L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgOQ1ShavedDecree-02 のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 0300BB06 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 0 Again the Suthay Decree? Oh well.
__またSuthay Decreeの話ですか?
FormID: 0300BB07 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC1 0 I don't think so.
FormID: 0300BB07 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC1 1 Or do you mean my city guards?
FormID: 0300BB07 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC1 2 No, they're no knights. Their speciality is every day crime, not going on crusades against terrorists.
FormID: 0300BB07 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC1 3 I wouldn't want them to go out hunting the Krin, like I wouldn't want them to go searching for deadly ticks on a minotaur.
FormID: 0300BB08 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC1 0 Only the two of you? You and Mazoga? That's not enough. By far not enough. It's more a honary title, you know?
FormID: 0300BB09 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC1 0 Only the two of you? You and Mazoga? That's not enough. By far not enough. It's more a honary title, you know?
FormID: 0300BB09 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC1 1 Although, thinking about it: You're a Khajiit, and a Knight of the White Stallion, too!
__とはいえ…。君自身もKhajiitだったな。KhajiitのKnight of the White Stallionか!
FormID: 0300BB09 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC1 2 Maybe there is a bit hope. Hm. For your services to Leyawiin I support your request.
FormID: 0300BB09 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC1 3 Just don't tell anyone.
FormID: 0300BB0A bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2 0 Unjust?
FormID: 0300BB0A bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2 1 I'll tell you what's unjust!
FormID: 0300BB0A bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2 2 Seeing villages burned to the ground, hearing stories of kidnapped children and wifes.
FormID: 0300BB0A bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2 3 Seeing skooma pouring from Elsweyr throughout the Empire. The world is not just.
FormID: 0300BB0A bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2 4 And some bring down their doom onto themselves!
FormID: 0300BB0B bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2 0 Some say that Tiber Septim's ascension to the throne was unjust. Maybe it was, after all he conquered all of Tamriel. People don't like to be conquered.
__Tiber Septimの昇天は正義に反すると主張する者がいる。おそらく彼らは、Tiber帝がTamriel全土を征服した事実を指して非難するのだろう。征服を歓迎する者はいないからな。
FormID: 0300BB0B bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2 1 In the end he replaced war with peace, quarrels with cooperation. And brought forth a new era. Best one Cyrodiil has seen in ages!
FormID: 0300BB0B bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2 2 But the era is at it's end now. Old structures dissolve. Strife will follow. The Suthay Decree may be one of the few things between us and civil unrest.
__しかしその平和も今や終焉を迎えようとしている。旧体制にしがみついても、不和を助長させるだけかも知れない。そういう意味ではSuthay Decreeも、我々統治者と市民との間に不和を生じさせる要因の一つと言えるのかもしれないな。
FormID: 0300BB0F bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2a 0 And which?
FormID: 0300BB0F bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2a 1 You don't look like the type to know death and destruction on a large scale!
FormID: 0300BB10 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2a 0 Kvatch?
FormID: 0300BB10 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2a 1 You've made your point! Yes, as bad as the Renjira Krin is, at least they're of our world.
FormID: 0300BB10 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2a 2 At least we already know how to deal with them. Whatever hit Kvatch, maybe we'll never know.
FormID: 0300BB11 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2b 0 Did you happen to know that Khajiit means [QUOTE]those who deserts[QUOTE]?
FormID: 0300BB11 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2b 1 Which is to say, [QUOTE]desert walker[QUOTE]. They're some feline species coming from a desert. A desert!
FormID: 0300BB11 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2b 2 Does Cyrodiil looks like a desert?
FormID: 0300BB11 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2b 3 I don't think so!
FormID: 0300BB12 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2b 0 Strange! I always thought of Khajiit as [QUOTE]desert walkers[QUOTE], as the name of your race suggests.
FormID: 0300BB12 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2b 1 Although you're here. And a lot of your kin, too. Hm.
FormID: 0300BB12 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2b 2 That is strange. Maybe even those originated in a desert want to leave it?
FormID: 0300BB12 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2b 3 At least I can understand that. You've got my support!
FormID: 0300BB13 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2c 0 According to whom?
FormID: 0300BB13 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2c 1 Topal the Pilot?
FormID: 0300BB13 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2c 2 For Allesia's sake, he reported Orcs in Cyrodiil before Boethia ate Trinimac!
FormID: 0300BB13 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2c 3 It's just a children's story. Even the creation myth of the Khajiit themselves, about their forest people origin and that stuff makes more sense.
FormID: 0300BB13 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC2c 4 And trust me, the Khajiit's origin myth doesn't make any sense at all!
FormID: 0300BB15 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC0 0 Get going.
FormID: 0300BB16 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC3 0 Is that so?
FormID: 0300BB16 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC3 1 No, I don't think so. Few are powerful enough. The eternal champion, perhaps. Uncle Fyr (or was it Crassius?), maybe. Vivec, if he hadn't have disappeared.
__いや、無理だな。それほどの力を持った人物などほとんどいない。eternal championやUncle Fyr…Crassiusだったか?彼らと同等の力量が必要だろう。Vivecならあるいはとも思うが、失踪中だ。
FormID: 0300BB16 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC3 2 Not you.
FormID: 0300BB18 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC3a 0 Rabbits are cute! Err. The room, it's getting green. Where does the sound comes from?
FormID: 0300BB19 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC3 0 The Champion of Cyrodiil!
__そうか!君はChampion of Cyrodiilだったな!
FormID: 0300BB19 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMC3 1 Of course! You've beaten those Daedra back. Now pushing back those bandits shouldn't be that hard. For your services to the whole Empire I'll grant you Leyawiin's support!
FormID: 0300C1F4 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 0 Again the Suthay Decree? Oh well.
__またSuthay Decreeの話ですか?
FormID: 0300C1F6 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 0 The Suthay Decree is of no matter to Count Hassildor. He remembers the time before, but, err, let's just say it's not a good idea to share secrets.
FormID: 0300C1F7 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 0 You've already met the count, right. He has a task for you: Bring him a bottle of Ohmes-raht blood, and he'll support your request.
FormID: 0300C1FB bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRHL3 0 Then we will not speak of it again.
FormID: 0300C1FC bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRHL2 0 If you made up your mind, you know where you can find me.
FormID: 0300C1FD bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRHL1 0 Great. Take this - it's an enchanted dagger and vial. Stab any Ohmes-rath with it, and you'll have the blood.
FormID: 0300C8E1 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 0 Only count Goldwine can decide that. We have to rescue him!
FormID: 0300C8E2 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 0 I don't know how much power my word holds in these times, but as interim ruler of Kvatch I hereby support your request. Thanks again, Hero of Kvatch!
__現時点で私にどれだけの決定権があるのかは分からないが、Kvatchにおける暫定統治者としてあなたの要求に応えよう。Hereo of Kvatch、重ねて礼を言います。
FormID: 0300C8E6 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 0 Oh dear, what a request! I fear Anvil is in no place to get involved.
FormID: 0300C8E6 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 1 We're too close to Valenwood. Even if we ignore Hammerfell for now, Khajiit and Wood Elves just don't get along.
__この街はValenwoodに近いのです。Hammerfellはさて置いたとしても、彼の地のWood ElfとKhajiitが仲良くするとは思えません。
FormID: 0300C8E6 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 2 Do you remember the five year war? I was a child back then. The sight of a blood red horizon, darkened by smoke, was burned forever in my memories.
__あなたは five year war(5年戦争)を覚えていますか?当時の私はまだ小さい子供でしたが、血と煙とで赤く曇る地平線の様子はずっと目蓋の裏に焼き付いています。
FormID: 0300C8E6 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 3 It was by the merest luck that the war didn't extend into County Anvil. Doing something for the Khajiit may uproot the already frail peace.
FormID: 0300C8E6 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 4 I just can't understand the animosity between the two races.
__私自身、今現在Wood ElfとKhajiitがお互いについてどの程度憎しみを抱いているのか正確な所は分かりません。
FormID: 0300C8E6 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 5 I mean I know the political reasons, that the Khajiit were upset about the invading forest, the Bosmer were upset about Khajiit hacking trees away...
FormID: 0300C8E6 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 6 ... and then everything went out of hand. Even here, far away from any border dispute, there's some kind of tension between them.
FormID: 0300C8E6 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 7 A bit like between a Nord and a Dark Elf. But don't get me started on that.
__これは、NordとDark Elfの関係とも似ていますね。しかしそれは私が口を挟むような問題ではないでしょう。
FormID: 0300C8E6 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 8 If I could understand why there is these animosity, I could at least guess what would happen if the Suthay Decree gets revoked.
__もしも私に彼らの憎しみの原因が理解できるなら、Suthay Decreeが廃止されたらどうなるかを想像出来ると思うのですけれど。
FormID: 0300C8E6 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 9 Until then though I'd like to stay neutral.
FormID: 0300C8EE bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 0 Again the Suthay Decree? Oh well.
__またSuthay Decreeの話ですか?
FormID: 0300C8EF bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU0 0 You're not alone with this.
FormID: 0300C8F0 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU1 0 [You explain to her what a Clan Mother has told you long ago.]
FormID: 0300C8F0 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU1 1 So that's why! They're like a stone, cloven in two a long time ago, and each one does resent the other half?
FormID: 0300C8F0 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU1 2 And both don't even look similar to each other.
FormID: 0300C8F0 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU1 3 On the other hand there are many forms of Khajiit, and the Bosmer and their Wild Hunt, well, let's not dwell on that.
FormID: 0300C8F0 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU1 4 Anyway, thanks for letting me know! I think I can handle whatever situation may arise!
FormID: 0300C8F1 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU1 0 [You explain to her what an elder Wood Elf in Valenwood has told you long ago.]
FormID: 0300C8F1 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU1 1 So that's why! They're like a stone, cloven in two a long time ago, and each one does resent the other half?
FormID: 0300C8F1 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU1 2 And both don't even look similar to each other.
FormID: 0300C8F1 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU1 3 On the other hand there are many forms of Khajiit, and the Bosmer and their Wild Hunt, well, let's not dwell on that.
FormID: 0300C8F1 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU1 4 Anyway, thanks for letting me know! I think I can handle whatever situation may arise!
FormID: 0300C8F2 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU2 0 You don't seem to know any specifics about their myths.
FormID: 0300C8F2 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU2 1 Mumbling something about [QUOTE]Mirni[QUOTE] and a skooma addicted cat, well, everyone can do that!
FormID: 0300C8F2 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU2 2 Come back when you've done your research!
FormID: 0300C8F3 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU2 0 Interesting, so one of those mysterious Clan Mothers actually wrote down the Khajiiti creation myth? Do you have a copy of that book with you?
FormID: 0300C8F4 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU2b 0 Well, if you bring me one, we can talk again about the Suthay Decree.
FormID: 0300C8F6 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU2a 0 Great! Give me the book, please.
FormID: 0300C8F7 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU2ab 0 Then it seems like you don't need my vote for the Elder Council.
FormID: 0300C8F8 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU2aa 0 Thank you very much! Of course I'll help you getting rid of that law.
FormID: 0300C8F9 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU3 0 Protected by whom? Do you think the city guard will stand a chance against the tide of war, should it extend into our county?
FormID: 0300C8FD bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU3a 0 We're not talking about the stray bandit and marauder here. Your guild is good when dealing with small scale threats, not with diplomatic disasters.
FormID: 0300C8FD bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU3a 1 I'm sorry, but no.
FormID: 0300C8FE bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU3b 0 I know your Guild. It was a small wonder that Carahil took arms against that necromancer many years ago.
FormID: 0300C8FE bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU3b 1 Always staying out of business. I mean, heck, even the Telvanni launched a large scale defense against Oblivion gates in Morrowind.
FormID: 0300C8FE bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU3b 2 And what did your guild until today in the heart of the Empire?
FormID: 0300C8FE bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU3b 3 Just sitting around. Nothing against you, you're one of the few exceptions. Nevertheless if you trust the Mages Guild, you're lost.
FormID: 0300C8FE bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU3b 4 Losing against the Telvanni, which even proclaim they don't care about anything, that has to hurt, doesn't it?
FormID: 0300C8FF bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU3c 0 An army of Golden Saints and Dark Seducers? You do know how insane this sounds?
FormID: 0300C8FF bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU3c 1 No, just... no.
FormID: 0300C8FF bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDRMU3c 2 Go see a healer. The last hit on your head may have caused some deeper... injuries.
FormID: 0300C900 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 0 Of course I'll help you, Gray Fox!
__もちろん君に協力させてもらうよ。Gray Fox!
FormID: 0300CFD4 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 0 Again the Suthay Decree? Oh well.
__またSuthay Decreeの話ですか?
FormID: 0300CFD5 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 0 Chorrol is far from any struggles. Whatever happens outside our walls don't need to interest us.
FormID: 0300CFD5 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 1 If we take part in quarrels which aren't our own, then we suffer. Where was the Empire as Charus died fighting marauding Nords?
FormID: 0300CFD5 bgOQ1ShavedDecree bgOQ1SDR 2 It doesn't matter if the Suthay Decree is enforced or not. It's just that the people are uneasy about Ohmes.
__正直に申し上げて、Suthay Decreeが強化されようが廃止されようが私達には関わりのない事です。けれどOhmesが往来するようになれば市民たちは不安に駆られることでしょうね。

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