Guildの外にもこの種のサービスを提供できる人材はいるよ。ただ、見つけるのは難しいけれどね。
FormID: 03039F8D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ5Spellmaking2	1	I've heard rumors about a Telvanni, able to create her own enchantments. Unfortunately she has not yet crossed the border to Cyrodiil. As soon as she does, I'll let you know.	
FormID: 03039F8D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ5Spellmaking2	2	Spellmaking though is a different story. There was a, uh, skirmish on sea a couple of weeks ago. I've heard some mer, having the knowledge we seek, have survived.	
FormID: 03039F8D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ5Spellmaking2	3	Unfortunately while I know that at least a few of them were stranded on Tamriel, I don't know any details. Especially not where they went to.	
FormID: 03039F8D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ5Spellmaking2	4	Or where they are hiding. The skirmish happened in the south east, far away from Blackmarsh's shores. Survivors could be just about everywhere in southern Tamriel. Let's hope a few landed on Cyrodiil, too.	
FormID: 03039F8D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ5Spellmaking2	5	This is what I like you to look out for. If you see one of those survivors, just ask them if they'd be willing to lend us their skills for shelter, food and security.	
FormID: 03039F8D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ5Spellmaking2	6	A last word of warning, they're likely in hiding. Do not expect them to hang out in Cheydinhal, Leyawiin or Bravil. If there are some, they'll be likely near water. Good luck!	
FormID: 03039FD6	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ5Spellmaking3	0	Alright, whatever you wish!	
FormID: 0303ADB1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ5Spellmaking4	0	As you wish.	
FormID: 0303ADB4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharAhtize	0	She's a great help for our cause, more or less voluntarily.	
FormID: 0303ADB4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharAhtize	1	People that can't get into the Arcane University now come to us. Which is a great start!	
FormID: 0303ADB4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharAhtize	2	Although you should see the faces many High Elves make.	
FormID: 0303ADB4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharAhtize	3	A Xivilai? No problem. Her kind? Ouch.	
FormID: 0303ADB5	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharAhtize	0	She looks fishy.	
FormID: 0303E49D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	0	You've met the Xivilai in Fanacasecul. I guess you can imagine what this world awaits.	
FormID: 0303E49D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	1	More Daedra. An invasion. Not only by them, but by all forces of Mehrunes Dagon.	
__より多くのDaedra。侵入。彼らだけでなく、Mehrunes Dagaonのすべての軍隊によっても。
FormID: 0303E49D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	2	Those of us stranded here, not being part of this madness, will have to forge a new fate. Destiny has approached.	
FormID: 0304AC0C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQDSFoothold	0	Who inflicted this idea onto your mind?	
FormID: 0304AC0C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQDSFoothold	1	It is true that we offer Daedra an alternative, a chance to fit into this world. Which is for the best of mortals and Daedra alike.	
FormID: 0304AC0C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQDSFoothold	2	Although we do not bring anyone through the Liminal Barrier. In a way we're only collecting those already stranded here.	
__とはいえ、私達はLiminal Barrierを超えて何かを持ち込んだりする事が出来るわけじゃないの。この世界に置き去りにされてから集めたもので勝負するほかないわね。
FormID: 0304AC0C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQDSFoothold	3	Daedra running wild without a purpose can end badly.	
FormID: 0304AC0C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQDSFoothold	4	The Stranded Light allows to channel their energy and ambition towards beneficial goals. That's better than letting them fall into causing mayhem, isn't it?	
__けれどStranded Lightなら、彼らの力を結集して望ましい方向に導くことが出来る。放任の結果暴力を振るうようになるよりはよっぽどマシだと思わない?
FormID: 03052F8C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	0	We've got a new, err, contract. Of sorts. I don't handle it, though. Due to the likely nature of this Karashivuel handles it.	
FormID: 03052F8C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	1	You may have met Chandra in Chorrol already. Well, if not, well. Let's just say she's the one that asks us to do something. Which will likely be quite bloody. Again, see Karashivuel.	
FormID: 03054471	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgXQ3FortMeeting1a	0	Hm. No. No, absolutely not.	
FormID: 03054471	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgXQ3FortMeeting1a	1	Well, it's a matter of definition, isn't it?	
FormID: 03054471	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgXQ3FortMeeting1a	2	I am far older than you can imagine. And yes, I live from blood. At the same time I make sure that no accidents happen.	
FormID: 03054471	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgXQ3FortMeeting1a	3	No one gets hurt!	
FormID: 03054471	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgXQ3FortMeeting1a	4	Well, actually some get hurt.	
FormID: 03054471	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgXQ3FortMeeting1a	5	But no one dies!	
FormID: 03054471	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgXQ3FortMeeting1a	6	Mostly. Err. Long story. Let's just keep it at that, and you don't talk about our little secret, will you?	
FormID: 03054471	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgXQ3FortMeeting1a	7	Otherwise I may need to get ambitious.	
FormID: 03054471	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgXQ3FortMeeting1a	8	You wouldn't like me when I'm ambitious.	
FormID: 03056D82	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	0	I am Karashivuel.	
FormID: 03056D82	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	1	Do not fear. I am not here to kill, maim, torture, eat or eviscerate anyone.	
FormID: 03056D82	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	2	*sigh*	
FormID: 03056D82	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	3	No, this time I've got nothing to do with the sacking of Kvatch, the Battlespire incident or the feast of Saint Jiub.	
__この時代に関して言えば、私はKvatchの件にもBattlespireの件にもSaint Jiubの宴にも関わっていない。
FormID: 03056D82	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	4	And you...	
FormID: 03057476	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2	0	What about her?	
FormID: 0305747A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2c	0	Don't be fooled by her. She's playing her role, behave like others expect her to be. Karashivuel is highly intelligent, and for a Xivilai quite social.	
FormID: 0305747A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2c	1	No offense meant, but most Xivilai have a tendency towards violence. Like most Aureal have a tendency towards warfare. That's just the way we are.	
FormID: 0305747A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2c	2	Kara plays with this. She wouldn't hurt a soul.	
FormID: 0305747A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2c	3	Well, most souls.	
FormID: 0305747A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2c	4	Anyway, yes, her history is not pretty. Mine isn't, neither. Propably the only one here who doesn't regret something is Zerreshju. You can't live forever between worlds without making misakes.	
FormID: 0305747B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2b	0	We all have an eye on each other, simply for security of all. Don't be afraid, she won't do anything stupid.	
FormID: 0305747B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2b	1	She may be a Xivilai, yes, although from I ever met she's one of the most calm and friendly ones.	
FormID: 0305747B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2b	2	Don't let yourself be fooled by her. She knows what people expect her to be, and she plays with it.	
FormID: 0305747B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2b	3	Just think about it: Her favorite meal are strawberries.	
FormID: 0305747C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	0	Of course she is. We all are!	
FormID: 0305747C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	1	I guess it's even more difficult for her to adapt to her new life. We Aureal and Mazken had always a lot to do with mortals that involved words and not swords. Xivilai on the other hand?	
FormID: 0305747C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	2	It's a good thing she has joined us. It gives me hope that the Stranded Light can help all Daedra finding a new place, regardless of their history.	
__でも、彼女がこのギルドに加入してくれたのはとっても良い事よ。彼女を見ていると、Stranded Lightならどんな過去を背負ったDaedraに対しても新しい居場所を見つける手伝いをしてあげられるんじゃないかっていう希望が湧いて来るの。
FormID: 0305747C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	3	I mean, try to top a Xivilai! There are few humanoid Daedra known to have a similar tendency towards destruction. Hm. Maybe Daedra Seducer, but they destroy with different means.	
__だってXivilaiなのよ!Xivilaiみたいに破壊衝動の強いDaedraはあまり他にいないわ。うーんと、Daedra Seducerにも当てはまるかも知れないけれど、彼らのもたらす破壊はまた別の意味のものだから。
FormID: 0305747D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	0	Of course she is. We all are!	
FormID: 0305747D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	1	I guess it's even more difficult for her to adapt to her new life. We Aureal and Mazken had always a lot to do with mortals that involved words and not swords. Xivilai on the other hand?	
FormID: 0305747D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	2	It's a good thing she has joined us. It gives me hope that the Stranded Light can help all Daedra finding a new place, regardless of their history.	
__でも、彼女がこのギルドに加入してくれたのはとっても良い事よ。彼女を見ていると、Stranded Lightならどんな過去を背負ったDaedraに対しても新しい居場所を見つける手伝いをしてあげられるんじゃないかっていう希望が湧いて来るの。
FormID: 0305747D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	3	I mean, try to top a Xivilai! There are few humanoid Daedra known to have a similar tendency towards destruction. Hm. Maybe Daedra Seducer, but they destroy with different means.	
__だってXivilaiなのよ!Xivilaiみたいに破壊衝動の強いDaedraはあまり他にいないわ。うーんと、Daedra Seducerにも当てはまるかも知れないけれど、彼らのもたらす破壊はまた別の意味のものだから。
FormID: 0305747D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	4	Although you know about that, as you are another beacon of hope.	
FormID: 0305747E	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	0	Of course she is. We all are!	
FormID: 0305747E	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	1	I guess it's even more difficult for her to adapt to her new life. We Aureal and Mazken had always a lot to do with mortals that involved words and not swords. Xivilai on the other hand?	
FormID: 0305747E	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	2	It's a good thing she has joined us. It gives me hope that the Stranded Light can help all Daedra finding a new place, regardless of their history.	
__でも、彼女がこのギルドに加入してくれたのはとっても良い事よ。彼女を見ていると、Stranded Lightならどんな過去を背負ったDaedraに対しても新しい居場所を見つける手伝いをしてあげられるんじゃないかっていう希望が湧いて来るの。
FormID: 0305747E	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	3	I mean, try to top a Xivilai! There are few humanoid Daedra known to have a similar tendency towards destruction. Hm. Maybe Daedra Seducer, but they destroy with different means.	
__だってXivilaiなのよ!Xivilaiみたいに破壊衝動の強いDaedraはあまり他にいないわ。うーんと、Daedra Seducerにも当てはまるかも知れないけれど、彼らのもたらす破壊はまた別の意味のものだから。
FormID: 0305747E	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara2a	4	And as you know best, she's not the only Xivilai.	
FormID: 0305C0E3	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ6MaD	0	Come with me, please.	
FormID: 0305C103	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ6IllDaedra1	0	Yes?	
FormID: 0305C107	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ6IllDaedra1b	0	Our healers already tried curing poison, diseases, paralyses. Restoring attributes. Dispel magic. We even got a hand on an old Cure Blight Disease scroll, back from the days when Morrowind suffered Dagoth Ur.	
__先に派遣したHealerたちは、解毒も麻痺治療も病気回復も能力値回復も解呪魔法も試し済みよ。Dagoth Urがいた頃にMorrowindで使われていたCure Blight Diseaseの巻物まで引っ張り出したんだけれど、
FormID: 0305C107	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ6IllDaedra1b	1	Suffice to say, nothing helped.	
FormID: 0305C107	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ6IllDaedra1b	2	I fear we first need to find out why the daedroth is ill, before we can look for a cure.	
FormID: 0305C107	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ6IllDaedra1b	3	Already I've talked with Kara about it, and she suspects something metaphysical. Can get tricky.	
FormID: 0305C108	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ6IllDaedra1a	0	Great! Do you know where Shetcombe Farm lies?	
__ありがとう!ところでShetcombe Farmの場所は知ってる?
FormID: 0305C109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ6IllDaedra1c	0	Of course you can't, because you're in the entirely wrong place.	
FormID: 0305C109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ6IllDaedra1c	1	You'd have to get to the ill daedroth first.	

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