L10N/Frostcrag_Reborn/3.0.6/Books/FCMJournalEvidence のバックアップ差分(No.1)


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Seritha.  I used to worship that name.  How my goals have changed.  I would have given most anything to live out the rest of my life with her.  Now her name means almost nothing to me.  An echo of an echo that was once love.  I do not miss it.  Strange, but as the preternatural powers of the undeath rituals begin to transform me, my mortal feelings fade to dust.
I?m sorry my long gone love. You must be the catalyst.  Your soul will forget the horrors I must do to you, and power my ascendance to undeath and lichdom! 
Davram, the soon to be all powerful immortal lich!


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