L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Books/ibgOQ12FadingSmileSuccess のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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**原文 [#text_en]
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Rumors are running rampart: A kind of secret war is said to have been fought in Nibenay. Dead Khajiit are decaying in Blackwood's swamps, Skooma that was to be delivered to addicts throughout the Empire is tossed into flames. A selective group, often reffered to as "Elsweyr Agents" or "Dune Walkers" made a strike against the Renrija Krin, Elsweyr's most infamous criminal syndicate. Yet details remain shrouded.<p>

The downfall of the Cyrodilic branch of the Renrija Krin of course doesn't mean the end of the syndicate, but it severly hinders their distribution of drugs and other illegal goods throughout Tamriel. Socius Ergalla, spokesman of the Imperial Census of Seyda Neen already confirmed that a lot less Skooma was found by guard raids in the last days. Similar reports drop in each passing hour.<p>

Few though know what exactly happened. Do'leandra, one known member of the Dune Walkers, just said that they "cleaned a bit up". S'krivva, a business woman in Bravil, speculated about a theft of "spice" which has pushed the Renrija Krin over the edge.<p>

Most however will not care why and how the Renrija Krin fell. It is a time to rejoice for all good citizen, while certainly some addicts will miss their skooma. It's for the better, though. And it will help to stabilize the still shaky Niben Delta.

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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