L10N/Golden_Perch_Inn/1.1/Books/GPCTInstructions のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*GPCTInstructions [#l7bd90f4]

**原文 [#mf854e2c]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
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- Ales<BR>
 I want you to scout out the orange road when we move our next shipment of slaves out tomorrow. <BR>
 If a legion soldier is around, give out the warning signal, otherwise, kill anyone else on sight. If there's a body, throw it in the nearby lake or something, but don't doddle.<BR>
 We already take enough risk in not killing the legion soldiers, that's why you have to kill any other passersby. The shipment should not take more than fifteen minutes to move, so there is little chance you'll run into anyone.<BR>
 After the shipment has been secured, I want you to head over to Cheydinhal to meet with our regular contact to arrange a meeting sometime next month. <BR>
 And keep a low profile while you're there! I want a fly to stand out more than your sorry hide, got it. I cannot stress that enough, you were lucky last time. <BR>
 Havren Rethyn, Count Indarys' goon, has been breathing down the necks of our superiors back in Morrowind. If he ever finds out about our trade routes, the Cammona Tong will lose another of its operations, and we can't have that, can we?<BR>
Meet us back at our base two weeks from now.<BR>

**訳文 [#yf5fac6f]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
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君にしてほしいことは、我々が次回の奴隷移送を行う明日、Orange Roadを偵察することだ。<BR>
Indary伯爵の手の者であるHavren Rethynは、Morrowindにおける我々の上層部について嗅ぎまわっている。もし奴が我々の移送ルートを嗅ぎ付けたら、Cammona Tongはまたひとつ、ビジネスを失うことになる。それは我々には耐えがたいことだろ?<BR>
Indarys伯爵の手の者であるHavren Rethynは、Morrowindにおける我々の組織の上層部について嗅ぎまわっている。もし奴が我々の移送ルートを嗅ぎ付けたら、Cammona Tongはまたひとつ、ビジネスを失うことになる。それは我々には耐えがたいことだろ?<BR>

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