L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Books/bgPDQ5TwoFacesFragment のバックアップ差分(No.1)


// Format_ver:0.0.1 (2008-01-01)
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**原文 [#text_en]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
<DIV align="center"><font face=5>M'ahnisa wants you to know that she outlined the damaged and missing lines.<br>
Two Faces<br>
<font face=5><DIV align="left">It's known the Aurbis is made out of two fundamental elements. Anu and Padomay. Sithis is a tendency for the Aurbis to attain a state of maximum homogeneity.The Aurbis knows  two periods in which it was homogeneous, at the start and with the creation of Mundus which attempted to recreate the initial state.<br>
It's opposite, Auriel is a tendency for the Aurbis to attain a state of maximum segregation. The Aurbis knows one such period, between the realisation of Auri-El and the creation of Mundus. In this period the et'Ada started to last and [unrecoverable, likely not relevant either. M.].<br>
These conclusions [unrecoverable, likely a judgment not relevant to my cause. M.] because Anuiel and Sithis are considered to be interchangeable with Anu and Padomay or in other cases, their respective souls. [unrecoverable notion, M.], Anuiel and Sithis act tangentially to Anu and Padomay as at any time something is made more Anu-like by Anu-iel, something else is made more Padomay-like or when something is made less Anu-like by Sithis, something else is made less Padomay-like.<br>
[1. First missing statement - what is Sithis? M.].<br>
[2. Second missing statement - what is Auriel? M.]<br>
Yet Sithis is also death, and Auriel is life.<br>
[3. Third missing statement, fourth in total - likely a conclusion of the three statements above, of which two are missing. M.]<br>
[4. A conclusion about the nature of Mara, not recoverable. What's her role? It's based on the first three statements. M.]
[5. A conclusion about the nature of Mephala, not recoverable. What's her role? It's based on the first three statements. M.]
[Here was some reinforcement including Shezarr. From the text flow it looked to be just a reiteration without value. M.]
[6. Another reiteration was here, which seemed to have spelled out the conclusion of the missing parts #4 and #5. I wasn't able to recover it at all. However what is said here is a consequence of #4 and #5. M.]<br>
<DIV align="right"><font face=5>Your task is simple: Find out what the missing parts 1-3 said, then combine them to find out what 4-6 said. Unfortunately, as you've read, most of the later parts of the writing were unrecoverable. I am not sure if you're able to deduct the missing parts, or need help.<br>
Good luck!<br>

**訳文 [#text_ja]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。



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