L10N/HFCastle/1.1.2/Books/HCValgusDiary のバックアップ(No.2)


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<font face=1>[You flip through the extensive diary to a recent entry:]
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Vilene has rebuffed me again! I swear, that girl makes me so angry sometimes. These girls... how can they speak to me so - refuse me so? It shouldn't be allowed!
I need to find someone though... Time is running out, I know. I know I'm old; I know! Curse this hair of mine! Why should some men suffer baldness so, and others not? It shouldn't be allowed.
What is it that scares them away; these girls? Are my eyes too deep-set; too shadowed under my brow for them to see the true passion in them? Or is it my jowls? They have a saggier and more pouchy appearance than they once did, I know.
Ugh... navel-gazing. Enough. Time to put the quill down.
- Valgus Hertarian

訳文 Edit

<font face=1>[君は、分厚い日記の中から最近の記載を選んでざっと目を通す:]
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 Vileneがまたもやわしを拒絶した! 確かにあの小娘はわしを何かと怒らせる。確かに…あの年頃の娘というものは口の利き方を知らんな、何故ああもわしを拒むのだ。そんなことが許されるのか!
 いやいや、しかしわしも誰かを見つけねばならん。もう時はあまり残されておらん。分かっておる、わしがもういい歳なのは、そうだ分かっておるとも! 何故にこの頭なんだ! 何故に世の男は禿げ頭ぐらいで苦しまねばならんのだ? そんなことが許されるのか!
 何がわしを遠ざける、年頃の娘から。額の下に落ちくぼんだこの眼か。それがわしの真摯な情熱を覆い隠してしまうのか。それともこの顎なのか? 弛んで、昔よりずっと緩くなってしまったこの顎か? 忌々しい。
- Valgus Hertarian

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