L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgXQ6Moon のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 030FD5DC bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 0 As I've said, I can't help you.
FormID: 030FD5DD bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 0 Congratulations!
FormID: 030FD5DE bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 0 Why exactly are you asking?
FormID: 030FD5DE bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 1 It's a terrible and dangerous weapon. I don't know what happened to it. And quite frankly, I don't want to know.
FormID: 030FD5DF bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 0 You've found it? Oh well, better you than, say, anyone else.
FormID: 030FD5DF bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 1 Nevertheless some things should be kept at the bottom of the ocean. This weapon is one of them.
FormID: 030FD5E0 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 0 Once I walk freely on this world, then you may have my help. Otherwise you're on your own.
FormID: 030FD5E1 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 0 You have pretty much destroyed my only hope to be free in this century. Don't think I will help you.
FormID: 030FD5E2 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 0 I am sorry, but I will only trust members of the Stranded Light with handling this terrible weapon.
FormID: 030FD5E3 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 0 You want this terrible weapon? Alright, you've freed me. And I don't want to know what in Oblivion told you that I've taken the sword with me.
FormID: 030FD5E3 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 1 It's hidden. Of course I don't have it with me! In fact I've set up trail of enchanted chests and keys, so no one can get it by accident.
FormID: 030FD5E3 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 2 The first key you need to get is hidden in Capstone Cavern, which is somewhere west of Bruma. It's a reddish key. Which then can open a chest in Belda, an Ayleid ruin between Cheydinhal and the Imperial City.
FormID: 030FD5E3 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 3 There you'll get a purple key. With it you're able to get the sword itself. I've dumped it where I entered this world, in Fort Etius, at the spring of the Silverfish River.
FormID: 030FD5E3 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 4 The chests have an additional mechanism, which you should now be able to bypass. They're heavily enchanted, and open only to those knowing their purpose. Which you do now.
FormID: 030FD5E3 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 5 Good luck! I'm going to enjoy my freedom, and honestly, I don't want to have anything to do with the sword anymore. May it bring you more luck than any of it's previous owners.
FormID: 030FF179 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 0 Why are you asking? Don't say you've angered or had killed the only person able to tell you exactly where to look for the sword?
FormID: 030FF179 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 1 Well, thinking about it. It's a powerful sword, which needs multiple safeguards. If I would have to hide it, that's what I would do:
FormID: 030FF179 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 2 First, put it to wherever I have entered the world. Regardless of how we enter this world, the liminal barrier at these places is usually quite thin. It draws Conjurers and other people interested in Daedra to it.
FormID: 030FF179 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 3 Which are great guardians. Then I would leave behind me a trail of chests and keys, which you would need to follow from finish to start. The finish is likely around wherever Firukuruzk is now. There the first key will be.
FormID: 030FF179 bgXQ6Moon bgXQ6MoonReaver 4 And then? Happy searching. Good luck.

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