L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/JulyAddOnPack/QuestStages/ANQMerchantsGuild01 のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 01075922	ANQMerchantsGuild01	10	0	I have applied to join the Merchants Guild. Tynemwe told me it would normally take several months to process my request, but she could fast track it if I were to slay an outlaw named Red Jazaska who has been attacking caravans on the road to Orcrest. I should also recover any Imperial trade bars I find in her lair if I wish to establish myself as a merchant.
FormID: 01075922	ANQMerchantsGuild01	100	0	Tynemwe was pleased to hear of the death of Red Jazaska and has granted me membership in the Merchants Guild.
FormID: 01075922	ANQMerchantsGuild01	20	0	Hzahbi told me that Jazaska is a spotted Cathay-raht Khajiit like himself. He suggested I question the local Cathay to learn of her whereabouts.
FormID: 01075922	ANQMerchantsGuild01	30	0	Snarriva told me that Red Jazarska has lair just west of Greenvale Mere. She suggested I keep my eye turned upwards in the search.
FormID: 01075922	ANQMerchantsGuild01	40	0	I have slain the outlaw Red Jazaska. I should report back to Tynemwe at the Office of Imperial Commerce in Corinthe.

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