L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/JulyAddOnPack/Books/ANQBookVarietiesFaithEmpireElsweyr のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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**原文 [#text_en]
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Varieties of Faith in the Empire
(Extracts, On Elsweyr)

by Brother Mikhael Karkuxor

Notes on the Divine Spirits of the Elsweyr Pantheon : Alkosh, Khenarthi, Riddle'Thar, ja-Kha'jay, Mara, S'rendarr, Lorkhaj, Rajhin, Baan Dar, Azurah, Sheggorath

Alkoth (Dragon King of Cats)
Pre-ri'Datta Dynasty Anaquinine deity. A variation of the Altmeri Auri-El, and thus an Akatosh-as-culture-hero for the earliest Khajiiti. His worship was co-opted during the establishment of the Riddle-T'har, and he still enjoys immense popularity in Elsweyr's wasteland regions. He is depicted as a fearsome dragon, a creature the Khajiit say 'is just a real big cat'. He repelled an early Aldmeri pogrom of Pelinal Whitestrake during mythic times.

(Goddess of Dusk and Dawn)
Azura was the god-ancestor that taught the mysteries needed to be different from the Altmer. Some of her more conventional teachings are sometimes attributed to Boethiah. In the stories, Azura is often more a communal cosmic force for the race as a whole than an ancestor or a god. In Elsweyr, Azurah is nearly a wholly separate entity, yet she is still tied to the origins of Khajiiti out of Altmeri stock.

Baan Dar (The Bandit God)
In most regions, Baan Dar is a marginal deity, a trickster spirit of thieves and beggars. In Elsweyr he is more important, and is regarded as the Pariah. In this aspect, Baan Dar becomes the cleverness or desperate genius of the long-suffering Khajiit, whose last minute plans always upset the machinations of their (Elven or Human) enemies.

Lorkhaj (Moon Beast) 
Pre-ri'Datta Dynasty Anaquinine deity, easily identified with the Missing God, Lorkhan.,br>

Mara (Goddess of Love)
Nearly universal goddess. Origins in mythic times as a fertility goddess. In the Empire she is Mother-Goddess. She is sometimes associated with Nir of the 'Annuad', the female principle of the cosmos that gave birth to creation. Depending on the religion, she is either marries to Akatosh (Alkoth) or Lorkhan (Lorkhaj), or the concubine of both.

Rajhin (Footpad)
(Footpad.) Thief god of the Khajiiti, who grew up in the Black Kiergo section of Senchal. The most famous burglar in Elsweyr's history, Rajhin is said to have stolen a tattoo from the neck of Empress Kintyra as she slept.

(Two-Moons Dance)
The cosmic order deity of the Khajiiti, the Riddle-Thar was revealed to Elsweyr by the prophet Rid-Thar-ri'Datta, the Mane. The Riddle'Thar is more a set of guidelines by which to live than a single entity, but some of his avatars like to appear as humble messengers of the gods. Also know as the Sugar God.

Sheggorath (The Mad God)
The fearful obeisance of Sheogorath is widespread, and is found in most Tamrielic quarters.

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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