L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/JulyAddOnPack/QuestStages/ANQHuntersGuild01 のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 01075923	ANQHuntersGuild01	10	0	Ogra of the Great Hunters Guild has asked me to fetch the pelt of the leader of a pack of wolves, terrorizing the badlands just north of Corinthe..
FormID: 01075923	ANQHuntersGuild01	100	0	Ogra paid me a stipend of gold for wolf pack leader's pelt, and promoted me in the ranks of the Great Hunters Guild.
FormID: 01075923	ANQHuntersGuild01	20	0	I have slain the leader of the wolf pack and skinned it for its pelt. I should return to Ogra with the prize.

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