L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Books/ibgSLCOQ1SuthayRevoked のバックアップ(No.1)


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<FONT face=2><div align="center">
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/TSLHeader512x256.dds" width=512 height=256>
<div align="center">Stranded Light Courier<br>

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<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/revendri256px.dds" width=256 height=256> 
<FONT face="2">Suthay Decree revoked!</DIV>

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<FONT face=1>As you may have heard or even seen, the Suthay Decree - a law prohibiting Ohmes and Ohmes-raht to enter other provinces - has been revoked. What is unknown though is that none other than one of the four founders of the Stranded Light played a major part in doing so.<p>

Working with the (as now was revealed) Ohmes-raht Revendri, the Hero of Kvatch persuaded counts throughout Cyrodiil to drop the unjust law. Which shows what the Stranded Light is about: Helping those in need. And working against racial prejudices. It is an open secret that Stranded Light gives shelter and offers service to any good citizen, regardless where he or she comes from, what color his or her skin (or fur, or scales) has.<p>

The revoking of the Suthay Decree shows that there can be change, even in Cyrodiil, as rigid as the womb of civilization has become. Whatever challenges this world faces, the Stranded Light is willing and ready to take and solve them. From the simple healing of a wound, up to the healing of a whole Empire - like just showed through helping with overcoming the Suthay Decree.

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