L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/2.0/Books/ANQKNGRakingClawsLetter のバックアップ(No.1)


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Raking Claws Camp,
Be warned! If you intercept one more of our skooma runners, the wrath of the Renrijra Krin will fall upon you. We will hunt you down, one and all, like the filthy rats you are, stake you to the earth and peel the skin from your living flesh as a bloody feast for the desert ants. We will make of you an example, and all  followers of Sand Wolf will shake with horror at the news of your gory demise.
Let your fellows bandits know and King Sand Wolf hidden away in the dust hole of Ne'Quin'Al that your actions are begging for war.
The Black Claw,
Renrijra Krin

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