L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgMQ3Interview-02 のバックアップソース(No.2)

FormID: 030315AE	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	2	A circle of rebirth and redieing.	
FormID: 030315AE	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	3	The forest lives. Grows. Is ageing. Dieing.	
FormID: 030315AE	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	4	It's as if Valenwood has a mind of it's own. A mind that's missing here. Here the mind is calmer.	
FormID: 030315AF	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	0	Don't be surprised!	
FormID: 030315AF	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	1	A lot of us are great archers. In Valenwood you'll learn how to move silently. 	
FormID: 030315AF	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	2	Both helps fulfilling Sithis' will. 	
FormID: 030315B0	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	0	A forest of trees or of buildings, it's not so different.	
FormID: 030315B0	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	1	Just make sure you aren't seen, keep in the shadows, look out for opportunity, that's all.	
FormID: 030315B1	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	0	Hunting is a necessary skill, a necessary craft in Valenwood.	
FormID: 030315B1	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	1	Yes it's true, the Meat Mandate is no myth. Those of us still true to old traditions don't eat vegetables.	
FormID: 030315B1	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	2	In the jungle there's plenty of game. You just need to take out your bow, shoot and hit.	
FormID: 030315B1	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	3	That's what we're good at.	
FormID: 030315B2	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	0	Conjuration in Valenwood is a delicate issue. We have strong binds to our aedric ancestry, and some more conservative circles believe dealing with Daedra is some kind of betrayal.	
FormID: 030315B2	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	1	Having neighbors with many mythologic ties to daedric entities doesn't make it easier, either. Especially if you're every now and then at war with them.	
FormID: 030315B2	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	2	Thinking about it magic at all isn't that popular over there. Ever set a tree on fire with a flame spell gone awkward? Not a big mess here. In Valenwood some would consider it a heresy or something.	
FormID: 030315B2	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	3	I'm just glad I came here.	
FormID: 030315B3	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	0	Well, someone has to keep everything running.	
FormID: 030315B3	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	1	With everything I mean of course Anvil's diplomatic contacts with nearby Valenwood. Good advice is worth gold.	
FormID: 030315B3	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	2	Just take etiquette as an example. Sending over a bouquett of flowers as gift? Bad idea.	
FormID: 030315B3	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	3	Offering salad to an emmisary of Valenwood? Even worse.	
FormID: 030315B3	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Bosmer	4	The countess was wise to have someone remind her of the Bosmer culture's small but important details.	
FormID: 0303314D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Dunmer	0	I'm quite good at talking to myself. Thank you.	
FormID: 0303314D	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Dunmer	1	No please get going, I've got important research to do!	
FormID: 03033821	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	0	The Illiac bay used to be a puzzle of city states. The miracle of peace did help a lot. Now there are only two Breton kingdoms left, Wayrest and Daggerfall.	
FormID: 03033821	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	1	As far as I recall it was an agent of the Blades once helping to sort out the mess that was High Rock.	
FormID: 03033822	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	0	Magic played a major role in High Rock's history. Once ancient Nedes settled there alongside of the Direnni Altmer, and their today's progenies are the Bretons, most gifted humans in the arcane arts.	
FormID: 03033822	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	1	Truth be told magic was also often used for wicked purposes. Example given witches summoning Daedra Princes, like the destruction of Mournhold in the first Era, year 2920.	
FormID: 03033822	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	2	We have a heratige which requires some responsible handling. That's a lesson one can learn from our history.	
FormID: 03033823	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	0	Unlike most provinces today, High Rock used to be a hegemony of city states until some years ago. There was a lot of work.	
FormID: 03033823	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	1	Everyone had a political rival there, some secret that ought to disappear here, or a threat to deliver to elsewhere.	
FormID: 03033823	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	2	Try that here with the Elder Council. Epic failure. And High Rock today? The so called [QUOTE]miracle of peace[QUOTE] was just a great wave of unemployment.	
FormID: 03033824	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	0	Our guild once was a vital part of the Illiac bay. For a simple reason: Paying customs.	
FormID: 03033824	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	1	Imagine being a travelling merchant, with some goods, and having to pay toll taxes on more than twenty borders. You'd have nothing left when you arrive!	
FormID: 03033824	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	2	Instead we provided some secret routes, much cheaper and safer. Times have past, though. What a shame.	
FormID: 03033825	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	0	Who? What? No. Don't have time for this nonsense!	
FormID: 03033825	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	1	You can't enhance your magic knowledge while sleeping or speaking about the Nine Divines and the world.	
FormID: 03033825	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	2	Even if you've got a certain potential, that's no guarantee without some work. Now off with you, shoo!	
FormID: 03033826	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	0	Yes, magic is an important aspect of our culture. We're about the most gifted human race, after all.	
FormID: 03033826	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	1	So while a Nord may run with his spear after some rabbit, we can blow it to pieces. That's fun!	
FormID: 03033826	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	2	A bit messy, but fun nonetheless!	
FormID: 03033827	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	0	Unlike Cyrodiil in High Rock there are a lot of different vampire clans. Each one fighting for territory, with other clans, or with human factions.	
FormID: 03033827	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	1	Quite a dangerous situation. They're much more organized and structured than our local bloodsucking fiends.	
FormID: 03033827	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	2	Good thing is, if you find one of their structures, you can deal a lethal blow to their organisation. Bad thing is they're much more influental.	
FormID: 03033827	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Breton	3	In Cyrodiil? It's like searching for needles in hay.	
FormID: 03033EFB	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	Yeah, you know how it is. People see you, uhh, big green brute and expect that you can smash their teeth out.	
FormID: 03033EFB	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	Many Orcs are like this. And it can be fun.	
FormID: 03033EFB	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	Times are changin'. I don't wanna this anymore. I'm a knight now!	
FormID: 03033EFC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	Most people think of our kin only as Malacath worshippers, but is this true?	
FormID: 03033EFC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	What about the legionairs in Morrowind, under Talos' banner?	
FormID: 03033EFC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	Those misguided souls worshipping Nocturnal?	
FormID: 03033EFC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	3	Myself. priestress of the Nine Divines?	
FormID: 03033EFC	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	4	Even Gorthwog prefers Trinimac as a separate entity. While Malacath is a popular belief, not every Orc is a worshipper of him.	
FormID: 03033EFD	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	Nova Orsinium is so different compared to Cyrodiil. Gortwog's attempts to build a new Imperial province be honored, but it's not the same.	
FormID: 03033EFD	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	Can you imagine me, a retired adventurer, now trader, in Orsinium?	
FormID: 03033EFD	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	No you can't, because you were never there. Or you wouldn't ask. Influence and wealth were sacrificed for some ideas about honour and legislation.	
FormID: 03033EFD	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	3	And for what? The Empire is breaking apart. Miracle of Peace my boot!	
FormID: 03033EFE	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	What can I say? I've got a red thumb. Or whatever it's called. Well, I'm good at raising crops. Err. Animals. Horses, yes, horses!	
FormID: 03033EFE	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	In Orsinium we don't have horses. We have stews. And ragu. 	
FormID: 03033EFE	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	I was quite surprised here in Cyrodiil, but that's how this world is, isn't it?	
FormID: 03033EFF	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	Unknown to many is that I'm by far not the first Orc butler. We're famous for our loyalty. Know how Orsinium passed to Gortwog?	
FormID: 03033EFF	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	It was a duel, and the former landowner had an Orc employee. Now he could have betrayed his master, not teaching him how to fight in Orcish equipment.	
FormID: 03033EFF	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	But he didn't. In the end the fight lasted for hours. Gortwog won, as expected, but it was a worthy fight!	
FormID: 03033F00	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	We're the big green pigs pulling the Hogfather's wagon.	
FormID: 03033F00	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	No?	
FormID: 03033F00	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	Never heard of the Hogfather?	
FormID: 03033F00	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	3	             We're warriors, what more is there to say?           	
FormID: 03033F00	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	4	Except maybe that a few more warriors would help this joke of a guild a lot.	
FormID: 03033F01	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	0	I am very pleasing telling you the tallest archives of our kin!	
FormID: 03033F01	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	1	Orc novelty is know to be valourful and great in warcraft. The siege of Orsinium lasted for three decadences!	
FormID: 03033F01	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Orc	2	Who else could have residued the combined armies of several races parchronosticly?	
FormID: 03034CC1	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	0	Khajiit culture is very rich. Some people, especially a few selected ones of Leyawiin's court, are always surprised to see a Khajiit mage.	
FormID: 03034CC1	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	1	They think of Khajiit as beggars and outlaws, littering the streets in skooma induced drug trips. Lies.	
FormID: 03034CC1	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	2	There are seventeen forms of Khajiit, ranging from the merlike Ohmes to great beasts, which no one should call [QUOTE]battle cats[QUOTE].	
FormID: 03034CC1	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	3	And despite vast differences we have developed not one, but many cultures, ways of life. Warriors, mages, politicians, traders, artists, you can find all that and more.	
FormID: 03034CC1	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	4	Nevertheless some people, like certain nobles, judge us as nothing more than walking beasts. Maybe they'll meet a Senche-raht some day. That ought to be ... enlightening.	
FormID: 03034CC2	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	0	Unfortunately while some Khajiit are member in Nibenese counts, only few seems to listen to them.	
FormID: 03034CC2	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	1	The transniben is a delicate matter, used to be not man's land. The east is Argonian territory, used to be uninhabitated. The west was part of Elsweyr, even before Elsweyr was founded.	
FormID: 03034CC2	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	2	Unfortunately the counties ignore the necessary diplomacy to prevent another potential crisis. Some out of ignorance, others out of malice.	
FormID: 03034CC2	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	3	Both Argonian and Khajiit are peaceful in nature, so the situation is not yet exploded. Although with the death of the Empire I doN't know how long this calm will last.	
FormID: 03034CC3	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	0	For some reason many people share the misconceptions of Morrowind's Dunmer, only those are brave enough to spell them out loudly.	
FormID: 03034CC3	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	1	While it is true that the Khajiiti mind works different compared to an Imperial mind, so does an Altmer mind work different to the same Imperial mind.	
FormID: 03034CC3	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	2	In Ta'agra there's no word for laws, but that's a language oddity. Cyrodilic also doesn't has a word for the Dunmeri [QUOTE]n'wah[QUOTE].	
FormID: 03034CC3	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	3	Of course there are some Khajiit bandits, like there are Redguard and Nord and Breton and Orc and Imperial bandits, too. Who cares?	
FormID: 03034CC3	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	4	We're good at business, because we don't have illusions about foolish concepts. We're good in border disputes, because we're embracing our racial diversity.	
FormID: 03034CC3	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	5	Other philosophies could learn a lot from our, but they refuse to listen. Their loss.	
FormID: 03034CC4	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	0	This one doesn't understand why there have to be so many Argonians around.	
FormID: 03034CC4	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	1	Expanding County Leyawiin at the cost of Elsweyr was bad enough. Those bits of burned Valenwood forest does not make up for it.	
FormID: 03034CC4	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	2	Now everywhere's swarming with lizards. As if these masses of Imperials aren't worse enough.	
FormID: 03034CC4	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	3	What's next, treehugger? Blerg.	
FormID: 03034CC5	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	0	Borderwatch once was on the oppposite side of the Border. I've heard County Leyawiin is uneasy about our fair village.	
FormID: 03034CC5	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	1	Nothing to worry about, though. We're just living our lives as before, only now we're not watching any border anymore.	
FormID: 03034CC5	bgMQ3Interview	bgMQ3Khajiit	2	And it's became duller. Khajiit culture is rich of colors, amonst other aspects. Cyrodilic? I fear we need to import the ingredients to make paint for our houses from Elsweyr.

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