L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgZAQAurealDialogue-02 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


FormID: 0301F349	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ2Wish2Y	0	Great! Now listen up. While the Mages Guild has halls in all major cities, I doubt that the individual leaders may decide entirely for themselves.	
__よっし!それじゃ聞いてね。Mages Guildは各主要都市に支部を持っているけれど、支部長自身に完全な決定権があるとはあまり思えないの。
FormID: 0301F349	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ2Wish2Y	1	I fear you'll have to deal with the Council of Mages. Or at least their speaker, some mortal in the Arcane University.	
__おそらくthe Council of Mages(魔術師評議会)と交渉しないといけいないと思う。またはArcane Universityにいる評議会の主要人物の誰かと。
FormID: 0301F349	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ2Wish2Y	2	And then there's the issue of persuading each guild hall's leader.	
FormID: 0301F349	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ2Wish2Y	3	Why? Well, let's just say we had an idea. Excluding Bruma, which won't allow any teleportation means due to being near Cloud Ruler, there are currently eight teleportation targets.	
__なぜかって?えっと、ちょっとしたアイディアがあるんだ。今のところ転送先として考えらているのは8箇所なの。Brumaは除くよ。Cloud Rulerから近いから転送は認められないだろうし。
FormID: 0301F349	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ2Wish2Y	4	We'd like to have half of these positions filled with Daedra. Mortals, for some strange reason, accept us if we're forced to serve the Mages Guild, so this can be our way into their cities.	
__そのうち半分の支部のGuild GuideをDaedraに任せたいと思ってて。変な話だけどDaedraがMages Guildで働くようになれば定命さんたちも受け入れてくれるだろうし、あたし達が都市へ進出する足がかりになる。
FormID: 0301F349	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ2Wish2Y	5	So, get going. And good luck!	
FormID: 0301F349	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ2Wish2Y	6	Oh before I forget: Bravil, Cheydinhal, Skingrad and Chorrol should get daedric Guild Guides.	
__…おっと。言うのを忘れてた。BravilとCheydinhalとSkingradとChorrolのGuild GuideはDaedraに任せるようにするべきだよ。
FormID: 0301F349	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ2Wish2Y	7	Why these cities you're asking? The Arcane University won't allow any of us there while having a free will.	
__どうしてその4つかって?あたし達が自由意志を持っている間、Arcane Universityはそれらの街での滞在を決して許可しないだろうから。
FormID: 0301F349	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ2Wish2Y	8	Together with Merendin these cities form a ring around the capital. Best chance to get mortals used to us. A remote swamphole like Leyawiin?	
FormID: 0301F349	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ2Wish2Y	9	Not so much. Not that Bravil is much better, but still not that far off. So, as I've said, good luck and get going!	
FormID: 03025ADB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharDoLea	0	She's from elsewhere. Err.	
FormID: 03025ADB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharDoLea	1	Elsweyr. Whatever funny name mortals gave those place.	
FormID: 03025ADB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharDoLea	2	She's here to hear for counsel about certain developments in her home country, and other provinces. We've got a nice crate of candles just for giving her a shelter.	
FormID: 03025ADC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharDoLea	0	The only one I feel safe talking to.	
FormID: 03025ADC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharDoLea	1	At least she's not some kind of Daedra.	
FormID: 03025ADC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharDoLea	2	Not that I have anything against Daedra per se, but I've seen what they can do.	
FormID: 03025ADC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharDoLea	3	Oh I wish that I have stayed in Sentinel.	
FormID: 03025ADD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	0	Our local Guild Guide, a Khajiit from, hm. I don't remember. Somewhere north of here.	
__うちのGuild Guide担当よ。Khajiitで、出身は…どこだったかしら?覚えていないけれど、ここから北のどこかね。
FormID: 03025ADD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	1	I don't think she feels comfortable around here, though.	
FormID: 03025ADD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	2	But with time that'll change, I'm sure of it!	
FormID: 03025ADE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	0	That would be me.	
FormID: 03025ADE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	1	Isn't it cold in here?	
FormID: 03025ADE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	2	Go to Cyrodiil they said. You've got great chances there. Now I'm in this damp cellar with a horde of Daedra.	
FormID: 03025ADE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	3	Have you seen that Xivilai? It looks like it's going to eat this one.	
FormID: 03025ADF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	0	That would be me.	
FormID: 03025AE0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharNareyla	0	Our Guild Guide in Chorrol. Once she singlehandledly defeated a swarm of Baliwogs rushing over High Cross.	
__ChorrolのGuild Guide担当ね。あの子、昔はHigh Crossを渡ってくるBaliwogの群れをたった一人で蹴散らしたこともあるのよ。
FormID: 03025AE0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharNareyla	1	After that though she complained for ages about not getting the smell out of her hair.	
FormID: 03025AE0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharNareyla	2	And after she was over that event, she, well. Let's say while she still likes red, she doesn't like all red things anymore.	
FormID: 03025AE0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharNareyla	3	So this Chorrol post is a bit of fresh air for her. On the Isles there isn't much use for Aureal unwilling to fight, but here she found another reason to be.	
FormID: 03025AE1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharQuurunae	0	Our Guild Guide in Skingrad.	
__SkingradのGuild Guide担当ね。
FormID: 03025AE1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharQuurunae	1	To be honest I don't know if it was the right choice to put her there.	
FormID: 03025AE1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharQuurunae	2	She's a bit more social compared to Karashivuel, but that doesn't mean much.	
FormID: 03025AE1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharQuurunae	3	She was involved in the Battlespire incident. After Dagon's banishment she got stranded in Mundus, travelled with a tribe of Orcs in eastern High Rock.	
__彼女はBattlespireの一件に巻き込まれたのよ。あの時Dagonが倒されて、Mundusを旅する事になったの。東High Rock地方のOrcの部族と一緒にね。
FormID: 03025AE1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharQuurunae	4	Until she ran into Ulliceta gra-Kog. A few decades passed, and a soul stone found it's way into the pocket of a certain ill-fated summoner.	
__そんなこんなで数十年が経ち、彼女はUlliceta gra-Kogと会った。Soul StoneはUllicetaの手に渡ったけれど、結局彼は敗れたの。
FormID: 03025AE1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharQuurunae	5	While she was happy to be freed, I don't know what she really wants. I don't think Quurunae will support Mehrunes Dagon after the Battlespire incident ever again.	
__そうして彼女は逃げおおせたというわけね。自由の身を喜んでいるのは確かだろうけど、彼女の本当の望みは私には分からないわ。Battlespireの件があるからMehrunes Dagonに加勢しようなんて考えているとは思えないけれど。
FormID: 03025AE1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharQuurunae	6	But what she really wants to do, that I do not know.	
FormID: 03025AE2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharGever	0	Let's just say it's a bit hard to overcome millennia old prejudices.	
FormID: 03025AE2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharGever	1	And he certainly doesn't make it easier.	
FormID: 03025AE2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharGever	2	At least he's the perfect fit for Bravil.	
FormID: 03025AE3	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFrondre	0	He was Zerreshju's recommendation. I don't know much about him, except that he should be able to blend in nicely with the local Dark Elves in Cheydinhal.	
__彼を推薦したのはZerreshjuだから、私はよく知らないの。でも多分彼ならCheydinhalのDark Elfたちと仲良くやっていけると思うわ。
FormID: 03025AE3	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFrondre	1	He once guarded Sheogorath's shrine in Elsweyr, but after the war of the first council in Morrowind things changed.	
__彼はElsweyrでSheogorath様の神殿を護っていたことがあるの。けれどMorrowindでthe war of the first councilが起きてからは違う生き方をするようになったみたい。
FormID: 03025AE3	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharFrondre	2	On the Isles I've never seen him, I guess he was the whole time in Pinnacle Rock or somewhere.	
__Islesでは会ったことないわね。ずっとPinnacle Rockとかそのあたりにいたんじゃないかしら?
FormID: 03025AE6	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKanaane	0	She's strange, almost like an Altmer. Until you look into her eyes.	
FormID: 03025AE6	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKanaane	1	She's, I don't know. The first three Daedra used to be fighters, but Kanaane?	
FormID: 03025AE6	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKanaane	2	A lot more deceptive, I fear.	
FormID: 03025AE7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	0	I don't feel comfortable to think about her, let alone even speak about her.	
FormID: 03025AE7	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	1	The Aureal and Mazken at least pretend to look human. She on the other hand? She's scary!	
FormID: 03025AE8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	0	She reminds me of a tragic tradition of a certain eastern country, with people who look quite similar to her.	
FormID: 03025AE8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	1	Suffice to say it doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy.	
FormID: 03025AE8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharZerre	2	At least her eyes are blue, not red.	
FormID: 030268BD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	ChorrolTopic	0	A refreshing change! Although I do wonder why so many people mistake me for some kind of Mer.	
FormID: 030268BD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	ChorrolTopic	1	I mean do they even look into my eyes, or just on my skin.	
FormID: 030268BD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	ChorrolTopic	2	Or to somewhere else?	
FormID: 030268BD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	ChorrolTopic	3	Be it as it may, I like Mundus!	
FormID: 030268BE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	BravilTopic	0	This mortal settlement is a disgrace.	
FormID: 030268BE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	BravilTopic	1	It stinks fouler than a Grummite nest, is slimier than the skin of a drowned Scalon. The people around here? Ugh.	
FormID: 030268BE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	BravilTopic	2	And let's not talk about the weather!	
FormID: 03029903	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZRQ1Attacked	0	You were attacked by Kanaane?	
FormID: 03029903	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZRQ1Attacked	1	No, this cannot be. After her shrine collapsed she found herself back in the Isles. Came fresh from there, never left this place.	
FormID: 03029903	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZRQ1Attacked	2	Never saw Cyrodiil's sun, and the sky without stars.	
FormID: 03029903	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZRQ1Attacked	3	Hm. Except. Better talk with Karashivuel about [QUOTE]dopplegangers[QUOTE].	
FormID: 03029906	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	0	Ah well, these things happen, don't you think? Couldn't compete with Kanaane, it seems.	
FormID: 03029906	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	1	Quite a shame, really. I had hoped to have a lot more fun. Hm. But it seems someone else stepped up to take his place.	
FormID: 03029906	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	2	Ah, you can't imagine how long I've waited to do this!	
FormID: 03029FE9	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZRQ1Attacked	0	By me? No. Not at all. That's for sure. Otherwise one of us wouldn't be here, wouldn't we?	
FormID: 0302EC47	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	0	Nice to see you again!	
FormID: 0302EC47	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	1	A lot happened, and, err, how do I put it?	
FormID: 0302EC47	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	2	We've got a contract! Of sorts. Not what we expected when we set up shop here, though. I fear that's something you need to do.	
FormID: 0302EC47	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	3	It's about interviews.	
FormID: 0302EC4D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMQInterview1	0	Yes, Mirili Ulven of Highcross likes to know a few more facts. Which is to say a lot more. This time about people. 	
__ええ。HightcrossのMirili Ulvenが自分の研究をさらに進めるたいと言っていまして、今回は人々についての調査をする事になりました。
FormID: 0302EC4D	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMQInterview1	1	About races, to be exact. No, no cutting open bodies or anything. Or painting pictures with nudity.	
FormID: 0302EC4E	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMQInterview2	0	Knowledge. She asked us to talk to important people, what they think about their own race. Race lore, so to speak.	
FormID: 0302EC4E	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMQInterview2	1	Unfortunately these aren't the Isles. While both Tessarayiel and myself can enter cities, going straight to important people may stretch our luck.	
FormID: 0302EC4E	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMQInterview2	2	So what I ask of you is to go outside, talk with some important people. Nothing more, nothing less.	
FormID: 0302EC4F	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMQInterview3	0	Remember it has to be important people. Take Khajiit as an exmple: Dro'Nahrah would be a good candidate. Radirsha? Not so much.	
FormID: 0302EC4F	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMQInterview3	1	Mirili didn't specify a number, so I've listed three potential candidates that I know of. Maybe you should interview a few more, if you find some. Two should be enough, though.	
FormID: 0302EC4F	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMQInterview3	2	Keep in mind that it's about important people. So, are you up to doing it?	
FormID: 0302EC63	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMQInterview3a	0	Great! Alright, here's my list of candidates. Have fun!	
FormID: 0302EC64	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMQInterview3b	0	If that's so, I won't bring this up again.	
FormID: 03031C93	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery1	0	Great timing! In fact we have a new task.	
FormID: 03031C93	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery1	1	Although I'm reluctant to send anyone. Well, neither Zerreshju nor myself would be welcome there, anyway.	
FormID: 03031C93	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery1	2	We were asked to deliver a certain daedric item. One of the old styles.	
__依頼というのはね。とあるdaedric itemを配達してくれという話なの。いくらか古めいた形式のdaedric itemよ。
FormID: 03031C94	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery2	0	Daedric items are made out of ebony, in which a daedric soul got forged in.	
__Daedric itemはDaedraの魂をこめたebonyから作られるのよ。
FormID: 03031C94	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery2	1	Today mindless beasts are used mostly. A few centuries back everything was free game.	
FormID: 03031C94	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery2	2	Which lead to sentient items driving their wearers insane. Nasty business.	
FormID: 03031C95	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery3	0	This someone is Raminus Polus of the Mages Guild, yes. He already located the item, and sent someone to get it. Whose mind now is in the property of Lord Sheogorath, I fear.	
__そうよ。Mages GuildのRaminus Polus。彼は既にitemの在り処に見当を付けていたから人を派遣して探索に当たらせたんだけど、残念ながらそのエージェントの精神はLord Sheogorathに支配されてしまっているかもしれない。
FormID: 03031C95	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery3	1	As I've said, I don't feel comfortable about this. Although these kind of relics are very dangerous. We would do a good deed by removing this threat.	
FormID: 03031C95	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery3	2	It's your choice, I guess. I can tell you what you'd need to do, if you want to do it.	
FormID: 03031C96	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery4	0	First of all find the item. It's a book, [QUOTE]Tome of Laughing[QUOTE]. As far as I know Sontaire tried to sell it for a very long time now. She succeeded, but the delivery never made it back to Mundus.	
__まず第一に、そのitemを探さなくちゃならないわ。「Tome of Laughing」という本よ。私の知っている限りではSontaireが誰かに売りつけようと長年の間ずっと頑張っていたみたいね。そしてようやく買い手が現れたわけだけど、買い付け人はMundusに戻ってこれなくなった、と。
FormID: 03031C96	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery4	1	Then get the book. Bring it to Raminus Polus. Whatever it does, do not drop it. Daedric relics can be quite unpredictable if dropped.	
__本を入手したらRaminus Polusの元に届けてあげて。本の正体がどんなものであれ、決して手離してはならないわ。こういうDaedricの遺産を手離したらどんな事態を招くか予想がつかないからね。
FormID: 03031C96	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery4	2	That is probably the hardest part. It will affect you, one way or another. I can't predict in which. And you'll be stuck with it until you arrive back in mundus. Even longer, until you hand it over to Raminus.	
FormID: 03031C96	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery4	3	Worse yet I fear you'll need to travel by normal means as soon as you've got the book. So, what is it?	
FormID: 03031C97	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ4Recovery1	0	Changed your mind?	

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