L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgXQ7Rogue-02 のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 0312183F bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForA 0 Entaiss, I guess?
FormID: 0312183F bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForA 1 Oh, don't be surprised. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't in my power to know what's going on. And Tesserayiel always had a chip on her shoulder concerning apostates. Golden Saints serving other Princes.
__そんなに驚かないで下さい。その程度は世情に詳しくなければ私はここに暮らしていけませんよ。それにTesserayielは他のPrinceに仕えるようなはぐれのGolden Saintにカリカリしていますからね。
FormID: 0312183F bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForA 2 There is a short and a long answer. If you want to uncover everything, go to Brindle Home. Though you will not find what you're looking for there, but something else.
__手短に答えましょう。といっても少し長くなりますが。全てを知りたいのならば、まずはBrindle Homeに行って下さい。けれどそこには探し物そのものはありません。別のものが見つかるでしょう。
FormID: 0312183F bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForA 3 As for Entaiss herself, she's gone into hiding, fearing Tesserayiel's executor. Oh she knows. And has warded herself against scrying magic. I cannot even say if she is on this plane anymore.
FormID: 0312183F bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForA 4 If you want to take the short route, check bandit hideouts throughout County Chorrol. You will not find any answers, even if you find her this way though.
FormID: 03121840 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB2 0 Yes, one stayed here a night, a couple of months ago. Was heading towards Brindle Home, asked for the way even. Try your luck there. Or go see Tumindil at our chapel. Your choice.
FormID: 03121841 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB3 0 I've got so many visitors, don't expect me to recall all names.
FormID: 03121842 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB1 0 Doesn't J'shiv sells a spell to summon one? Or is this one's knowledge about Conjuration not deep enough? Then J'shiv suggests scrolls to summon them.
FormID: 03121843 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB2 0 J'shiv suggests the chapel. Tuliphead was even able to put the Bosmer back together that stole J'shiv's shoes!
FormID: 03121844 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB3 0 She is not where she ought to be, and she will burn in waters endless. A soul lost to broken promises and change for unchange!
FormID: 03121844 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB3 1 Excuse this one. What did J'shiv said? This one doesn't recall.
FormID: 03121845 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForA 0 Say the name!
FormID: 03121846 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB3 0 Ah yes, her. I guess Tesserayiel finally cracked and can't tolerate a poor servant of Azura anymore? Most Aureal are like this, without patience and understanding of those who are not like themselves.
FormID: 03121846 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB3 1 I'm quite surprised you're still after her. I had the feeling she was already been banished? Lured into a trap in Broken Promises Cave, just to add insult to injury?
__しかし、あなたがまだ彼女を見つけていないなんてちょっと意外よ。彼女、もうBroken Promises Caveで罠にでもかかって死んでしまったんじゃないかしら?死んではいなくても怪我はしているかもね。
FormID: 03121846 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB3 2 Maybe I am wrong, and then you should check out what's going on there.
FormID: 03121F58 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForA 0 Not much to be found around here. What are looking for?
FormID: 03121F59 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForA 0 For what?
FormID: 03121F5A bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForA 0 Something specific?
FormID: 03121F5B bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForA 0 Yes, child?
FormID: 03121F5C bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForA 0 How can I help?
FormID: 03121F5D bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB1 0 Oh. Did you come from Vvardenfell? Morrowind by chance? We don't have any problems with Golden Saints around here. Beasts, yes. Insane cultists? Sometimes. Golden Saints? Never.
__ああ、あなたはMorrowind出身ですか?ひょっとしてVvardenfell?この辺りではGolden Saint関連の事件は何も起きていませんよ。怪物とか狂信者の集団に手を焼く事はありますが、Golden Saintと係わり合いになる事はありません。
FormID: 03121F5E bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB2 0 You should head back to Skingrad.
FormID: 03121F5F bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB3 0 Ah, I remember her! She moved into a house north of our town, halfway to Hackdirt. Keeps to herself mostly, barely leaves her house. She doesn't seem to be very social.
FormID: 03121F60 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB1 0 Want to hear my honest opinion? That [QUOTE]Altmer[QUOTE] living north of here isn't one. I've seen it's eyes change for a second, as a twig falling from a tree hit [QUOTE]her[QUOTE]. I swear it looked like a snake's eye!
FormID: 03121F61 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB2 0 Both Astante and myself are Altmer, but we're farmers. There are no Altmer healers around.
FormID: 03121F62 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB3 0 Never heard the name.
FormID: 03121F63 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB1 0 We weren't attacked by Daedra if that's what you mean. However those two Altmer around here certainly like to act snobby and all holy. Take your pick. I'd rather deal with Daedra on their bad days.
FormID: 03121F64 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB2 0 The two Altmer in Brindle Home are farmers, not healers. There was another Altmer, some kind of mage, north of here. Last I seen of her was travelling to the west. No wonder she wanted to get away from here.
FormID: 03121F65 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB3 0 I'm not good with names. I had troubles memorizing the name of our late Emperor, Urkel Septim the serpent.
FormID: 03121F66 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB1 0 Oh? We're not saints, and we certainly aren't golden. We're just devoted disciplines of the Nine caring about our garden, helping weary travellers on their way.
FormID: 03121F67 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB2 0 Sister Phebe is of Breton origin, and I'm of Bosmer. You shouldn't judge a healer's worth on their race, that is unfair to all devoted souls serving mankind and the Nine.
FormID: 03121F75 bgXQ7Rogue GREETING 0 I've heard Karashivuel talking with you about the rogue Aureal. Entaiss, she who serves neither Lord Sheogorath nor our cause.
__野良AurealについてあなたとKarashivuelが話しているのを聞いたわ。彼女の名はEntaiss。今まで一度もLord Sheogorath様に仕えた事もなければ、わたし達と同じ目的の為に働いた事もないわね。
FormID: 03121F75 bgXQ7Rogue GREETING 1 That's unfortunate. I had wished to solve this issue without others getting involved. It seems Karashivuel didn't share my concerns.
FormID: 03121F75 bgXQ7Rogue GREETING 2 And now you're also involved. I don't mean to force this upon you, but the quicker the situation is dealt with, the better.
FormID: 03121F79 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1a 0 It's a difficult situation. Do not lie to yourself: After all we've done as the Stranded Light, Golden Saints are still throughoutly feared in this world.
__そんなに単純な話ではないの。強がりを言っては駄目よ。Stranded Lightの活動を通して色々と頑張ってはきたけれど、相変わらず世間ではGolden Saintは危険な存在として恐れられているわ。
FormID: 03121F79 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1a 1 That Lord Sheogorath sent every Aureal with anger management issues to Morrowind didn't help our cause, too. It will take some time for us to be accepted for what we are.
__MorrowindではLord Sheogorathが荒事のためにAurealを派遣したわ。そういう事情もあって偏見を取り除くのは難しいの。人々に受け入れられるようになるまでにはいくらか時間がかかるわね。
FormID: 03121F79 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1a 2 In the populace's eyes I'm still an Altmer. Never forget that. Rogue Golden Saints may not only hinder our efforts, but may also expose us to the public. This must not happen.
__人々の目には、私はAltmerのように見えているけれどね。覚えておいて。野良のGolden Saintを放置していたら私達の目的の妨げになるだけでなく、正体を暴かれるきっかけになってしまうかも知れないの。それだけは絶対に避けなくっちゃ駄目!
FormID: 03121F7A bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1b 0 You're kin, so you know we're not all like. Yet I didn't want to force you to raise your hand against kin.
FormID: 03121F7A bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1b 1 I certainly couldn't do it.
FormID: 03121F7B bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1b 0 You're not kin, you're even a Dark Seducer. I really appreciate that you're helping me, and stand by us. I didn't want to inflame any of our kin's old animosities.
__あなたは確かに同族じゃない。Dark Seducerですらあるわね。今まで手伝ってくれた事には本当に感謝しているわ。今の私達があるのはあなたのおかげと言っても過言じゃない。だからこそ、古い種族間の対立みたいな話であなたの名を汚したくなかったの。
FormID: 03121F7B bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1b 1 And this is a situation that would, and now likely will, put a Dark Seducer against a Golden Saint. This shouldn't happen in this world and beyond anymore.
__そんな対立は過去の話にしたいのよ。Dark SeducerとGolden Saintは手を取り合うべきだわ。この世界においては決して争ってはならないと思うの。
FormID: 03121F7C bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1b 0 You're not kin, you're even a Daedra Seducer. I know that a lot of your kind are lordless wanderers, and I feared by confronting you with a rogue Golden Saint I may stir up some bad memories.
__あなたは確かに同族じゃない。Daedra Seducerよね。あなたの種族の多くが放浪生活を送っている事は私も知っているわ。だからこそ、あなたがその野良のGolden Saintと会ったときに自分を重ねてしまって嫌な気分になりはしないかと思ってね。
FormID: 03121F7C bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1b 1 I didn't want to pit you against someone who walks on a path you might have taken, if you had chosen a different path.
FormID: 03121F7D bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1b 0 You're not kin, you're even a Xivilai. I know of your kind's tendency towards violence, and I didn't want to enkindle them by sending you on a task which may result in a bloodshed.
FormID: 03121F7D bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1b 1 We should look forward, strive to be what we should be. I didn't want to bring you in a situation where you'd need to fight for us, for a matter hopefully of no concern to mortals.
FormID: 03121F7E bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1b 0 You're not kin, you're mortal, and as such had limited exposure to the darker sides of my kind. Those tendencies we strive to overcome.
FormID: 03121F7E bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1b 1 Forgive me my vanity, but I didn't want you to see what we can also be.
FormID: 03121F7F bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1c 0 She knows how to deal with deviant Daedra, and I trust her to be strong enough to prevail against the rogue Saint.
FormID: 03121F7F bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1c 1 I hate to admit it, but most other Daedra that joined us aren't. Zerreshju and Kanaane, diplomats and merchants. Nareyla, unable to fight. Gever and Frondre, males. Quurunae? Don't ask.
FormID: 03121F7F bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7RogueSaint1c 2 We are, all in all, a peaceful guild. This shows in our members. In this case I fear some combat prowess is necessary.
FormID: 03121F8A bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB3 0 I've heard of her. She sent a letter, asked if she could stay here for a while. However the messenger found her house to the west already abandoned.
FormID: 03121F8B bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB2 0 Skingrad and Cheydinhal have healers of Altmer origin. However you shouldn't judge books by their covers. Even an Orc can be a fantastic healer, as Chorrol's local priest shows.
FormID: 03121F8C bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB3 0 That's an odd name. Did you know it has a certain daedric quality? However something seems to be amiss. Likely just some funky Khajiit name, right? Putting together just because it sounds funny. Ah well.
FormID: 03121F8D bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB1 0 Funny that you mention it. I'm probably one of the few who didn't slept through chapel teachings on Daedra, and I'm very sure that one's living west of here, alone in a hut south of Hackdirt.
FormID: 03121F8D bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7LookingForB1 1 However she's entirely harmless. Never hurt anyone. On the contrary, she helps wounded and weary traveller. Maybe even Daedra can have a good soul.
FormID: 03121F9D bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthers 0 Sure, if you've got the book with you and hand it over. However I will need some time. So if you need to know any specifics, let me know so I can look for them!
FormID: 03121F9E bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthers 0 I am a bit disappointed that you don't try to translate it yourself, but if you need help, I will oblige. Just give me the book and tell me what you need to know.
FormID: 03121F9F bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthers 0 Interesting. Daedric writings, yes, I can read and write and transform it. Give me the book and you'll have everything readable in no time!
FormID: 03121FA0 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthers 0 Hunting for another one, are you? Oh, of course I can help. Just tell me what you want me to know from it. I won't give you a complete translation. My time is limited, after all.
FormID: 03121FA1 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthers 0 Just a wild guess: The text you're talking about was written by Entiass? Go to Tesserayiel.
FormID: 03121FA2 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthersC 0 Then how should I translate it? Do you know each and every letter? Don't think so. So get the book to me first!
FormID: 03121FA3 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthersC 0 No book, no translation.
FormID: 03121FA4 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthersC 0 Then bring it to me. Otherwise I won't be able to help you.
FormID: 03121FA5 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthersC 0 Without the text I cannot help you.
FormID: 03121FA7 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthersB 0 If I don't have the book, I cannot translate anything in it.
FormID: 03121FA8 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthersB 0 Without the book in my hands, I will not be able to do anything.
FormID: 03121FA9 bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthersB 0 Then I won't be able to translate it for you. And that you certainly wouldn't want, otherwise why did you asked me?
FormID: 03121FAA bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthersB 0 No book, no translation.
FormID: 03121FAB bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthersA 0 Hm. That is a lot. And certainly an... interesting text, to say the least. I will probably need a lot more time to study it. Is there anything specific you need to know?
FormID: 03121FAB bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthersA 1 Translating everything can take me a month, or more.
FormID: 03121FAE bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthersA 0 A lot of valuable information. You wouldn't believe what treasure lies in this little letters. It will take time diving into it. Any specific you're looking for?
FormID: 03121FAE bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthersA 1 Translating everything would take too much of our time for now.
FormID: 03121FAF bgXQ7Rogue bgXQ7BookOthersA 0 What is this? Oh my. That's bad. Really, really bad. A nightmare, straight out of Vaermina's realm it could be!

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