L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgPMQ5Element のバックアップソース(No.5)

FormID: 0312D788	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start1	0	Who told you? Hopefully the demented artists don't know about it! That'd be a catastrophe! They'd surely steal it!	
FormID: 0312D789	bgPMQ5Element	GREETING	0	Oh! Hello? Sorry, you surprised me.	
FormID: 0312D78A	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start2	0	Hm. So now she tries to help me? Her kind of apology after what she let me go through with the Xivilai?	
FormID: 0312D78B	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start2a	0	I did not exactly felt inclined to shout her name.	
FormID: 0312D78D	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start2b	0	Hard to say. It felt like she was about to break pelvic bones. Several times. And my skin at certain part is really sore. Bled even at the end. No permanent damage to my body was done, nevertheless. My mind? I do not know.	
FormID: 0312D78E	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start2c	0	Go to our gallery and take a look yourself. I would laugh if it hadn't been me who had to suffer. Needlessly, to add insult to injury.	
FormID: 0312D78F	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start2d	0	It's a thing of the past. A shared past which won't be closed history as long as I live.	
FormID: 0312D790	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start3	0	Ah, good! Yes, I thought [QUOTE]why color everything with brushes?[QUOTE], and remembered that it is possible to prepare a canvas to react to magic.	
FormID: 0312D790	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start3	1	Next an idea came to me: [QUOTE]Why not capture the interplay of magics onto canvas using this technique?[QUOTE]	
FormID: 0312D790	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start3	2	It'll be revolutionary! Something you just can't do with normal colors. They don't, how to put it? Live? Magic is a force of it's own, to actually translate it directly into a painting, that was never done before!	
FormID: 0312D790	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start3	3	Of course there always were enchanted brushes and palettes, and other trinkets. That's not the same!	
FormID: 0312D794	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start4	0	I'm no wizard, sorcerer, mage, or however else you want to call it. I don't have any talent in casting spells.	
FormID: 0312D794	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start4	1	So I need your help to cast the right combination of spells on the canvas. I've already asked Yan-Tissam, but she didn't want to help.	
FormID: 0312D795	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start4a	0	No, no, no. The canvas is set to only react to specific kinds of magic. Like fire, but not poison.	
FormID: 0312D796	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start4b	0	It's not necessary to finish the painting, simply casting different magics will be enough.	
FormID: 0312D796	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start4b	1	The result however could be strange. Like vomit inducing strange, for sheer uglyness.	
FormID: 0312D798	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start4c	0	If you're ready to try, I put it just outside of Zendria. I'll wait most of the day near it. Not that near, don't want to be caught in any blast. Had enough after my meetings with the Xivilai already.	
FormID: 0312D799	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start5	0	Cast the right six magics in the right order at the canvas.	
FormID: 0312D799	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start5	1	It's about the elements. Find out which magic corresponds best to which element, then find out in which order they appeared at the dawn of time.	
FormID: 0312D799	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start5	2	Unfortunately I don't have any idea where to get the necessary informations from. That's up to you. Good luck!	
FormID: 0312D799	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Start5	3	Two words of warning: First, only use simple spells. Anything else could create whatever results. Second, there's no way to undo spells cast at the canvas. Be careful. That's a complicated painting to create.	
FormID: 0312D79B	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Depending on the time people believed differend occurences to be elements. Today in Mundus those unblessed by Lord Sheogorath believe the four basic elements to be fire and water, air and earth.	
__元素の定義は時代によって異なります。現代のMundusにおいてLord Sheogorathの祝福を受けていない人々の間では「火」「水」「大気」「土」が基礎的な4元素として捉えられていますが、
FormID: 0312D79B	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	1	In times past the Ayleids however believed that fire was only a weaker, impure form of light, which they considered an element.	
FormID: 0312DE7F	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	You're a curious one.	
FormID: 0312DE7F	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	1	The first et'Ada who took physical shape consisted of classical elemental forces. You know them as [QUOTE]Atronachs[QUOTE]. What came last were beings like myself. Or the Aureal. Or the Makads. Or the Dremora. Or the Xivilai.	
FormID: 0312DE7F	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	2	Flesh.	
FormID: 0312DE80	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements1Turumerin	0	Not directly. You can summon beings made of flesh, but not flesh as a force in itself.	
FormID: 0312DE80	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements1Turumerin	1	However if you want to indulge in carnal desires, you know where you can find me.	
FormID: 0312DE82	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Fire is one of the most important enemies. You burn inside, like a wick of a candle. Burn too hot, and you'll wither and die. That's the lesson the Goblet of Flames teach!	
__「火」は人類にとって最大の脅威の一つです。我々一人一人の中にはさながら蝋燭の芯のように「火」がともっています。この「火」が熱く燃えすぎると我々は消耗し死に至るのです。Goblet of Flamesが伝えてくれる教訓ですね。
FormID: 0312DE83	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Look around you. What do you see surrounding this island?	
FormID: 0312DE86	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements1Sirelle	0	Exactly. It may not have been the first element in existence, but it's one of the most important ones. Without it, there can't be any life.	
FormID: 0312DE87	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Arriashe walks on it. The visitor does, too.	
FormID: 0312DE87	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	1	What came first, the chicken, or the egg, or the cat living from the chicken causing the chickens to fly? Or did they always fly?	
FormID: 0312DE88	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Once I dwelled in darkness, would have never considered granting it the honor of being an element. Yet now that I'm here, I cannot stop to admire light. It certainly is even more primal than fire.	
FormID: 0312DE8D	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Being mortal must be a humble existence. Like a leaf falling from a tree, twirling in the wind. Just to land somewhere, without means to do anything except rot away. And what carries the leaves away? Air.	
FormID: 0312DE8E	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	What does every smith need? Fire. It's one of the most primal forces. Like a sword is forged in fire, entire nations and realms are. Without fire there would be only lifelessness.	
FormID: 0312DE8F	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Ever cut yourself? What comes out? Blood. What's blood made of? Mostly? Water. They say blood is thicker than water, and that's true, as you know if you ever tried to clean a bloodied finery.	
FormID: 0312DE90	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	I know no one believes me, but I say life. Life is a force seperate from all others, taking flesh as it's form. I've indulged in enough to know.	
FormID: 0312DE91	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	What are storms? Just moving air. And yet they carry with them even more ancient forces. Air is not only an element, it's a carrier.	
FormID: 0312DE92	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	All those nonsense about elements! Bah! One of the very fundamental forces is always overlooked, which is time. Fire on the contrary? That's a reaction. Being liquid? A state of being. Hardly something you could call an element!	
FormID: 0312DE92	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	1	Without time nothing would exist, could exist. Not even the et'Ada!	
FormID: 0312DE94	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements1Earil	0	Time is certainly a force, yet would I call it an element? No, not really.	
FormID: 0312DE94	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements1Earil	1	And the first it isn't, neither. At the beginning there was only the Gray Maybe. Then it seperated itself into light - IS -, and darkness - IS NOT -. Light was the first that seperated the Gray Maybe, both it's presence and absence.	
__それに「最初の元素」というわけでもないでしょう。万物の始まりに存在したのはGray Maybeのみです。そこには光と闇の区別も無ければ、有と無の区別もありませんでした。やがて最初の「光」がGray Maybeから分かたれて、初めて事物に「有と無」の区別が生まれたのです。
FormID: 0312DE94	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements1Earil	2	Time only appeared afterwards.	
FormID: 0312DE96	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements1Earil2	0	I read a lot of obscure, hard to find texts. That's what mages do. Not writing rhymes, you know? Ever read the fragments of [QUOTE]The Heresy of Two Faces[QUOTE]? You should! It's a good read!	
__稀少な書物を読み漁ったものですが、この件に関する記述を見つけるのは困難でしたよ。魔術師の仕事というのはこういうものなのです。分かるでしょう?詩を書くのとはわけが違うのです。ところで[QUOTE]The Heresy of Two Faces[QUOTE]はお読みになりましたか?まだ読んでいないのなら是非!素晴らしい本ですよ!
FormID: 0312DE97	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Good, solid ground. Safe as long as it's not turned up to walls. I just wish there would be more flat earth, and less walls.	
FormID: 0312DE98	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Ever drank enough? Do it, and you'll see the light! Yes, light. Beautiful, beautiful light.	
FormID: 0312DE99	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	You want to know why people drink? To douse the fire burning in them. What a blessing the first rain must have been, quenching the fires within.	
FormID: 0312DE99	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	1	So you want to drink something, or not?	
FormID: 0312DE9A	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Remember what you do when you cook! First you heat the water, then you put the ingredients into it. Elements are similar, of that I'm sure. Everything is similar to cooking!	
FormID: 0312DE9B	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	It's confusing! When you're born, you'll see the light for the first time. Yet as the end of my life draws closer, I fear I have to face the light at the end! That does not make any sense.	
FormID: 0312DE9C	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	I'm sure the two pairs of opposites belong together: Air and earth, fire and water. Opposites attract each other, you know?	
FormID: 0312DE9D	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Many, especially in Dementia and Crucible, believe that darkness was the beginning. I've heard it was only an uncertain state of grayness. Only as light emerged, darkness could manifest. And with it, later causing everything else.	
FormID: 0312DE9E	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Magic1Light	0	You're joking, right? Ever heard of, you know, [QUOTE]light[QUOTE]?	
FormID: 0312DE9F	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Magic2Fire	0	How about a plain old fireball spell? Or anything else using flames? Just guessing.	
FormID: 0312DEA0	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Magic3Water	0	Now that's an interesting question!	
FormID: 0312DEA0	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Magic3Water	1	There's no direct water magic. Water walking and water breathing change how you react to water. Frost being the opposite of heat, which is fire, could also be considered part of the water domain.	
__直接的に「水」と関わる魔法はありません。Water walkingやwater breathingの魔法は自身と水との関わりを変化させますし、Frost系の魔法は「熱」つまり「火」の逆を行くわけですから、これも「水」に関わる魔法の範疇に入れて構わないのかも知れません。
FormID: 0312DEA1	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Magic4Earth	0	I do not know. Could have something to do with people rooting to a place, like burden. Or with protecting you, like through an earthlike embrace, see shield spells. However keep in mind it's opposite is air. Air is movement. Hm.	
FormID: 0312DEA2	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Magic5Air	0	Water breathing allows you to draw air out of water. Lightnings are commonly associated to air, too. I guess it's either of these two.	
__Water breathingの魔法は「水」から「大気」を引き出します。Lightningsの魔法も、一般的に「大気」と結び付けられますね。多分、この2つの魔法のうちどちらかだと思いますよ。
FormID: 0312DEA3	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Magic6Flesh	0	Summoning? Doing something with your body? Like increasing your health, making you more resistant to disease, mending broken bones? A good question. I don't have an answer.	
FormID: 0312DEA4	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Magic3Water	0	Ever spent some quality time together with someone in snow? There is a lot of water afterwards! I've tried, and it was an unique experience.	
FormID: 0312DEA5	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Magic4Earth	0	Ever felt unable to move, like your body being made of solid stone? Unable to change whatever fate awaits you, because your body no longers answers? There's only kind of magic always causing this result.	
FormID: 0312DEA6	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Magic5Air	0	Lightnings, of course. They're a lot more harmless than any wall crashing down. The chance to be hit by one is a lot smaller!	
FormID: 0312DEA7	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Magic6Flesh	0	Being healthy again.	
FormID: 0312DEA8	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Magic4Earth	0	I'm immune to it!	
FormID: 0312DEA9	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Magic6Flesh	0	Several possibilities. Several kinds of magic. I think while no magic creates flesh as you would create a fireball, the closest thing is mending flesh. Closing wounds it likely is.	
FormID: 0312DEAA	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Have a naughty thought: Imagine me lying under you, and Turumerin above you. That's a sandwich. And the order of common elements is one, too. Those you can't touch are on the outside, while you can touch us.	
FormID: 0312DEAA	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	1	If you're willing to contribute your part.	
FormID: 0312DEAB	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Let me tell you about a small, but often overlooked history detail: After Mundus was created, the Daedric Princes gathered free Creatia and formed their realms. Only after everything was there, air emerged. It couldn't be held before.	
__ちょっとした歴史小話をさせてもらって良いかしら?よく見落とされがちだけれど、Mundusが創造された後、Daedric Princeたちは余ったCreatiaを集めてそれぞれ自分のrealmを創ったの。全てはそこから生まれたのよ。それ以前は「大気」すら無かったの。
FormID: 0312DEAB	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	1	Hope that helps you, my apple pie.	
FormID: 0312DEAC	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	The old Ayleid though fire to be a direct descendent of light. If you're looking for more than the commonly accepted four elements, I would keep that in mind.	
FormID: 0312DEAD	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	My calculations show that you have already heard the answer. Or haven't you paid attention? Think about what you've heard while you helped rebuilding the Gatekeeper of this forsaken realm.	
FormID: 0312DEAE	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	0	Oh! I've read about this before!	
FormID: 0312DEAE	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	1	Hm. What was it? First water, then fire? Or was it earth? I had formulated a sentence to remember it! There were two vowels in it, and the fifth word began with one. More I can't recall.	
FormID: 0312DEAE	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Elements0General	2	I am sorry, but I have so much to learn and so many duties day by day.	
FormID: 0312DEB1	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Finished1	0	Oh! I've seen! You finished casting spells at it!	
FormID: 0312DEB1	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Finished1	1	It's not yet ready. The colors will take some time to develop, a few days at most. We'll see what came out of it, then.	
FormID: 0312DEB1	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Finished1	2	I'm so exited!	
FormID: 0312DEB2	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Finished2	0	No. Now my painting just needs time to ripen.	
FormID: 0312DEB2	bgPMQ5Element	bgPMQ5Finished2	1	Thanks for your help. Hopefully you were right with your choices.	

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