L10N/Dremora_Companion/1.1/Books/aaAmozBook のバックアップ差分(No.1)

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Once we were close friends. It seems like many mortal lifetimes ago now, yet in truth, it is not that long. We made a good team, Kear and I. He, the fearless warrior, faced things head-on with little subtlety, I was, as he loved to put it, the sneaky one. Our existence in Dagon's Deadlands realm was comfortable and all our Kyn thrived.<br>
All this came to an end when one of the smaller fiefdoms of his realm became vacant. The Lord Mehrunes Dagon knew we were both in line for a promotion to Valkynaz and to be awarded our own territories to rule over. One territory, two of us.<br>
Dagon decided that to make things more entertaining (for him), he would instead devise a contest, pitting us against each other, since he could not choose between us. 'May the best one win.' were his fateful words. How cruel is our Lord sometimes, breaking up a friendship at a mere whim. His task was a simple enough one for any canny Dremora: steal the Mace of Molag Bal and bring it to him. The first to do this would be given the promotion to Valkynaz. There has long been a competitive animosity between my Lord of Destruction and the King of Rape. Now there was to be brutal competition between my best friend and I; this was a task we could not do together.<br>
I set off, stepping through a portal to Mundus, the realm of mortals, opened by Dagon himself, already armed with the knowledge of where to start looking. I cleaved through the Daedric guardians who watched over Molag Bal's shrine, giving no quarter, as is the Dremora way. Breaking into the temple was almost too easy; I used spells to stay out of sight as I crept through the halls. When I entered a large hall, I saw the Mace there in pride of place in the centre of the room, placed underneath the stone effigy of Bal himself. Under a spell of invisibility, I snatched up the Mace and made good my escape. I hurried back to my Lord Dagon with the prize, my mind filled with the thoughts of becoming Valkynaz at last.<br>
The greeting which awaited me was the last thing I had expected. Dagon was furious with me, accusing me of giving Molag Bal detailed plans for stealing his own signature weapon, Mehrunes' Razor. He also told me that the weapon I had brought him was not the real one, much to my horrified surprise. I pleaded my innocence, knowing nothing of this treachery done behind my back. My words fell on deaf ears and I was flung into Dagon's prison to await my punishment while Kear was granted the title and territory.<br>
It was then that I learned of Kear's true nature and it was a bitter discovery indeed. He knew I had a better chance of retrieving the Mace than he did, after all, I was the sneaky, sticky-fingered one. Knowing this, he warned Molag Bal that I was going to steal it. In return for this knowledge, Molag Bal offered his help in a plan of duplicity designed to betray me to Lord Dagon, clearing the way for Kear to be announced as Valkynaz and given his own realm.<br>
The King of Rape, knowing that I was coming to steal his prized weapon, substituted it for a copy, and it was that copy which I stole. Between them, he and Kear forged some plans for stealing the Razor, making them appear to have been written out by me. Not only that, but Kear also told Dagon that the copy I was bringing to him had been of my own forging. I was accused of the worst kind of dishonour and shame.<br>
Thus it was that I found myself banished to an island surrounded by seas of lava, stuck in a cage and subjected to endless torment by Dagon's minions for their own twisted amusement. Never did an hour go by that I wasn't tortured, pelted with unspeakably foul substances taunted, and raked by claws. They ranted and hurled insults, not always mindful of the things they said, and I began to piece together more information of Kear's treachery. If I could ever get off this damned island, I would have some interesting news for my Lord Dagon, interesting news indeed.<br>
It was during a particularly painful bout of torment that I became aware of a mortal, an old Dunmer witch who seemed to have some kind of connection with me, even through into Oblivion. Through her, I was able to communicate my plight to any with the right amount of empathy to feel it. I had no way of knowing if this would work, we couldn't exactly speak with one another, it was more a sense of my suffering that she felt and was able to broadcast. I managed to convey some details to her - to this day, I don't know quite how this came about, but it saved me from an eternity of hell, stuck in that dreadful cage. She was able to somehow make me understand that she had made a connection to a powerful warrior, one whose curiosity, and sense of honour, had sparked an interest in my predicament.<br>
I have no knowing how much time had passed, but eventually, someone came, sword swinging, armour drenched in the blood of hundreds of Daedra, face set in an expression of grim determination. This able warrior of honour cut down my captors and opened my cage, freeing me and offering me armour and weapons ? and best of all, a chance to redeem myself and consider revenge upon Kear. We agreed, revenge is a dish best served cold. After explaining my plan, I set off, the brave warrior behind me all the way. First we had to deactivate a cloaking switch that prevented escape from this island of dust and lava, and fight our way to a now revealed sigil stone that, once taken, would collapse the whole island, transporting the warrior back to Mundus and me to Dagon's temple, where I would plead my case.<br>
It was a gruelling fight, but a satisfying one; we were both up to the task, my new friend more than able to keep up with me. The tower was the hardest fight of all, but despite our terrible wounds, we prevailed and my new friend flipped the cloaking switch. Now the sigil stone that bound this realm would be revealed. All my warrior friend had to do was take it. We finally fought our way up the mountainside, heading in the direction of the column of flame that shot into the sky from the stone's location. There at the top it was, glowing and almost mocking me.<br>
My brave rescuer didn't hesitate ? and with one final glance and nod at me, took the stone and was engulfed in a gout of flame. When my sight cleared, I found myself back in Dagon's temple, sprawling at his feet.<br>
'Start talking, Amozabael.' he said to me. 'I would hear your side of this mess and quickly, before I send you back.'<br>
So it was that I was finally able to explain my side of things. I had learned much from the ravings of the creatures that were sent to torment me; they talked of a plan by Kear to undermine Dagon from within. Not content with his new promotion, he was going for the big one ? planning to replace Mehrunes Dagon entirely. In his time as Valkynaz, he had amassed quite an army of loyal followers, so many in fact that Dagon himself may actually need some assistance. He could take them down, of that I had no doubt, but those loyal to Kear would spite Dagon for it.<br>
And so, here I am now, writing this just before I go back to Mundus to repay my debt to my warrior friend. It will be an honour to fight alongside such a strong and valiant soldier. Such selfless devotion to helping me deserves no less than my eternal friendship - honour and gratitude demands nothing less. I feel it is important that I record this, not only to remind myself, but to remind my Prince of Destruction too of these events so he will not be fooled so easily again.<br>
Now I must go and find my friend...<br> 

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