L10N/Frostcrag_Reborn/3.0.6/Books/frostcragmemoirs2 のバックアップ差分(No.3)


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*本文 [#ia7b0574]

**原文 [#ie1f0244]
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<font face=1><div align="center">The Mage Rastieri'<br>
<br><div align="left">
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/p_59x62.dds" width=59 height=62>In my pride, I have failed him, my only son.<br>
<div align="center">Damn The High Elves!! <br>
<div align="left">Those mighty mage's of old, they left their knowledge laying about.  But for them he would still live!  Instead he has embraced undeath, choosing the unlife of a lich, as taught by the powerful mage's of the Ancient Ayleids.  Curse be to them! <br>
Although the knowledge was theirs, the fault lies in me.  I believed that he would be strong enough to withstand the temptation.  But immortality proved to be a damning elixir.  In my pride I thought he would be more like me, for I believed no son of mine would be so faithless, so deceiving as to use the knowledge in secret. I showed him only as a curiosity, not thinking he would actually perform the ritual!!  Ahh, my son, my son. Alas, he is gone now.  Down into the Depths where I banished him and the other students.  The Arch-mage will never agree to the terms now that I have failed so miserably. I banished them,  For no evil will I allow to come to pass because of the monstrosity they have become by my negligence. I have sent him down, down  into the Deepness whence those ancient tomes of the Ayleids which precipitated this disaster came.<br>
The Elves buried it deep, but in my pride I delved.  Too deep did I delve, and now have brought ruin.  Not only to myself, but to my only son.<br>
I had learned much from the tomes.  The Ayleids knew much of the world of the dead.  A world that co-exists with our own.  I believed I knew all.  But when my son turned himself into a lich,  I sought a way to restore him.  I reasoned that if magic could make him so, then magic could undo it.  I have searched in vain.  I know the process perfectly now,  Backwards and forwards,  the way forward is clear.  But to return from that is impossible.  There are some things even magic cannot undo.<br>
In the search for a way to undo his undeath,  I have found even greater wonders than I had previously imagined.  I now know it is possible to create a 'pocket plane'. A place where both the world of the living, and the world of the dead are as one. Such a place would be very inhospitable if not outright lethal to the living, the very air poisoned, but it would serve as a place of resting to those of the dead.  A place for them to enter our world without the powers of the necromancer to help them cross.  In fact, such places are very common across cyrodil, for the ancient Ayleid sorcerer kings were loathe to give up their thrones.  Most if not all their ancient ruins have have been converted in this way. Them and their servants cross into our world in these places at will.  Most who enter these ruins know they will run into their previous owners.<br>
<br> I believe, because of the interplay of death and life in the pocket plane and the unique characteristics of lichdom; that a lich, if placed in a pocket plane, could never escape. <br>
 My nightmare is that upon my death, my son will escape because of the eventual decay of the magical barriers I have placed upon his tomb, the Deepness.  If the pocket plane is possible to create, and I could create one out of the Ayleid tomb he and the other students reside in, their eventual escape upon my death would be impossible...<br>
I have done it!!   After years of study and experimentation,  I have created a pocket plane.  Right beneath my feet. The very place all my knowledge has come from, the Ayleid ruins beneath frostcrag, has been converted. My son who was already down in the deep, can now never escape from the pocket plane.  My vigil is over, and his ultimate escape upon my death is now impossible.  The dead already flock to it's halls from their plane.<br>
Even more amazing I have found something even the ancient Ayleids would be stunned by.  If the same spell of the dead used in the creation of the pocket plane is inverted asymmetrically to the matrices, the object in question, or any object, will be transported to the parallel plane of the dead.  Completely untouchable to the mortal world.  I have yet to find a way of retrieving the object, but hope to do so very soon.  I believe If I centered the magical power of the spell into another physical vessel and carried that vessel into my already created pocket plane, the spell will be activated.  And to retrieve it, all I must do is retrieve the vessel from the pocket plane.  The vessel could be something as simple as a piece of paper.
I have found an heir.  Barely related through my grandfather's younger brother. Even so  I have decided that frostcrag will be better served if I give it away upon my death. The Ancient Ayleid tomes of knowledge I have gathered, especially the ones describing the world of the dead and lichdom, will be destroyed.  The knowledge is too dangerous.  This book of memories will be put in my grave.  My man servant, Thomas will be sure to deliver the deed and the key to frostcrag to my heir.  The East and West wings of the tower will be Spelled out of the mortal world, they hold too many dangerous artifacts,  And because the vessels of the spell of the dead  for their retrieval will be held in my pocket plane, I myself upon my death will be able to guard them should someone , even my heir, seek to restore them to the mortal world.  Frostcrag will be much lessened by their absence, for even the mighty statue of the dragon Kelnarath will be taken in the spell.<br>
I have asked Thomas to bury me in the cold cellar. Next to my Father Lennasaan and my son Rindsey's grave, although Rindsey's body does not lie there.  His true spirit of adventure will be celebrated there.

**訳文 [#r93f29bf]
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<font face=1><div align="center">魔術師Rastieriの手記<br>
<br><div align="left">
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/p_59x62.dds" width=59 height=62>In my pride,私は己自身の自惚れのせいであの子の…ただ一人の息子の事を見誤ってしまった。<br>
<div align="center">忌々しいHigh Elfたちめ!! <br>
<div align="left">かの旧き強大な魔術師たちは、その叡智を後世に残してくれた。だが、我が息子が未だに生き恥を晒さなければならないのは彼らのせいだ!あの子が死を受け入れず、lichとしての不完全な生を選んだのも、そもそも彼ら古代Ayleidの強力な魔術師達がその手段を残していった事に端を発している。ああ!全くもって呪わしい!!<br>
I had learned much from the tomes.  The Ayleids knew much of the world of the dead.  A world that co-exists with our own.  I believed I knew all.  But when my son turned himself into a lich,  I sought a way to restore him.  I reasoned that if magic could make him so, then magic could undo it.  I have searched in vain.  I know the process perfectly now,  Backwards and forwards,  the way forward is clear.  But to return from that is impossible.  There are some things even magic cannot undo.<br>
In the search for a way to undo his undeath,  I have found even greater wonders than I had previously imagined.  I now know it is possible to create a 'pocket plane'. A place where both the world of the living, and the world of the dead are as one. Such a place would be very inhospitable if not outright lethal to the living, the very air poisoned, but it would serve as a place of resting to those of the dead.  A place for them to enter our world without the powers of the necromancer to help them cross.  In fact, such places are very common across cyrodil, for the ancient Ayleid sorcerer kings were loathe to give up their thrones.  Most if not all their ancient ruins have have been converted in this way. Them and their servants cross into our world in these places at will.  Most who enter these ruins know they will run into their previous owners.<br>
<br> I believe, because of the interplay of death and life in the pocket plane and the unique characteristics of lichdom; that a lich, if placed in a pocket plane, could never escape. <br>
 My nightmare is that upon my death, my son will escape because of the eventual decay of the magical barriers I have placed upon his tomb, the Deepness.  If the pocket plane is possible to create, and I could create one out of the Ayleid tomb he and the other students reside in, their eventual escape upon my death would be impossible...<br>
I have done it!!   After years of study and experimentation,  I have created a pocket plane.  Right beneath my feet. The very place all my knowledge has come from, the Ayleid ruins beneath frostcrag, has been converted. My son who was already down in the deep, can now never escape from the pocket plane.  My vigil is over, and his ultimate escape upon my death is now impossible.  The dead already flock to it's halls from their plane.<br>
Even more amazing I have found something even the ancient Ayleids would be stunned by.  If the same spell of the dead used in the creation of the pocket plane is inverted asymmetrically to the matrices, the object in question, or any object, will be transported to the parallel plane of the dead.  Completely untouchable to the mortal world.  I have yet to find a way of retrieving the object, but hope to do so very soon.  I believe If I centered the magical power of the spell into another physical vessel and carried that vessel into my already created pocket plane, the spell will be activated.  And to retrieve it, all I must do is retrieve the vessel from the pocket plane.  The vessel could be something as simple as a piece of paper.
I have found an heir.  Barely related through my grandfather's younger brother. Even so  I have decided that frostcrag will be better served if I give it away upon my death. The Ancient Ayleid tomes of knowledge I have gathered, especially the ones describing the world of the dead and lichdom, will be destroyed.  The knowledge is too dangerous.  This book of memories will be put in my grave.  My man servant, Thomas will be sure to deliver the deed and the key to frostcrag to my heir.  The East and West wings of the tower will be Spelled out of the mortal world, they hold too many dangerous artifacts,  And because the vessels of the spell of the dead  for their retrieval will be held in my pocket plane, I myself upon my death will be able to guard them should someone , even my heir, seek to restore them to the mortal world.  Frostcrag will be much lessened by their absence, for even the mighty statue of the dragon Kelnarath will be taken in the spell.<br>
I have asked Thomas to bury me in the cold cellar. Next to my Father Lennasaan and my son Rindsey's grave, although Rindsey's body does not lie there.  His true spirit of adventure will be celebrated there.

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