L10N/Dremora_Companion/1.1/Books/aaArrowEnchantingBook のバックアップソース(No.1)

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Daedric Arrow Enchanting in the Deadlands<br>
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/e_78x61.dds" width=78 height=61>nchanting arrows in the Deadlands is a simple process, although some risk is involved. On the south side of the island there stands ancient ruins. Among these ruins is a circle of stone blocks. These blocks mark the location of an Oblivion light beam. These beams are very powerful, and when combined with certain magical spells one can manipulate the beam's powers to create enchanted arrows.<br>
The process is simple enough, place Daedric arrows into the chest near the burned tree in the circle of blocks. When the Oblivion light beam is visible overhead the tree will ignite, and burn very intensely. Casting magical spells at the chest containing the Daedric arrows will  bind those spell powers to them. Different arrows can be made using different spells. There is no limit to how many arrows that can be created, but they can only be made while the Oblivion light beam is present, and the tree is burning.

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