L10N/Frostcrag_Reborn/3.0.6/Books/FrostcragBlankSheet のバックアップソース(No.1)

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<br><div align="left">...The man died soon after reaching my tower. Where exactly he came from and how he was able to enter my vault I have yet to understand. It seems beyond belief that he came up from the deep ruins below.  They have been abandoned for millenia, and he wasn't elven.  His only possessions were the strange key, which I believe will finally open the door to the Nalonwyn ruins, and the extremely cryptic mural. <br><br>

The mural is most interesting. The language is part Daedric, and some other I have never seen. I can only make out some of the deadric, and by this I am able to infer some of the other strange symbols meaning.<br>
First phrase translates as ''the lord Tyras rules over us in power..."  I cannot seem to make out the rest at this time only to say that it seems he was worshipped daily with this as the prayer ritual...

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