L10N/E.Q.R.Update/2.03/QuestStages/MS16A のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2)

FormID: 0002B8DB	MS16A	10	0	Guilbert and Reynald Jemane have asked for my help in reclaiming their ancestral home. I need to look for Weatherleah, somewhere to the south of Chorrol. Perhaps I could ask around town and see if anyone can help.
FormID: 0002B8DB	MS16A	15	0	One of the townspeople in Chorrol mentioned that Sabine Laul at the Fighters Guild may know Weatherleah's location, as she has explored much of the surrounding area. I should speak to her next.
__Chorrolの住民が言うには、Fighters GuildのSabine Laulはその周辺をよく探検しているので、Weatherleahがどこにあるか知ってるかもしれないという。次は彼女に聞いてみるべきだ。
FormID: 0002B8DB	MS16A	18	0	Sabine Laul at the Fighters Guild in Chorrol told me that Weatherleah should be due south of Chorrol and she's kindly marked it on my map. I should head out there now.
__ChorrolのFighters GuildのSabine LaulはWeatherleahがちょうどChorrolの南であると教えてくれた。そして親切にもマップに印をつけてくれた。これからそこに向かおう。
FormID: 0002B8DB	MS16A	20	0	I've found Weatherleah south of Chorrol, but it's overrun with ogres. I should report this information to Guilbert.
FormID: 0002B8DB	MS16A	30	0	Guilbert was glad that I'd found Weatherleah's location, but I'll need to kill the ogres so that it's safe to travel there.
FormID: 0002B8DB	MS16A	40	0	The ogres have been defeated. I should make my way back to Chorrol and bring this information to Guilbert.
FormID: 0002B8DB	MS16A	50	0	Guilbert was very happy to hear that I'd killed the band of ogres at Weatherleah, and is anxious to return. I should take he and his brother there as soon as I'm ready.
FormID: 0002B8DB	MS16A	60	0	I'm taking the Jemane brothers back to Weatherleah to reclaim their inheritance.
FormID: 0002B8DB	MS16A	100	1	I've brought Guilbert Jemane safely to Weatherleah. Unfortunately, Reynald was killed along the way. I should speak to Guilbert.
__Guilbert JemaneをWeatherleahまで無事に連れて行った。不幸にもReynaldは途中で殺されてしまった。Guilbertと話す必要がある。
FormID: 0002B8DB	MS16A	100	2	The Jemane brothers have returned safely to Weatherleah. I should speak to Guilbert.
FormID: 0002B8DB	MS16A	110	0	Guilbert Jemane thanked me and rewarded me with a modest sum of gold for my efforts.
__Guilbert Jemaneは感謝して、私の尽力に対してささやかな額のgoldで報いてくれた。

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