L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgAQ7Paintings-04 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 030AB467	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Ulasza	2	I'm not sure when this picture was painted, but it sure is no good sign.	
FormID: 030AB468	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	0	Another picture of myself shortly after the Battlespire incident. Back then I hoped to being able to live between mortals. And for a short while it worked.	
FormID: 030AB468	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	1	Until my part in liberating the Battlespire was forgotten, and I was driven away. Shortly after I was trapped in the soul gem. I'm tired of running away.	
FormID: 030AB468	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	2	I hate being confined in this ruin, but at least I don't have to flee anymore.	
FormID: 030AB469	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	0	Truth be told it was quite a mess getting this painting painted. Kanaane and myself travelled to Anvil, well, we used the Guild Guide. There we had to deal with that zealot of an Altmer named Carahil.	
FormID: 030AB469	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	1	And other people who just weren't really lucky to see us. Originally it was planned to take this picture at Anvil's bay, but we moved further north. Folk there even gathered pitchforks.	
FormID: 030AB469	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	2	Now though it will bring some blood to boil, and there's nothing anyone can do about the paintings.	
FormID: 030AB469	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	3	Except destruction of property.	
FormID: 030AB46A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDraftDoleandra	0	That's me.	
FormID: 030AB46A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDraftDoleandra	1	Don't know what else to say, really. So let's just leave it at that.	
FormID: 030AB470	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDwemer	0	Surprised to see it here? Well, it was left behind from the last owner of this house, and I couldn't bring myself to throw it away. I know it looks a bit unfitting, but still I like it.	
FormID: 030AB473	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	0	What do I care? If a human is pink, white, yellow, red, black or brown. It's just not the same as green.	
FormID: 030AB474	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	0	It's strangely fascinating, isn't it? Yet I wouldn't dare to go near her, if I ever cross her path. Too risky.	
FormID: 030AB476	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	0	Oh I don't care about the pictures delivered to here. As long as I find a patch on the wall able to to hang it up, I do so. I don't have to like them.	
FormID: 030AB478	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	0	Consider it as our protest against how certain persons reacted at her visit. Now all of Anvil can see her again, and no pitchfork will change this.	
FormID: 030AB479	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	0	I've seen worse. Ever looked at some [QUOTE]Khajiit arts[QUOTE]? A fish mer is nothing in comparison.	
FormID: 030AB47B	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	0	I'm not looking a gift horse into it's mouth. Yes, some resident Altmer did protest, but none of my usual customers. Especially Palonyria wasn't as surprised as I had expected it.	
FormID: 030AB47B	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	1	I even heard she's trying to find out where to get the clothes that fish mer is wearing. As for the other Altmer, if they want the picture to disappear, they can send me paintings of them.	
FormID: 030AB47B	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecAhtize	2	Until that happens the painting stays.	
FormID: 030AB47D	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDraftDoleandra	0	She's some local hero in Elsweyr I've heard. My brother made a trip to Rimmen and sent me the painting as a gift. What a bother.	
FormID: 030AB47F	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDraftDoleandra	0	She's a hero in Elsweyr, fighting against scum like drug dealers, smugglers, and terrorists.	
FormID: 030AB47F	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDraftDoleandra	1	S'kasha is happy to have a painting of her.	
FormID: 030AB480	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDraftDoleandra	0	Some quite popular figurehead in Elsweyr. More I do not know. Ask S'kasha.	
FormID: 030AB482	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	As you likely can imagine it wasn't my idea hanging up that painting. Guglash though liked it, and while she spends more time at the Fighters Guild than here, she's still a member of our guild.	
FormID: 030AB482	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	1	Maybe it helps people to see the feral nature of Daedra. And they can prepare to what may come out of an Oth gate.	
FormID: 030AB483	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	I like the colors and the composition of the picture. The Xivilai is more a secondary bonus.	
FormID: 030AB485	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	Now you don't say! I would have mistaken the woman for a Bosmer!	
FormID: 030AB485	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	1	No, really. We've already got a Xivilai running around here. She gave us the painting. And, well, you don't want to scorn a woman several heads taller. Which can also rip you to pieces with her bare hands.	
FormID: 030AB485	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	2	So we put it on the wall.	
FormID: 030AB486	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	I had voted to buy a painting of a Goblin Shaman instead.	
FormID: 030AB487	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	It's alright. At least most visitors don't take a second or closer look to it. Imagine if we've got a picture of a Dark or Daedra Seducer instead.	
FormID: 030AB487	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	1	Then we wouldn't only had grapes on the wineyards, but inside here, too.	
FormID: 030AB488	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	Another great picture of Karashivuel, showing the world our beauty. In a very natural way.	
FormID: 030AB488	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	1	Like most of us are when you meet us. Maybe some will try to talk first?	
FormID: 030AB488	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	2	Makes it easier to land the first blow.	
FormID: 030AB48A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	0	It was a gift, and I pondered for a long time if I should nail it to a wall - or throw it into Lake Rumare.	
FormID: 030AB48A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraBra	1	Well, you see what I decided. It may help people to prepare for the dangers of Oblivion. And show them what could await them if they live a life full of sins.	
FormID: 030B4794	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTessLace	0	I know, I know. I should have forbidden Jariv to hang up his painting, but it's so humiliating for a Golden Saint I just couldn't resist. 	
FormID: 030B4795	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTessLace	0	You don't see Aureals like this at all. Ever. I don't know what threats they used to force Tesserayiel into this clothing, but I kind of like it. Shows that even those great warriors are not merged with their armor.	
FormID: 030B4796	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	0	Through entities like Turumerin Sanguine gets a bad reputation. He's about enjoying life, all kinds of enjoyments. And yes, even crossing some borders better left uncrossed.	
FormID: 030B4796	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	1	In my opinion Turumerin more fits Mephala's or Molag Bal's sphere, yet, well, it's not malice what drives her. Just hunger and lust. Which borders Sanguine's sphere, true, but he's not as bad as she makes him look like.	
FormID: 030B4797	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVeleryaIC	0	That's me.	
FormID: 030B4797	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVeleryaIC	1	During my last visit with wings to Tamriel. It was a different time. A difficult time. Mortals don't need to be ashamed if they do everything in their power to save their skin. Daedra don't have this liberty.	
FormID: 030B4797	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVeleryaIC	2	I'm not sure if I did the right thing, choosing the path which brought me to here at last, but I will never know. Such is existence.	
FormID: 030B4798	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshTapestry	0	That's not me. Another Daedra Seducer. I've heard she is or was a servant of Nocturnal?	
FormID: 030B4798	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshTapestry	1	I heard a lot of good things about her. Nocturnal, that is. Yet living between twilight and darkness, that's nothing I can imagine myself to do.	
FormID: 030B4799	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDraftDoleandra	0	I am very sure you know her. Do'leandra.	
FormID: 030B4799	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDraftDoleandra	1	What is there to tell that you don't know? Well, I can't tell you anything, because I never worked with her.	
FormID: 030B479A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDraftDoleandra	0	That's Do'leandra, leader of the Cyrodilic branch of our group.	
FormID: 030B479B	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDraftDoleandra	0	After my parents, well, she's like a big sister to me. S'ariana is happy that she's seeing her everyday, if only as a painting!	
FormID: 030B479C	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	0	It's alright, I guess. At least it's unlikely that my hubby will ever meet her. And visitors see through our different fur color that it's not me. My hubby was always fascinated with us.	
FormID: 030B479C	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	1	And at least it's no picture of a bald person, like some mer or anything. That would have hurt.	
FormID: 030B479D	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	0	I know, it's kind of odd having this painting here. Unfortunately my wife doesn't agree to have a painting made of her, even if she's clothed, so I had to look for a substitute.	
FormID: 030B479D	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	1	There's nothing more beautiful than Ohmes-raht, aren't there? I'm just so happy that I met my M'kendri!	
FormID: 030B479E	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecBloodySeducer	0	I know it sounds weird, but I'm fascinated by this painting. That it is solid, unchanging, yet looking as if coming from a nightmare - it reminds me that this world is real, and not Quagmire.	
FormID: 030B479F	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecBloodySeducer	0	Setuva's idea. I don't care. At least there are no silver longswords in it!	
FormID: 030B47A0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecBloodySeducer	0	I don't care about it. It's an ugly painting either way.	
FormID: 030B47A1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecXivilaiWarrior	0	That's someone I once knew, before she... well, became someone else. Even daedra change. Sometimes.	
FormID: 030B47A1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecXivilaiWarrior	1	I like to remember the good parts. Not those that got ugly.	
FormID: 030B47A2	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecXivilaiWarrior	0	Why should I know what Beramkne paints? Or care? It's her painting. A Xivilai. As was to be expected. Xivilai never had a high opinion about just any other daedra.	
FormID: 030B47A3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecXivilaiWarrior	0	The sword. It is silver. They do this to torment me. Even in paintings they follow me.	
FormID: 030BE724	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	0	Hm. I've got the feeling we already talked about it. So, uhm, may I ask what you're thinking about?	
FormID: 030BE724	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshPinUp	1	Your opinion became quite important for me.	
FormID: 030C2583	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDraftXivSoWhat	0	Me. Myself. I.	
FormID: 030C3AC5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKenerielStand	0	She is lovely. I wish more Dark Seducers were like her.	
FormID: 030C3AC6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraLong	0	I'm happy about this painting, that the Xivilai agreed to be painted like this. It shows how beautiful our kind can be.	
FormID: 030C3AC6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraLong	1	Some argue, like Tesserayiel, that you need to conquer the hearts of mortals. I think Kanaane is right - you only need to conquer the pants of half of them.	
FormID: 030C3AC6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKaraLong	2	Do these names sound familiar to you? I'm living on the Shivering Isles for a long time now. I've met these Daedra centuries ago, before I settled here.	
FormID: 030C3AC7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDwemer	0	I may be totally off the track, but to me this face looks a bit like Tesserayiel. Look closely. Don't you think?	
FormID: 030C3AC7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecDwemer	1	If so, what has a Golden Saint to do with Dwemer? I don't know, and I don't get it.	
FormID: 030C3AC8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecZerrRobe	0	It's been half an eternity since I last saw her. Didn't have a house for me back then, so I looked around for myself.	
FormID: 030C3AC8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecZerrRobe	1	Still, it was nice to feel accepted in this realm. She helped me to get adjusted to it, and to the mortals around.	
FormID: 030C3AC9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecXivilaiWarrior	0	I weep for her. She is lost, even if she hasn't realized it. With each cycle it became worse. This time she will fall. And I'm not sure if there will be a return for her.	
FormID: 030EC7B4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelerya	0	Oh? That picture? I don't know who sent it. It was to delivered to someone in Kvatch, but whoever should get it, refused to accept the parcel. It would be a waste to throw the painting away, so I hang it up instead.	
FormID: 030ED5B2	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecJobealaWaterwalk	0	Oh? Ah, yes. It shows the wonders of magic, spells you can buy here. No need to visit the Mages Guild!	
FormID: 030ED5B3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecJobealaWaterwalk	0	I've heard it's a painting of one of our newest members in Cyrodiil. Came straight from the Sentinel branch of our guild. Don't know why she even bothered learning to walk on water there. It's a big desert.	
FormID: 030ED5B4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecJobealaWaterwalk	0	Isn't she the Guild Guide in Merendin? I think I've heard something regarding this before.	
FormID: 030ED5B5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecJobealaWaterwalk	0	Walking on water is no area of the school of Restoration, though I can imagine that it would be quite handy around here.	
FormID: 030ED5B6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecJobealaWaterwalk	0	I like water. Well, seeing water. Once my fur is all wet, it takes hours to become dry again. Therefore I walk on it, not under it.	
FormID: 030ED5B7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKiyana	0	Ya I don't care. You want swords? You're wrong here. You want big maces and hammers? You've come to the right place!	
FormID: 030ED5B8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKiyana	0	An Ohmes-raht that stayed for a night not so long ago. Didn't have any money, so instead payed with a lovely picture of hers. She went north, talked about going to Bruma. Good luck with that!	
FormID: 030ED5B9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKiyana	0	A friend of mine, who just happened to have sent me this picture. Apologized for not visiting me, because she wanted to go straight north - from Leyawiin to Bruma.	
FormID: 030ED5BA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKiyana	0	We got it from the Lonely Suitor Lodge. A customer paid with the picture, but the Orc intended to use it as a tray. Therefore I gave him a few coins to save the painting from destruction.	
FormID: 030ED5BB	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	Some sort of heroine for Ohmes and Ohmes-raht. I don't know all details, but I heard she was involved in ending the Suthay Decree.	
FormID: 030ED5BC	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	I bought this picture in honor of her great victory against Cyrodiil's unjust laws!	
FormID: 030ED5BC	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	1	True, if I would have stayed in Elsweyr, I rather had bought a painting of Ma'meria. I think Revendri earned our gratitude, even if she doesn't have Ma'meria's looks!	
FormID: 030ED5BD	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	Oh? That? It was glued onto the wall by that crazy cat, what was her name? Joshipper or something. Without blasting a hole into the wall we can't get it off, so I guess it's going to stay there.	
FormID: 030ED5BD	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	1	I swear if I she glues the next thing onto a wall, I will turn her fur into a blanket!	
FormID: 030ED5BE	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	She deserves to be honored. After all it was her that helped the Empire to overcome the Suthay Decree.	
FormID: 030ED5BF	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	Thanks to her I'm in Cyrodiil!	
FormID: 030ED5C0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	She became somewhat of a saint for Ohmes-raht. Ohmes could pass as Bosmer before, but Ohmes-raht got the short end of the stick. Not anymore, thanks to her. I'm not surprised to see her picture in various places.	
FormID: 030ED5C1	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	Without her Do'leandra wouldn't have been able to come to Cyrodiil. At least officially. This would have had dire consequences. Who knows what may have happened in our fight against the Renrijra Krin?	
FormID: 030ED5C2	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	I agree that the Suthay Decree was unjust, and it was the right move to fight against it. Even better without violence. Therefore I show my support to the newly arrived Ohmes-raht.	
FormID: 030ED5C3	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	I am not exactly sure what to think of it. She's a regular customer, often appearing around dusk. This gains me some popularity with our Khajiiti citizen. That she was here before the Suthay Decree was lifted worries me a bit.	
FormID: 030ED5C4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecRevendri	0	Oh, that. An Ohmes-raht stayed her for a night, but didn't have money. Instead she payed with that medallion. Looks nice, so I accepted it.	

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