L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/2010Nov/Dialogue/ANQSmallQuest18 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 0103BC89	ANQSmallQuest18	GREETING	0	Oy! What the hell are you staring at!?	
FormID: 0103BC8B	ANQSmallQuest18	ANQSQ18ChoiceNaked	0	Yeah, well, what am I supposed to do? I can't just go strolling back to the village like this!	
FormID: 0103BC8D	ANQSmallQuest18	ANQSQ18ChoiceClothes	0	I was just taking a quick dip in the water when a pack of wild monkeys came along, grabbed my clothes and ran off into the forest.	
FormID: 0103BC8D	ANQSmallQuest18	ANQSQ18ChoiceClothes	1	Since you are just standing around here with nothing better to do, why not do me a favor and run after them. They can't have gone too far.	
FormID: 0103BC90	ANQSmallQuest18	ANQSQ18ChoiceNo	0	Just get lost then, and stop staring at me.	
FormID: 0103BC91	ANQSmallQuest18	ANQSQ18ChoiceYes	0	Thanks! The little beasts ran off that away. Quick, find them and get me back my clothes!	
FormID: 0103BC93	ANQSmallQuest18	ANQSQ18ChoiceOther	0	Er, you expect me to wear that? Are you kidding? Its all ripped and stained with blood! I know you adventurer types don't care what you look like,	
FormID: 0103BC93	ANQSmallQuest18	ANQSQ18ChoiceOther	1	but I'm not walking into town looking like I've hocked my outfit from the corpse of a bandit freshly hacked to death with an axe.	
FormID: 0103BC93	ANQSmallQuest18	ANQSQ18ChoiceOther	2	Now, are you going to go find MY clothes or what?	
FormID: 0103C53D	ANQSmallQuest18	GREETING	0	Weren't you supposed to be fetching my clothes? I don't want to be standing here all day and night.	
FormID: 0103C53E	ANQSmallQuest18	GREETING	0	You have them? Thank goodness for that! I was starting to think I'd have to try to sneak back home buck naked.	
FormID: 0103C53E	ANQSmallQuest18	GREETING	1	Take this! Its a pretty pearl I found out swimming. But if you're looking for some real treasure, I know just thing!	
FormID: 0103C53E	ANQSmallQuest18	GREETING	2	Years ago the divers came across a fantastic coral grotto deep on the reef, guarded by mermaids!	
FormID: 0103C53E	ANQSmallQuest18	GREETING	3	I'm sure those little sprites have collected up a nice heap of trinkets. Here, I'll mark it on your map. Good luck!	

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