L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/2010Nov/Dialogue/ANQSmallQuest10C のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 0104A77A ANQSmallQuest10C ANQHouseTooMuchGalwen 0 That is not a problem. I will hold the property for you until you are able to come up with the gold.
FormID: 0104A77B ANQSmallQuest10C ANQHouseDecline 0 That is quite alright. If you ever change your mind just let me know.
FormID: 0104A77C ANQSmallQuest10C ANQHouseBuyGalwen 0 Very good. Here is the key. I have left most of Galwen's possessions on the property so you will not need to furnish it yourself.
FormID: 0104A77C ANQSmallQuest10C ANQHouseBuyGalwen 1 But there is some extra space left in the basement which you might wish to use for storage.
FormID: 0104A77C ANQSmallQuest10C ANQHouseBuyGalwen 2 Hzahbi in the market place should be able to provide you with some extra crates and barrels.
FormID: 0104A77C ANQSmallQuest10C ANQHouseBuyGalwen 3 And our royal gardener Ont-Wazei should be able to plant a fungi garden for you down there as well.
FormID: 0104A77C ANQSmallQuest10C ANQHouseBuyGalwen 4 If you do not want these upgrades just let me know. Now I will leave you to go enjoy your new home.
FormID: 0104B013 ANQSmallQuest10C ANQSQ10CGardenUpgrade 0 I can plant a bed of fungi in your basement for just 600 gold. Are you interested?
FormID: 0104B014 ANQSmallQuest10C ANQSQ10CStorageUpgrade 0 I can sell you some crates and barrels for just 600 gold. Are you interested?
FormID: 0104B016 ANQSmallQuest10C ANQSQ10CNoUpgrades 0 Very well. They were not necessary anyway. I hope you enjoy your new property.
FormID: 010595BE ANQSmallQuest10C ANQSQ10CChoiceYes 0 Good. I will have the garden planted for you shortly.
FormID: 010595BF ANQSmallQuest10C ANQSQ10CChoiceYes 0 Good so. Hzahbi will have the crates and barrels delivered to your house shortly.
FormID: 010595C0 ANQSmallQuest10C ANQSQ10CChoiceNo 0 Okay.
FormID: 010595C1 ANQSmallQuest10C ANQSQ10CChoiceNo 0 Alright then.
FormID: 010B4281 ANQSmallQuest10C ANQHouseInquiryGalwen 0 The city has now cleansed Galwen's of the spores and I would be happy to offer it to you for a very low price of 3000 gold.
FormID: 010B4281 ANQSmallQuest10C ANQHouseInquiryGalwen 1 It also includes most of his furnishings at no extra coast, Are you interested in buying?

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