L10N/Dremora_Companion/1.1/Books/aaExecutionersBook のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*本文 [#t58bd2a3]

**原文 [#z81d64ef]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
<div align="center">Executioner's Hood Instruction Manual<br>
<div align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he Executioner's Hood allows the wearer certain powers in the Deadlands plane. It also adds spell powers to the wearer which allow them to command others that are not as powerful as themselves. <br>
The Executioner's Follow command will make the target of the spell follow the executioner to where ever they wish.<br>
The Executioner's Wait command will make the target of the spell wait at their current location until given further instructions<br>
The Executioner's Cage/Sacrifice command will make the target of the spell enter the dunk cage or move to the Sacrifice Arena pit. The spell is only effective in the respective areas.<br>
The Executioner's Enter Maze command will make the target of the spell enter the maze as long as they have been led to one of the holding areas between the war gates on the north, or south side of the maze.<br>
The Executioner's Get on Altar command will persuade the target of the spell to lie on the altars in the Red Welkynd Cave to aid in making Red Welkynd Stones.
The Executioner's Release Control command will let captives return to their normal behavior, and release control of them.
The Executioner gains the extra benefit of protection from the deadly creatures in the maze when wearing the hood. As long as the hood is worn the wearer will not be attacked by the maze inhabitants. This allows the executioner to follow and closely observe the carnage taking place in the maze.<br>


**訳文 [#q2e0fc5b]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<div align="center">Executioner's Hood取扱説明書<br>
<div align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he Executioner's Hoodを装着した者には、Deadlandsのplane内に居る限りにおいてある種の能力がもたらされる。また、格下の相手を自分の支配下に置く魔法の力を欲しいままに出来るのだ。<br>
Cage(収監されよ)/Sacrifece(贄となれ)と指示を出せば、相手はオリの中もしくはSacrifece Arena pitへと歩みを進めるだろう。ただしこの命令は各々相応しい場所でなければ効果を発揮しない。<br>
Enter Maze(迷路を彷徨え)と命令すれば、北部または南部にあるWar gate(戦門)に挟まれた拘束エリアに足を踏み入れるまで相手はmazeへと導かれる事だろう。<br>
Get on Altar(祭壇に横たわれ)と命令すれば、術にかかった者は自ら進んでRed Welkynd Caveの祭壇に横たわり、Red Welkynd Stoneを製作するのに役立ってくれるはずだ。
Release Control(支配から解放する)の命令を出せば、術に囚われた者は平常に戻り、支配から解放される。



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