L10N/E.D.I./1.3/QuestStages/EDI08 のバックアップ(No.3)


FormID: 01008C2F EDI08 10 0 Captain Nero of Skingrad wants me to recruit Karina Wolfspeed into his squad. She can be found in the West Weald Inn.
__Skingrad配属のCaptain Neroより依頼を受けた。Karina Wolfspeedを自分の部隊に引き入れたいので、協力して欲しいのだという。West Weald Innに行けば彼女に会えるだろう。
FormID: 01008C2F EDI08 100 0 The Captain was most appreciative of my effort. He trained me in a skill of my choice.
FormID: 01008C2F EDI08 100 1 The Captain was most upset at the news of Karina's death. Perhaps he did have a fondness for her.
FormID: 01008C2F EDI08 20 0 Karina does not think anyone is worthy enough for her help. But, If I can bring her 10 Dremora Infiltrator Signet Rings and/or Longswords, she will join the Captain's squad as a favor to me.
__Karinaはそこいらの人間にはそう簡単に手を貸してくれるつもりはないようだ。だが、彼女にDremora Infiltratorが装備しているSignet RingかLongswordを10個集めて持ってきてくれるならば、御礼にCaptainの部隊に加入してくれるそうだ。
FormID: 01008C2F EDI08 30 0 I have brought Karina the items she desired and have proven my worth. She will know join Captain Nero's squad.
FormID: 01008C2F EDI08 40 0 Karina has been killed and now cannot be recruited.

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