L10N/E.Q.R.Update/2.03/Dialogue/SQ01 のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 01017F5B SQ01 GREETING 0 Would I be able to interest you proposition concerning a recipe that I would like acquired?
FormID: 01017F6F SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 0 What I am going to ask you might be considered to be...borrowing without asking by some people. Are you still alright with that?
FormID: 01017F70 SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 0 Willing to help me out with my [QUOTE]borrowing without asking[QUOTE] yet?
FormID: 01017F72 SQ01 LingSQ01HelpYes 0 That's good. After all I might even return it someday.
FormID: 01017F73 SQ01 LingSQ01HelpNo 0 If that's the way you feel. I'm sure that someone else who wants to make a lot of easy money will come through my door soon.
FormID: 01017F74 SQ01 LingSQ01StealWhat 0 I have recently heard of a Khajit who has developed a recipe for Potato Bread. I think it would be in my best interest to acquire this recipe.
FormID: 01017F74 SQ01 LingSQ01StealWhat 1 Needless to say the bread will no doubt become famous someday. And I want to be the one known for...'creating' it.
FormID: 01017F74 SQ01 LingSQ01StealWhat 2 I would be willing to pay a fee for your services of course. Just bring me the recipe. I've been told you can find the Khajit at the Faregyl Inn.
FormID: 01017F74 SQ01 LingSQ01StealWhat 3 That's on the road to Bravil if you are unsure as to where it is. I think that the Khajit's name was S'jirra. I hope to see you return with it soon.
FormID: 01017F77 SQ01 LingSQ01PotatoNo 0 This one is not helpful at all. My poor Jumbo Potatoes.
FormID: 01017F78 SQ01 LingSQ01PotatoYes 0 Thank you. Thank you so much. I miss my Jumbo Potatoes so much.
FormID: 01017F7A SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 0 You have it I see. Good good hand it over. Here's you reward of course.
FormID: 01017F7A SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 1 Wait a moment. Jumbo Potatoes... what are they? I've never heard of any jumbo potatoes. Bother, I need you to find out for me.
FormID: 01017F7A SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 2 That Khajit probably knows. See if you can pry the information out of her somehow. I'll have to give you another reward for doing this.
FormID: 01017F7A SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 3 This potato bread had better be worth it.
FormID: 01017F7B SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 0 You have it I see. Good good hand it over. Here's you reward of course.
FormID: 01017F7B SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 1 Wait a moment. Jumbo Potatoes... what are they? I've never heard of any jumbo potatoes. Bother, I need you to find out for me.
FormID: 01017F7B SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 2 That Khajit probably knows. See if you can pry the information out of her somehow. I'll have to give you another reward for doing this.
FormID: 01017F7B SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 3 This potato bread had better be worth it.
FormID: 01017F7C SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 0 You have it I see. Good good hand it over. Here's you reward of course.
FormID: 01017F7C SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 1 Wait a moment. Jumbo Potatoes... what are they? I've never heard of any jumbo potatoes. Bother, I need you to find out for me.
FormID: 01017F7C SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 2 That Khajit probably knows. See if you can pry the information out of her somehow. I'll have to give you another reward for doing this.
FormID: 01017F7C SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 3 This potato bread had better be worth it.
FormID: 01017F7D SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 0 You have it I see. Good good hand it over. Here's you reward of course.
FormID: 01017F7D SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 1 Wait a moment. Jumbo Potatoes... what are they? I've never heard of any jumbo potatoes. Bother, I need you to find out for me.
FormID: 01017F7D SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 2 That Khajit probably knows. See if you can pry the information out of her somehow. I'll have to give you another reward for doing this.
FormID: 01017F7D SQ01 LingSQ01Recipe 3 This potato bread had better be worth it.
FormID: 01017F7F SQ01 SQ01Potatoes 0 You've found them. You didn't let the Khajit in on the fact that you stole her recipe did you? I hope not.
FormID: 01017F7F SQ01 SQ01Potatoes 1 I should be able to study how to grow these now. I should be able to start selling my own Famous Jumbo Potato Bread soon.
FormID: 01017F88 SQ01 LingSQ01PotatoYes 0 Thank you. Thank you so much. I miss my Jumbo Potatoes so much.
FormID: 0101867A SQ01 LingSQ01Reward 0 I promised you a reward didn't I? Well I hope you are hungry. Enjoy. Come back soon to enjoy some of my famous potato bread.
FormID: 0101867B SQ01 LingSQ01Reward 0 I promised you a reward didn't I? Well I hope you are hungry. Enjoy. Come back soon to enjoy some of my famous potato bread.
FormID: 0101867C SQ01 LingSQ01Reward 0 I promised you a reward didn't I? Well I hope you are hungry. Enjoy. Come back soon to enjoy some of my famous potato bread.
FormID: 0101867D SQ01 LingSQ01Reward 0 I promised you a reward didn't I? Well I hope you are hungry. Enjoy. Come back soon to enjoy some of my famous potato bread.
FormID: 0101867E SQ01 SQ01Potatoes 0 You've already got them? Well good on you. I hope they weren't too hard to find.
FormID: 0101867E SQ01 SQ01Potatoes 1 I should be able to study how to grow these now. I should be able to start selling my own Famous Jumbo Potato Bread soon.

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