L10N/Dragon_Captions_The_Imperial_City_of_Sutch_Reborn/9.0/QuestStages/sutch1 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 0102A0E5	sutch1	1	0	Ocato's errand boy, Coddwel has asked me to visit Fort Sutch, because there is a charter to build a new town on the site. I should go out there and help out.
FormID: 0102A0E5	sutch1	10	0	I have talked to Conan, who is a bit annoying in my opinion, but still nice enough, he wanted me to head to the town square to deal with a pest [QUOTE]problem[QUOTE].
FormID: 0102A0E5	sutch1	20	0	After going into town, I saw Conan's [QUOTE]little[QUOTE] problem. It was a group of three  bloodthirsty ogres waiting to rip me limb from limb. Well now they lie dead, and the construction hopefully can continue.
FormID: 0102A0E5	sutch1	30	0	Conan was pleased that I got rid of the ogres and gave the go ahead to his builders to start work on the frame work for the guilds. This shouldn't take long to complete.

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