L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgCQ8Arriashe のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 03143889	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage10Where	0	Likely where you have last met her.	
FormID: 03143889	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage10Where	1	As far as I read in Raminus Polus' report in the Shivering Isles, city of New Sheoth, Bliss district. Wherever that may be. You know your way around there far better than me.	
FormID: 03143889	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage10Where	2	Seriously, I have no idea what these names mean, except [QUOTE]Shivering Isles[QUOTE].	
FormID: 0314388B	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage100Success	0	You look like you want to say a [QUOTE]but[QUOTE], because I don't see her. What has happened?	
FormID: 0314388C	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage100Success2	0	Now that was unexpected.	
FormID: 0314388C	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage100Success2	1	Nevertheless, if she's happy there, or wants to live there for whatever else reasons, it's her decision to so. Now that she had the mind to decide for herself.	
FormID: 0314388C	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage100Success2	2	Thank you for your help. You've been a true friend for all Khajiits of this world, and world's beyond.	
FormID: 0314388C	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage100Success2	3	Take this robe. It once belonged to Arriashe, but I doubt she even misses it at all. May it serve you better than her. Maybe fate would have taken a different path if she hadn't forgotten to wear her robe, instead wearing one of the normal ones.	
FormID: 0314388D	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage95Failure	0	That is unfortunate. So mad is she that she can't even take the cure? Oh well, then the medicine wouldn't have been strong enough to begin with, and there was nothing you could do.	
FormID: 0314388D	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage95Failure	1	Thank you for trying nonetheless.	
FormID: 0314388E	bgCQ8Arriashe	GREETING	0	Me no more to say. Me no drink vile water of vile being!	
FormID: 0314388F	bgCQ8Arriashe	GREETING	0	No more talking! Arriashe not drinking anything from the redquickhanded! You no there! You go!	
FormID: 03143890	bgCQ8Arriashe	GREETING	0	Me want you to go. You want me to me want to want to you to leave! Or not? Confused. You go now!	
FormID: 03143891	bgCQ8Arriashe	GREETING	0	Leave me in peace. I'm content here. Or will be content again. It's only a matter of time.	
FormID: 03143892	bgCQ8Arriashe	GREETING	0	I'm staying here. This is my new home. Leave me in peace, please.	
FormID: 03143893	bgCQ8Arriashe	GREETING	0	Soon I will forgot. The sooner the better. I want to have my peace of mind back. Leave me be, please.	
FormID: 03143894	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage45Medicine0	0	You have tasty thirst quencher? Give Arriashe bottle?	
FormID: 03143895	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage50Medicine0	0	(Arriashe takes the vial, eyes it suspiciously, then shakes her head.)	
FormID: 03143896	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine0	0	(Arriashe looks at the vial, then shrugs and drinks it's content.)	
FormID: 03143896	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine0	1	(She begins to cough, staggers, can barely hold on her feet.)	
FormID: 03143896	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine0	2	(She falls down, gets up again, shakes her head.)	
FormID: 03143896	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine0	3	Me...? I'm...? Oh dear, my head hurts!	
FormID: 03143896	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine0	4	What has happened?	
FormID: 03143896	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine0	5	Everything's just so terrible now!	
FormID: 03143896	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine0	6	What did you do to me? Explain yourself, now!	
FormID: 03143897	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage50Medicine1	0	(Again Arriashe shakes her head.)	
FormID: 03143897	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage50Medicine1	1	(Then, in the blink of an eye, she throws the vial against the wall, breaking it.)	
FormID: 03143898	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage50Medicine2	0	You no good person!	
FormID: 03143898	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage50Medicine2	1	Arriashe seen Sebastian begin' to go with you. Then next seen picture of him, dead!	
FormID: 03143898	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage50Medicine2	2	Me no trust you! Me no drink something from you. Arriashe not dumb. You go! Don't poison poor me!	
FormID: 03143899	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage50Medicine2	0	You no good person!	
FormID: 03143899	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage50Medicine2	1	Arriashe once had book. Asked for three simple things. Then book disappeared. And Arriashe had nothing!	
FormID: 03143899	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage50Medicine2	2	Me no trust you! Me no drink something from you. Arriashe not dumb. You go! Don't poison poor me!	
FormID: 0314389A	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine1	0	And did you asked if that's what I wanted? Did it ever occur to you that I'm far happier here than I ever was in Mundus? That I may have decided to stay here? To forgot? To be happy and content for once?	
FormID: 0314389A	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine1	1	No, you did not! Instead you inflicted this curse upon me.	
FormID: 0314389A	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine1	2	Now I can only wait and hope that it will fade again. That the memories and voices of reason will fade again.	
FormID: 0314389A	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine1	3	I don't want to have them. I'm happier without them. I don't have any happyness with them.	
FormID: 0314389C	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine2	0	As a child I was smuggled into Cyrodiil. I didn't even know I was an Ohmes until Zahrasha gave me some little hints to be careful, back when I was a yound apprentice in the Mages Guild.	
FormID: 0314389C	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine2	1	Since then I left in fear. Especially after some Bosmer threatened to reveal my secret. They blackmailed me. And... did worse.	
FormID: 0314389C	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine2	2	I hate them. Hated him! Clawed his heart out while it was still beating! He deserved it!	
FormID: 0314389C	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine2	3	And then I only lived in more fear. I've seen other Ohmes being discovered in the Imperial City, and seen how they were taken away. Never to return.	
FormID: 0314389C	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine2	4	In this realm no one cares about what I am. Finally I can live in peace. Can't you understand what that means to me? Going back to Mundus? To Cyrodiil, only to fear again? To Elsweyr, a desert in a turmoil, last place I want to be?	
FormID: 0314389C	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine2	5	No. I am here, because here I can forget. And I don't have to fear. That means a lot to me. It's my medicine, nothing sanity could give me.	
FormID: 0314389D	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine3	0	And? Does this repair the damage done? Does this make all the scars go away? Does this cause everyone's opinion about Ohmes like myself to change?	
FormID: 0314389D	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine3	1	No, it does not. Understand, it is too late for me. My time in Mundus is over. I will stay here, because here I find some peace of mind. And that's all I desire.	
FormID: 0314389E	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine4	0	No, I won't. There's nothing in Mundus that could be an incentive to do so. I don't want to face my past. My memories. My coherent thoughts. They should all disappear again. Give me back my peace of mind, even if it shatters my mind to pieces again.	
FormID: 0314389E	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine4	1	Maybe I should thank you for trying to [QUOTE]rescue[QUOTE] me, but I can't, I am sorry. This is the only place I can be content. Insanity is my cure, my only hope.	
FormID: 0314389E	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine4	2	I hope that you will never experience the same as I have.	
FormID: 0314389E	bgCQ8Arriashe	bgCQ8Stage75Medicine4	3	Please leave me alone, until Lord Sheogorath's blessing can take root again.	

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