L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/beta/Dialogue/ANQSmallQuest01 のバックアップ(No.2)


FormID: 010339E4 ANQSmallQuest01 GREETING 0 Ah, this one looks like a strong hero. Will it perhaps help out a poor, old goatherd?
FormID: 010339E7 ANQSmallQuest01 ANQSQ01BridgeTroll 0 I need to take my goats out to pasture down by the lake, but a fierce troll has taken up lair on Brukreich Bridge.
__ワシは山羊達を湖の周りで放牧する必要があるのじゃが、凶暴なTrollがBrukreich Bridgeを住処としてしまったんじゃ。
FormID: 010339E7 ANQSmallQuest01 ANQSQ01BridgeTroll 1 If it can slay the beast for me I will reward it with a little gift.
FormID: 0103442C ANQSmallQuest01 ANQSQ01BridgeTroll 0 Has it killed the troll that was stopping me taking my goats to pasture?
FormID: 0103442C ANQSmallQuest01 ANQSQ01BridgeTroll 1 This makes me very happy. Here, take these, some of Rarassa's finest goat cheese.
__これはとてもうれしいことじゃ。Rarassa's finest goat cheeseをいくつかあげようじゃないか。
FormID: 0103442C ANQSmallQuest01 ANQSQ01BridgeTroll 2 Ah, and search underneath the bridge, that is where trolls usually keep their stash.
FormID: 0103442E ANQSmallQuest01 GREETING 0 I guess it hasn't managed to kill that troll yet?
FormID: 0103442F ANQSmallQuest01 GREETING 0 Is the bridge now safe to cross?
FormID: 01034430 ANQSmallQuest01 ANQSQ01BridgeTroll 0 Oh, the troll is still there. Let me know when the way in clear.

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