L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/JulyAddOnPack/Dialogue/ANQMerchantsGuild01 のバックアップソース(No.2)

FormID: 0108F0B6	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMerchantsGuildTopic	0	I am the representative of the Free Merchants Guild here in Corinthe.	
__私はここCorintheのFree Merchants Guildで代表を務めています。
FormID: 0108F0B6	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMerchantsGuildTopic	1	We are a society of merchant traders licensed by the Imperial Ministry of Commerce.	
FormID: 0108F0B6	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMerchantsGuildTopic	2	Do you wish to join the Guild?	
FormID: 0108F0B7	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQNo	0	Good day to you then.	
FormID: 0108F0B8	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01ChoiceYes	0	Very well, please fill in this form and the Guild will consider your request.	
FormID: 0108F0B8	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01ChoiceYes	1	Let me take a look. Yes, yes, this all seems to be in order. However due our current backlog, your application will take six months to process.	
FormID: 0108F0B8	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01ChoiceYes	2	I can, of course, expedite matters if you are willing to perform a task for the Guild.	
FormID: 0108F0B8	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01ChoiceYes	3	An outlaw named Red Jazaska has been attacking merchant caravans on the road to Orcrest.	
__実は、Red Jazaskaと名乗る悪党がOrcrest方面の街道で隊商を襲っているのです。
FormID: 0108F0B8	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01ChoiceYes	4	Slay her, and I will promptly register you with the Guild.	
FormID: 0108F0B8	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01ChoiceYes	5	You may also have any Imperial trade bars you find in her lair.	
__あと、彼女のねぐらからImperial trade barsが見つかるかもしれません。
FormID: 0108F0B8	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01ChoiceYes	6	Trade bars are the currency of Imperial commerce, and you will need these if you wish to establish yourself as a merchant.	
__Trade barsは帝国商務省公認の通貨です。あなたが商人として身を立てたいのなら必須のものです。
FormID: 0108F0B8	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01ChoiceYes	7	I do not know where Jazaska lairs. But you might try asking the merchants around town, or else simply explore all the lands between here and Orcrest.	
FormID: 0108F0BB	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	0	I heard from one of the caravan drivers that Jazaska is a Cathay-raht Khajiit like myself.	
FormID: 0108F0BB	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	1	One of the other Cathay in town might know her whereabouts.	
FormID: 0108F0BC	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	0	I've heard of her. She is a Khajiit bandit harassing caravans on the road to Orcrest.	
FormID: 0108F0BC	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	1	Sorry, but I don't know any more than that.	
FormID: 0108F0BD	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	0	I only know about goats. Do you want to hear about my goats?	
FormID: 0108F0BE	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	0	Sorry, I've never heard of her.	
FormID: 0108F0BF	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	0	Me know nothing.	
FormID: 0108F0C0	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	0	Mmm, Jazaska. Name sounds familiar. Go ask Snarriva in the Skooma Den, she might know something.	
FormID: 0108F0C1	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	0	Now, why would I tell you anything?	
FormID: 0108F0C3	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	0	So you're looking for old Jazie, eh!?  Yeah, I know her, used to work with her up in Orcrest.	
FormID: 0108F0C3	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	1	Last I heard, she found herself some nice rook west of Greenvale Mere.	
FormID: 0108F0C3	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	2	Look up, and you'll see it!	
FormID: 0108F0C4	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	0	You have not killed her yet. When she is dead, I will let you join the Guild.	
FormID: 01091303	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	0	The merchants will be pleased she is dead.	
FormID: 01091303	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	1	And as promised, I grant you membership in the Merchants Guild.	
FormID: 01091303	ANQMerchantsGuild01	ANQMCG01JazaskaTopic	2	Please hold onto those trade bars, they will be of some use to you in the future.

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