L10N/Frostcrag_Reborn/3.0.6/Books/frostcragNote1 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

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<FONT face=5>Thomas, my old friend<br>
Consider this my final will.  I am sorry to leave these final tasks to you, and add to your burden.  You have long been loyal through the heartbreak and pride.  I thank you. <br>
 I believe reward is in order for your unrelenting service.  Please take any and all non-magical treasure you wish from the estate before you deliver the deed.  It is yours by right of your long service and there are plenty of trinkets for my heir.<br>
Please deliver the rest that I have set aside  to the Mystic Emporium for safekeeping. <br> 
After that is done, please deliver the key and deed to my heir.  And finally, Please see to it I am put to rest, any old coffin will do.  Let the cold and dark beneath frostcrag be my final resting place, you know where, between my son Rindsey's grave and my father.<br>
Also I implore you to keep your silence... there are things better left unsaid. <br>
Again I wish to thank you from the bottom of an old man's heart.  Have a happy and blessed life.<br>
Your friend,<br>


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