L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/JulyAddOnPack/Books/MG10AyleidReference のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

// Format_ver:0.0.1 (2008-01-01)
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**原文 [#text_en]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
Ayleid Inscriptions and their Translations
By Raelys Anine

The following inscriptions were painstakingly transcribed and interpreted over many long years, and are preserved here for all time.

Av molag anyammis, av latta magicka.
"From fire, life; from light, magic."

Barra agea ry sou karan.
"Wear lore as your armor."
Agea haelia ne jorane emero laloria.
"Wisdom learned by pain is a reliable guide in dark times." [literally, "Terrible wisdom never betrayed the loremasters."]
Nou aldmeris mathmeldi admia aurane gandra sepredia av relleis ye brelyeis ye varlais.
"Our exiled Elven ancestors heard the welcoming gifts of peace in the streams and beech trees and stars." ["Mathmeldi" means literally "from-home-driven." ]
Suna ye sunnabe.
"Bless and blessed be."
Va garlas agea, gravia ye goria, lattia mallari av malatu.
"In the caverns of lore, ugly and obscure, shines the gold of truth."
Vabria frensca, sa belle, sa baune, amaraldane aldmeris adonai.
"The foaming wave, so thunderous, so mighty, heralds the lordly Elves."

**訳文 [#text_ja]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。



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