L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgOQ1ShavedDecree-01 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


FormID: 03000F25	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SomehowStrange	0	Me? Somewhat not right? Of course not! Just look at this... skin!	
FormID: 03000F27	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1Skin	0	Why yes, skin. See, there was some, uh, foolish concept passed some time ago. One dealing with Suthay and Ohmes and Pahmar and all that.	
FormID: 03000F29	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1AllThat	0	I'm not allowed in Cyrodiil. More or less. At least in my normal appearance. So I need to shave myself. Over and over again. A pain!	
__私はCyrodiilでの滞在を許可されていないの。少なくとも通常の見かけではね。だから毛を剃らなければならなかった。何度も何度(again and again)もね。とっても苦痛(a pain)だった!
FormID: 03000F2B	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1Shave	0	Yes, shaved. Look closely at my ears, can't hide them completely, you see? Dang, someone has to do something about the Suthay Act!	
__ええ。剃ったのよ。耳元まで全部ね。それでも全部隠すことは出来ないの、わかる?だから、こんな状況は何とかしないと駄目なの!Suthay Actを!
FormID: 03000F2D	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SuthayAct	0	Some moral guardians forced the foolish concept that only more feline Khajiiti breeds are allowed in Cyrodiil. This needs to change! Would you help?	
FormID: 03000F2F	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1Help	0	Okay, great. Let's bring down the Suthay Decree! As if there's nothing easier. Wait, you're serious, aren't you? Do you really want to help?	
__オッケー!一緒にSuthay Decreeを撲滅しましょう!簡単なことではないけれどね。…ちょっと!真剣に聞いてるの?本当に手伝ってくれる気はあるの?
FormID: 03000F30	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1Help	0	Hm. Sorry. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if I can trust you enough. Bringing down the Suthay Decree, well, I fear I only have one chance.	
__ううむ、ごめんなさい…。考えてみたんだけど、あなたのことを信用していいものかどうか判断出来ないの。Suthay Decreeを撲滅できるチャンスは一度きりしかないの。
FormID: 03008AB9	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1HelpY	0	Great! Okay. We need to get rid of the Suthay Decree. Usually the Emperor could revoke it, but we're currently without Emperor. And the Mane doesn't have any authority here.	
__ありがとう!Suthay Decreeは廃止しなくちゃならないわ。皇帝の治世下ならば廃止も出来るんでしょけれど、今は皇帝不在だから。それにこの地ではManeの権威も通用しないから。
FormID: 03008AB9	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1HelpY	1	And the Elder Council isn't available at all. Sending letters doesn't work. Trust me, I've tried. No, there's only one who can help us.	
__Elder Councilも機能不全に陥っているからね。彼らに手紙を送っても無駄。実際に送ってみたんだから間違いないわ。けれど、私達の助けになってくれる人物はまだいる。
FormID: 03008AB9	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1HelpY	2	Unfortunately this one are many - the counts and countesses of Cyrodiil. If enough of them are persuaded, we can bring an end to the Suthay Decree!	
__人物、とは言っても残念ながら一人だけじゃないんだけれどね。Cyrodiilの伯爵や女伯たちよ。彼らを上手く説得できればSuthay Decreeを廃止できるわ!
FormID: 03008ABA	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1HelpN	0	I have thought so. You're more the adventurer type, fighting against rats and mud crabs. Maybe sometime a hero will appear to finally help us. Until then, happy hunting.	
FormID: 03008ABF	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1Counts	0	This I cannot say. Some may require you to help them in return.	
FormID: 03008ABF	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1Counts	1	Some may be bribed.	
FormID: 03008ABF	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1Counts	2	For others you'll need a silver tongue.	
FormID: 03008ABF	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1Counts	3	Remember: You don't need to persuade all of them. Only most of them. Five should be enough.	
FormID: 03008AC0	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1Counts	0	This I cannot say. Some may require you to help them in return.	
FormID: 03008AC0	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1Counts	1	Some may be bribed.	
FormID: 03008AC0	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1Counts	2	For others you'll need a silver tongue.	
FormID: 03008AC0	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1Counts	3	Remember: You don't need to persuade all of them. Only most of them. Five should be enough.	
FormID: 03008AC0	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1Counts	4	Be careful, though. Remember: Officially you're not supposed to be here, too. Ever wondered why they put you into prison as soon as you had entered Cyrodiil?	
FormID: 03008AC2	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	0	Revoke it? Why that? Oh, you don't know why it's in place. Why am I not surprised? Listen up, I will not repeat myself!	
FormID: 03008AC2	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	1	The Suthay Decree was an idea of the Mane, the spiritual leader of Elsweyr. Most captured Khajiit were Ohmes and Ohmes-raht, back at the unfortunate times of slavery in Morrowind.	
__もともとSuthay DecreeはElsweyrの宗教的指導者であるManeの考えに基づいて始められたものなのだ。過去、不幸にもMorrowindで奴隷制が敷かれていた当時、最も多く捕獲の対象とされたのはOhmesやOhmes-rahtといったKnajiit種族だったからな。
FormID: 03008AC2	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	2	Now that these times have passed, why doesn't the mane itself wants to revoke the Suthay Act?	
__しかし、今となってはそれも昔話だ。ではなぜManeはSuthay Actの廃止を望まないのか?
FormID: 03008AC2	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	3	The anwer is simple: Elsweyr profits from the Suthay Act. Ohmes spies are usually mistaken for Bosmer, can get into positions where no Khajiit would be tolerated.	
__答えは簡単だ。ElsweyrがSuthay Actによって利益を得ているから。OhmesのスパイはBosmerと見分けがつかず、通常のKhajiitでは就けないような地位を手に入れる事が可能だ。
FormID: 03008AC2	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	4	Revoking the act could cause dire consequences. In these times of crisis I can't have that. No.	
FormID: 03008AC4	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI1	0	Truly spoken, Knight of Thorn! The Daedra couldn't take Cheydinhal, so we won't bow our heads before some cats! You've got my support.	
__耳に痛い言葉だ、Knight of Thornよ!Daedraの軍勢ですらCheydinhalを陥落せしめなかった事を忘れていたよ。我々がネコどもを恐れる必要などどこにも無いな。喜んで君に協力させてもらうよ。
FormID: 03008AC5	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI1	0	If one of my knights would have said that, I may had believed it. You know nothing about Cheydinhal. Don't press your luck!	
FormID: 03008AC8	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI2	0	While yes, that may be. But have you ever spoken with one of the more xenophobic Imperials and Nords and Bretons?	
FormID: 03008AC8	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI2	1	Obviously you don't. Ever read one of Norbert the Graywolf's complains? Bah. As I first received his letters I had to look up what a [QUOTE]furry[QUOTE] is.	
__おそらく無いだろうな。Norbert the Graywolfの愚痴を読んだ事はあるか?初めて彼の書き物を読んだとき、「furry(毛むくじゃら)」が何を指す言葉なのか全く想像出来なかったものだよ。
FormID: 03008AC8	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI2	2	No way I'm going to allow these nonsense to even spread further.	
FormID: 03008AC9	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI2	0	While yes, that may be. But have you ever spoken with one of the more xenophobic Imperials and Nords and Bretons?	
FormID: 03008AC9	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI2	1	Obviously you don't. Ever read one of Norbert the Graywolf's complains? Bah. As I first received his letters I had to look up what a [QUOTE]furry[QUOTE] is.	
__おそらく無いだろうな。Norbert the Graywolfの愚痴を読んだ事はあるか?初めて彼の書き物を読んだとき、「furry(毛むくじゃら)」が何を指す言葉なのか全く想像出来なかったものだよ。
FormID: 03008AC9	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI2	2	No way I'm going to allow these nonsense to even spread further.	
FormID: 03008AC9	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI2	3	And now shoo, before I forget that you shouldn't be here to begin with!	
FormID: 03008ACA	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI2	0	True. Especially with the trouble in Leyawiin we shouldn't give the Renjira Krin any more arrows into their hand. You've got my support.	
__そうだな。特にLeyawiinでの騒動の件もある。Renrijura Krinにこれ以上好きにさせるわけにはいかん。君に協力しよう!
FormID: 03008ACC	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI3	0	Alright. For a small sum to help Cheydinhal I think I'm able to help you.	
FormID: 03008ACD	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI3	0	A deal? With you? I don't steal candy from kids!	
FormID: 03008ACF	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI31	0	Then you just happen to have my support!	
FormID: 03008AD1	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI32	0	Then stop wasting my time!	
FormID: 03008AD3	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRAI0	0	I've thought so.	
FormID: 03008AD4	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	0	Again the Suthay Decree? Oh well.	
__またSuthay Decreeの話ですか?
FormID: 0300987D	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	0	Revoke it? To get even more filthy animals in our fair city?	
__Sutay Decreeの廃止だと?この街に住む汚い動物たちの数をもっと増やせとでも言うのか?
FormID: 0300987D	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	1	Rules are there for a reason. And there's a good reason that only Suthay and even more feline furlickers are allowed in our province.	
FormID: 0300987D	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	2	Khajiit are animals. The more are allowed, the more will come. And then it'll be like in Elsweyr, where these beasts even fornicate under trees.	
FormID: 0300987D	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	3	Disgusting. Blerg.	
FormID: 0300987E	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	0	Again the Suthay Decree? Oh well.	
__またSuthay Decreeの話ですか?
FormID: 0300987F	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	0	Revoke it? To get even more filthy animals in our fair city?	
__Sutay Decreeの廃止だと?この街に住む汚い動物たちの数をもっと増やせとでも言うのか?
FormID: 0300987F	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	1	Rules are there for a reason. And there's a good reason that only Suthay and even more feline furlickers are allowed in our province.	
FormID: 0300987F	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	2	Khajiit are animals. The more are allowed, the more will come. And then it'll be like in Elsweyr, where these beasts even fornicate under trees.	
FormID: 0300987F	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	3	Disgusting. Blerg. And that you're one of them doesn't make it any better. On the contrary.	
FormID: 03009885	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT0	0	Farewell. Do not come back.	
FormID: 03009886	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1	0	Take Skooma and Moonsugar. Turns people into loonies. Where does both come from? Elsweyr. Yes, there are worse things than furlickers, stuff coming from furlickers.	
FormID: 03009886	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1	1	Do you think I'm blind? I do know about S'krivva's dealings. I do know about the Skooma den. I do know that Cheydinhal flourishes thanks to the Orum gang and their skooma smuggling.	
__私が馬鹿だとでも思っていたのか?S'krivvaの研究もSkooma denの状況もお見通しなのだぞ。CheydinhalがOrum gangとのskooma裏取引で栄えている事だって知っている。
FormID: 03009886	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1	2	Orcs. Nearly as bad as Khajiit. Barbarians. But not as bad. So tell me, what's worse than Khajiit?	
FormID: 03009887	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1	0	We already had that, did we?	
FormID: 03009888	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1	0	Take Skooma and Moonsugar. Turns people into loonies. Where does both come from? Elsweyr. Yes, there are worse things than furlickers, stuff coming from furlickers.	
FormID: 03009888	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1	1	Do you think I'm blind? I do know about S'krivva's dealings. I do know about the Skooma den. I do know that Cheydinhal flourishes thanks to the Orum gang and their skooma smuggling.	
__私が馬鹿だとでも思っていたのか?S'krivvaの研究もSkooma denの状況もお見通しなのだぞ。CheydinhalがOrum gangとのskooma裏取引で栄えている事だって知っている。
FormID: 03009888	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1	2	Orcs. Nearly as bad as Khajiit. Barbarians. But not as bad. So tell me, what's worse than Khajiit?	
FormID: 03009888	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1	3	No surprise here, coming from a stinking furbag. Does your kind cough up hair balls, too?	
FormID: 0300988C	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1a	0	Oh please, I know about Bravil's fame. Thanks for asking. Now go!	
FormID: 0300988D	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1a	0	True, there are some bad places in the world. Some may even be worse than Bravil, or Khajiit. Ever heard of Vivec City? Ugh.	
__そうだな。確かに世の中、居心地の良い場所ばかりじゃない。ひょっとしたらBravilよりも酷い場所やKhajiitよりも劣悪な奴らは存在するのかも知れないな。Vivec Cityとか。
FormID: 0300988D	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1a	1	Tell you what: I'll support your request, but only if sign here a little advertisement for Bravil. You know that there are worser places.	
FormID: 0300988E	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1c	0	And where do you think comes the money for guards, schools and medical care from? For our chapel? Taxes are a necessity!	
FormID: 0300988F	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1c	0	Tax collectors are a necessary evil. Guards, healers, teachers they all want something to eat.	
FormID: 0300988F	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1c	1	But the Elder Council bleeds Cyrodiil dry, transferring our riches into Skyrim, Valenwood, Morrowind, and all the other provinces. This has to stop!	
__しかし、the Elder CouncilはCyrodiilを干上がらせ、我々の富をSkyrimやValenwood、Morrowindといった属州に分配しているな。これは阻止せねばならない所業だ!
FormID: 0300988F	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1c	2	Tell you what: Those filthy animals will at least pay more taxes, bring a bit of our money back. So be it. Blerg.	
FormID: 03009890	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	0	Like, you know, yourself?	
FormID: 03009890	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	1	Oh, please, I can see through those funky illusions. I know you for what you are.	
FormID: 03009890	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	2	Yes, Daedra are about the worst thing that walks on our world. IF they walk on our earth. As they're currently doing, for whatever reason.	
FormID: 03009890	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	3	Did you happen to know that Khajiit believe they once were Elves, changed by the Daedra Prince Azura? That should tell you something. Wheee, even more daedric abominations!	
__ところで、Khajiitは自分たちがかつてElfだったと信じていることは知っているか?Daedra PrinceのAzuraによって姿を変えられたのだと信じているそうだな。ハッ!Daedraは忌まわしい存在だが、奴らの方がより空恐ろしいと思わないか?
FormID: 03009890	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	4	No, I think not.	
FormID: 03009891	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	0	Like, you know, yourself?	
FormID: 03009891	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	1	Oh, please, I can see through those funky illusions. I know you for what you are.	
FormID: 03009891	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	2	Yes, Daedra are about the worst thing that walks on our world. IF they walk on our earth. As they're currently doing, for whatever reason.	
FormID: 03009891	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	3	And here's where you come into play: There's a Dark Seducer in town, trying to drive my son into madness. She had enticed the guards. They won't stop her.	
__そうだな、お前に仕事を頼みたい。街にDark Seducerがいるのだよ。私の息子を狂気に追い立てようと企んでいるんだ。彼女は衛兵も誘惑してしまって、誰にも止められない状態なのだ。
FormID: 03009891	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	4	Banish her, or die trying. Then you'll have my support.	
FormID: 03009891	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	5	Oh and I've already tried shooting her with an arrow. It didn't work. You have to sever her link to our world. Good luck, and happy dieing!	
FormID: 03009892	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	0	Yes, Daedra are about the worst thing that walks on our world. IF they walk on our earth. As they're currently doing, for whatever reason.	
FormID: 03009892	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	1	Did you happen to know that Khajiit believe they once were Elves, changed by the Daedra Prince Azura? That should tell you something. Wheee, even more daedric abominations!	
__ところで、Khajiitは自分たちがかつてElfだったと信じていることは知っているか?Daedra PrinceのAzuraによって姿を変えられたのだと信じているそうだな。ハッ!Daedraは忌まわしい存在だが、奴らの方がより空恐ろしいと思わないか?
FormID: 03009892	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	2	No, I think not.	
FormID: 03009893	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	0	Yes, Daedra are about the worst thing that walks on our world. IF they walk on our earth. As they're currently doing, for whatever reason.	
FormID: 03009893	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	1	And here's where you come into play: There's a Dark Seducer in town, trying to drive my son into madness. She had enticed the guards. They won't stop her.	
__そうだな、お前に仕事を頼みたい。街にDark Seducerがいるのだよ。私の息子を狂気に追い立てようと企んでいるんだ。彼女は衛兵も誘惑してしまって、誰にも止められない状態なのだ。
FormID: 03009893	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	2	Banish her, or die trying. Then you'll have my support.	
FormID: 03009893	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b	3	Oh and I've already tried shooting her with an arrow. It didn't work. You have to sever her link to our world. Good luck, and happy dieing!	
FormID: 03009895	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b2	0	Then go and find her! Send her back to wherever she came from!	
FormID: 03009895	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b2	1	She should be somewhere around the castle.	
FormID: 0300AD5B	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b3	0	Then Bravil won't trouble you on your quest to revoke the Suthay Act.	
__よろしい。ならばBravilはSuthay Actについてのお前の考えを支持しよう。
FormID: 0300AD5B	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b3	1	Not that this will do any good, I'm sure of it.	
FormID: 0300AD5C	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b3	0	She's still outside the castle. You must be the worst liar in all of Cyrodiil's history!	
FormID: 0300AD5E	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b2n	0	Then why did you bring this topic up? Now either deal with her, or I'll have you thrown in irons.	
FormID: 0300AD5E	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDRRT1b2n	1	For stealing my precious time!	
FormID: 0300BB05	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	0	Revoke it? I'm sorry, but Leyawiin can't afford to do so.	
__Suthay Decreeを廃止しろと?すまないが、出来ない相談だな。
FormID: 0300BB05	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	1	Our diplomatic bonds with Elsweyr are stressed. More than that, even. Khajiit are upset that the Elder Council gave us control of the Niben delta.	
__Elsweyrとの外交は緊張関係にある。それに、Elder CouncilがNiben deltaの統治権を我々に委譲したこともあってKhajiitたちは焦り始めているのだ。
FormID: 0300BB05	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	2	Some do not take it so kindly like the citizens of our fair city. There's the Renjira Krin, Khajiiti freedom fighter or other nonsense.	
__この街の市民はそれを歓迎してくれるが、そう思わない者もいるのだ。Renrijura Krinを知っているか?Khajiitの反乱軍の馬鹿者たちだ。
FormID: 0300BB05	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	3	They've caused enough strife in the past. Currently the Renjira Krin isn't that popular, resorted to supporting criminal bands like the Black Bow bandits.	
__過去、奴らのおかげで随分と酷い目にあってきた。今はRenrijra Krinもなりをひそめているが、Black Bow banditsのような犯罪集団と合流する動きがある。
FormID: 0300BB05	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	4	But without the Suthay Decree the more manish Khajiit could sway the tide into their favor. Most people see Suthay and Suthay-rath as a bit strange.	
__そのような状況下でSuthay Decreeを廃止したら、より猫に近い姿のKhajiitたちが奴らに加勢することになるかも知れん。SuthayやSuthay-rahtなら人々が多少奇異の目で見る程度で済むだろうが。
FormID: 0300BB05	bgOQ1ShavedDecree	bgOQ1SDR	5	The more human like Khajiit? Not so much. They pose a danger to Leyawiin, which I'm not ready to take.	

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