L10N/Dremora_Companion/1.1/Names/DIAL のバックアップ差分(No.8)

FormID: 01003048	aaNoThanks	DIAL	 	No
FormID: 0101BB21	aaDagonsDeadlands	DIAL	 	Dagon's Deadlands?
__Dagon's Deadlandsとは?
FormID: 0101BB23	aaWhyUs	DIAL	 	But why us?
FormID: 0101F770	aaGiveItems	DIAL	 	Give her the items
FormID: 0102E386	aaWaitHere	DIAL	 	Wait here
FormID: 0102E387	aaContinue	DIAL	 	Continue
FormID: 01032B8B	aaNo	DIAL	 	No
FormID: 01032B8D	aaIAmTheNewRulerOfThisPlane	DIAL	 	I am the new ruler of this plane
FormID: 01032B8F	aaMaybe	DIAL	 	Maybe
FormID: 01032B90	aaThatsnoneofyourconcern	DIAL	 	That's none of your concern
FormID: 01032B94	aaWhatdoyouwantmetodo	DIAL	 	What do you want me to do?
FormID: 01032B96	aaVerywellwaithere	DIAL	 	Very well, wait here.
FormID: 010348CD	aaGivehimthecrystalball	DIAL	 	Give him the crystal ball
__Crystal Ballを渡す
FormID: 010370EB	aaEnchanOrb	DIAL	 	Enchanting Orb
__Enchanting Orbのことですが
FormID: 01039D33	aaPickUpItems	DIAL	 	Pick up weapons and armor
FormID: 01039D35	aaEquipItems	DIAL	 	Equip armor and weapons
FormID: 0103BCB8	aaOkthanksfortheinfo	DIAL	 	Ok thanks for the info
FormID: 0103BCBC	aaWhyhavntyoureportedthisbefore	DIAL	 	Why havn't you reported this before?
FormID: 0103BCBE	aaNoyouhavegivinmewhatineed	DIAL	 	No, you have given me what I need
FormID: 0103BCC1	aaSoundsgoodleadtheway	DIAL	 	Sounds good lead the way
FormID: 0103D9E7	aaYes	DIAL	 	Yes
FormID: 0103D9ED	aaNotTonight	DIAL	 	No
FormID: 0103F0DF	aaComewithme	DIAL	 	aaComewithme
FormID: 010418A4	aaNonothingelse	DIAL	 	No, nothing else
FormID: 0104ADD9	aaNothingThanks	DIAL	 	Nothing, thanks.
FormID: 01053579	aaWhatKindOfHole	DIAL	 	What kind of security hole?
FormID: 0105357B	aaSoundsLikeAGoodPlan	DIAL	 	Sounds like a good plan
FormID: 0105B0E1	aaLetsGoGetKear	DIAL	 	Let's go get Kear
FormID: 0105C77B	aaLethimin	DIAL	 	Let him in
FormID: 0105C77C	aaKillhim	DIAL	 	Kill him!
FormID: 0105C77F	aaServices	DIAL	 	Services?
FormID: 0105E4E5	aaNotbadIcoulduseyourservices	DIAL	 	Not bad, I could use your services
FormID: 0105E4E7	aaThisisgarbage	DIAL	 	This is garbage
FormID: 0105E4EA	aaMakeitso	DIAL	 	Make it so
FormID: 0105E4EC	aaGoodgetlost	DIAL	 	Good get lost!
FormID: 0105E4EE	aaYouwontleaveherealive	DIAL	 	You wont leave here alive!
FormID: 0105E4F2	aaSpecialOffer	DIAL	 	Special offer?
FormID: 0105E4F4	aaIlldoit	DIAL	 	I'll do it
FormID: 0105E4F6	aaNotmystyle	DIAL	 	Not my style
FormID: 01060CD7	aaGivehimthesoulgems	DIAL	 	Give him the soul gems
__彼にsoul gemを渡す
FormID: 01060CD9	aaIllaskhim	DIAL	 	I'll ask him
FormID: 01066DC1	aaSendhelpforthesmithy	DIAL	 	Send help for the smithy
FormID: 0106719D	aaHealSelf	DIAL	 	Heal self
FormID: 0107DB1E	aaVeryWell	DIAL	 	Very well
FormID: 0108091C	aaAfraidICantDoThat	DIAL	 	Afraid I can't do that
FormID: 0108E749	aaFun	DIAL	 	Fun
FormID: 0108E74A	aaBusiness	DIAL	 	Business
FormID: 0108E74F	aaPortal	DIAL	 	Portal to the dead tower
FormID: 010BF98F	aaHowDoWeGetThere	DIAL	 	How do we get there?
FormID: 010C2D2F	aaResuce	DIAL	 	We have come to rescue you
FormID: 010C2D31	aaAmozIdea	DIAL	 	It was Amozabael's idea, not mine
FormID: 010DBC3F	aaTellherabouttheloveletter	DIAL	 	Tell her about the love letter
FormID: 010DD8C4	aaTellhimwhathappend	DIAL	 	Tell him what happend
FormID: 010F3155	aaTellherabouttheDeadlands	DIAL	 	Tell her about the Deadlands
FormID: 010F3157	aaWhatitemsdoyouneed	DIAL	 	What items do you need?
FormID: 010F596C	aaYesIhavethem	DIAL	 	Give her the items
FormID: 01140108	aaWhatsgoingonhere	DIAL	 	What's going on here?

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