L10N/HFCastle/1.1.2/Books/HCParticulars のバックアップソース(No.1)

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An introduction to the particulars of Hoarfrost Castle: its keep and surrounds
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penned by Steward Ignatius Essagan.
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Allow me to properly welcome you to your new home; Hoarfrost Castle. For it is wholly yours now - by law and by deed - and you should feel free to treat it as such. Please do not be afraid to store your belongings in the many strongboxes and packing crates I have had added to the keep. This place has quite the reputation (as I'm sure you can appreciate after what you've seen here); I doubt the nerves of the average thief would be sturdy enough to make an intrusion. You should not fear the loss of any items stored in the keep when business takes you away from the castle.
Nevertheless, it would be foolish to leave the castle wholly undefended; I am no fighter, as you can imagine. A castle is a mere pile of stone and mortar without guardsmen to man the walls - or a staff to run the keep, for that matter... But I digress: a retinue of guards is what we sorely need; and I have an idea of who might help us in that regard. Remind me to tell you of this, when you have a free moment.
For now, onto the particulars of Hoarfrost Castle. The castle yard is home to four features of interest: the stables, a reliable well, chapel, and a kitchen-garden outside the servant door leading to the kitchen itself. The chapel lies disturbingly dark and quiet; the altar within empty of the Grace of the Nine. We need a priest, in short. But again, ask me of such things later: I have an old friend in mind...
Now; the keep is the heart of the castle - as you might expect. The great hall is perhaps the warmest part of the keep (after the kitchen at least), thanks to the pit fire in its middle. Do not mind it: I shall tend to it, and keep the flames at a good level. From the great hall one can reach all other parts of the keep: from your master bedroom, to the staff sleeping quarters, the kitchen, thermal spring, display halls, smithy, and mage's study. The dining hall is more or less part of the great hall itself.
The podiums and presentation cases in the east wing's display halls stand empty. Regrettably - the dusty, rusty relics belonging to the late master had to be sold to fund the restoration of the keep. At this moment, money is something we must speak on, too - as much as it pains me to say so. Do not fret, though: I may have a solution to this problem as well. In any case, I digress once more: do with the display halls as you wish.
As to the kitchen, I shall try to keep the food stores there well-stocked; take whatever you need, but do not trouble yourself with restocking them yourself. However, I have set aside the cupboard closest to the door your your personal use. Store whatever you wish there - I shall not touch it.
Your master bedroom is ready - I hope you find it adequate. Also: the keep tower is accessible from your bedroom (as well as from the small antechamber to the room). The chambers in the tower have been set aside as personal storage and training areas, and the view from the top of the tower is often quite spectacular, depending on the weather.
The keep boasts an underground thermal spring; perfect to warm chilled bones in deep winter! It is quite a convenient bathing area, and can be accessed both from the back of the dining hall and directly from the master bedroom.
The smithy on the lower floor in the west wing is well-equipped, but is little use without a blacksmith to man the forge. Something we might look into later on...
The study - or 'mage's study', if you will - on the upper floor of the west wing is ideally suited to the... perhaps less 'flashy' pursuits of magecraft. I have had a set of shelves installed there with a number of marked containers for the storage of alchemical ingredients. If alchemy is an interest of yours, you may wish to use these cabinets to store your alchemical ingredients in an organised fashion. I can imagine how it might become tedious doing this yourself, though... The late Mistress Callonus actually used to employ an assistant to do such things for her. Perhaps you might like to do the same?
In any case, I have rambled on quite enough for now, so I'll finish with a quick note on the sleeping quarters on the upper level of the east wing. As of the time at which I give you this note, I am the only occupant of the sleeping quarters - but there is room enough for a number of castle-staff members. As you might have guessed from the several hints included above, I have ideas on how we might fill this castle with life again - and drive out the ill smell of death that lingers in the halls.
So: come speak with me when you have the time, and we can get started.
Ignatius Essagan, Steward of Hoarfrost Castle.

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