L10N/E.Q.R.Update/2.03/ScriptMessages/Data のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 0001EE20	JauffreScript			EssentialDeathReload	17	0	You have failed. Jauffre has been slain. All hope is now lost.
FormID: 000385A5	MS11ChestScript			Messagebox	18	0	You must have all three of the kwys to open this chest.
FormID: 00053795	MS09Chest			Messagebox	6	0	I'll need to deal with Tyrellius before I can open the chest.
FormID: 000385A5	MS11ChestScript			Messagebox	8	0	You must have all three of the keys to open this chest.
FormID: 0100AA1E	GREETING			Message 	1	0	Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 0100AA1F	GREETING			Message 	1	0	Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 0002E5BE	MS27	86	1	SetActorFullName	1	0	King of Nenalata
__King of Nenalata
FormID: 01013A7A	LingSQ05ConjurationAmulet1Script			Message 	3	0	Your Conjuration skill has risen.
__あなたのConjuration skillが上昇した。
FormID: 01013A7A	LingSQ05ConjurationAmulet1Script			Message 	7	0	Your Conjuration skill has returned to normal.
__あなたのConjuration skillが元に戻った。
FormID: 01013A7C	LingSQ05ConjurationAmulet2Script			Message 	3	0	Your Conjuration skill has increased.
__あなたのConjuration skillが増加した。
FormID: 01013A7C	LingSQ05ConjurationAmulet2Script			Message 	7	0	Your Conjuration skill has returned to normal.
__あなたのConjuration skillが元に戻った。
FormID: 00053795	MS09Chest			Messagebox	6	0	I'll need to deal with Tyrellius before I can open the chest.
FormID: 0101488C	LingMS29AnvilStoneScript			Message 	5	0	Tombstone marked.
FormID: 01014895	LingMS29BravilStoneScript			Message 	5	0	Tombstone marked.
FormID: 01017886	LingSQ05ConjurationAmulet3Script			Message 	3	0	Your Conjuration skill has risen.
__あなたのConjuration skillが上昇した。
FormID: 01017886	LingSQ05ConjurationAmulet3Script			Message 	7	0	Your Conjuration skill has returned to normal.
__あなたのConjuration skillが元に戻った。
FormID: 01017F64	LingMS29CheydinhalStoneScript			Message 	5	0	Tombstone marked.
FormID: 01017F67	LingMS29ChorrolStoneScript			Message 	5	0	Tombstone marked.
FormID: 01017F82	LingMS29LeyawiinStoneScript			Message 	5	0	Tombstone marked.
FormID: 01017F92	LingMS29SkingradStoneScript			Message 	5	0	Tombstone marked.
FormID: 01017FA0	LingMS29SkingradRewardScript			Message 	2	0	Boon of Flowers grants you an Alkanet Flower.
__花の恩恵はあなたにAlkanet Flowerを与えた。
FormID: 000385A5	MS11ChestScript			Messagebox	8	0	You must have all three of the keys to open this chest.
FormID: 000385A5	MS11ChestScript			Messagebox	18	0	You must have all three of the kwys to open this chest.
FormID: 0100AA1E	GREETING			Message 	1	0	Current Bounty: %.0f
__現在の賞金額: %.0f
FormID: 0100AA1F	GREETING			Message 	1	0	Current Bounty: %.0f
__現在の賞金額: %.0f

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