L10N/Frostcrag_Reborn/3.0.6/Books/FRMadRavings3 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

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Panting, Drawl. Panting Snarl <br>
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A grand plan to ensure our endless existence.
panting, drawl, panting snarl snarl snarl.
those fated to hell, not a one among them feeling fear
knew it not
thought all was well, cheered there own fate as their destruction drew near
panting, drawl, panting snarl
their faces beamed up at his, his eyes full of power and authority which shone through with the intensity of a god in his prime; and love even love shone bright, all was right, peace and serenity would reign supreme,
panting fools, snarling idiots drawl drawl drawl
 all would live forever even as he would live forever, feasting on the power of the Shardan Crystals, all powerful, all knowing, and everlasting perfection.
DEATH came in the backdoor to feast upon us Alllllllllahhahahahahahhhaahhaa!!!


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