L10N/Dragon_Captions_The_Imperial_City_of_Sutch_Reborn/9.0/Names/DIAL のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 00027FC3 ServeSentence DIAL Go to Jail
FormID: 0102A858 sutch2 DIAL Ocato's Orders
FormID: 0102A883 sutcha DIAL What is the news of the Empire?
FormID: 0102A899 sutchc DIAL I solved your [QUOTE]problem[QUOTE]
FormID: 0102B1B8 sutchd DIAL How is progress?
FormID: 0102B1BB sutche DIAL Hello, do you know about the raids?
FormID: 0102B1BE sutchf DIAL About your husband...
FormID: 0102B1C1 sutchh DIAL Here is your sword.
FormID: 0102B1C4 Sutchg DIAL I have found the supplies.
FormID: 0102B936 sutchi DIAL Why are you down here!
FormID: 0102C0BF sutch22 DIAL Go on,...
FormID: 0102C0C1 sutchd2 DIAL But.. what Conan...
FormID: 0102C0C3 sutche2 DIAL What happened to him?
FormID: 0102C0C5 sutchf2 DIAL Is there anything I can do to help?
FormID: 0102C0C7 sutchg2 DIAL Now what?
FormID: 0102C0C9 sutchh2 DIAL Why do you want to join the Giuld?
FormID: 0102C0CB sutchi2 DIAL What happened?
FormID: 0102C69C sutchj DIAL What is on your mind?
FormID: 0102C69E sutchk DIAL Greetings Coddwel, what's up?
FormID: 0102C6A0 sutchk2 DIAL Who do you have in mind?
FormID: 0102C6E9 sutchl DIAL Are you are the knight of Fort Sutch?
FormID: 0102C6EB sutchl2 DIAL What happened?
FormID: 0102C6EE sutchl3 DIAL Oh, I'm sorry, can I help?
FormID: 0102C77F sutchm DIAL Oh, good, you're with Skingrad right?
FormID: 0102C781 sutchm2 DIAL Let your prisoner go now!
FormID: 0102C783 sutchn DIAL Are you okay my lady?
FormID: 0102C786 sutcho DIAL Let Kinian go now!
FormID: 0102C788 sutch02 DIAL Are you insane!
FormID: 0102C78A sutchp DIAL Kinian! Are you ok!?
FormID: 0102C78D sutchp2 DIAL Ocato needs you to be named count!
FormID: 0102C78F sutchq DIAL Kinian has agreed to be count!
FormID: 01031116 Sutchr DIAL Orders?
FormID: 01031118 sutchs DIAL What happend here?
FormID: 0103111A sutcht DIAL I'm sorry, your wife is dead....
FormID: 0103111C sutcht2 DIAL Your, deal?
FormID: 0103111E sutchu DIAL What should we do about the assault?
FormID: 0103188E sutchv DIAL We need help!
FormID: 01031890 sutchw DIAL I have gathered troops, now what?
FormID: 01031891 sutchv2 DIAL Can you send troops to aid Sutch?
FormID: 01031893 sutchv3 DIAL Can you send troops to aid Sutch?
FormID: 01031897 sutchv5 DIAL Can you send troops to aid Sutch?
FormID: 0103189B sutchx DIAL Have you found out anything?
FormID: 0103189D sutchy DIAL I found this scroll.
FormID: 0103189F sutchz DIAL Your father is dead...
FormID: 010318A1 Sutch6j DIAL You! Halt there! Explain yourself!
FormID: 010318A3 sutchaa2 DIAL You are the one responsible for this!
FormID: 010318A5 Sutch6i DIAL Kinian, are you okay?
FormID: 01032784 sutchcc DIAL What about the ruined city?
FormID: 01032786 Sutchdd DIAL Hello, can you help me?
FormID: 01032788 Sutchdd2 DIAL Sutch is in need of a steward.
FormID: 0103278A sutchee DIAL What else is left to do sir.
FormID: 0103278D Sutch6k DIAL Kinian, Coddwel is dead as well.
FormID: 01032EA7 sutchff DIAL What happend here!
FormID: 01032EA9 sutchgg DIAL What has happend here!
FormID: 01035ED9 Sutchdock1 DIAL Hello my lady, how do you fare today?
FormID: 01035EDB Sutchdock2 DIAL Can you tell me this history now?
FormID: 01035EDD sutchdock3 DIAL Will you help fund the docks?
FormID: 01035EDF Sutchdocks4 DIAL My lady, he agreed to fund us!
FormID: 01035EE1 Sutchdocks5 DIAL Is there anything I can do to help?
FormID: 01035EE3 Sutchdocks6 DIAL They are taken care of.
FormID: 01035EE5 sutchdocks7 DIAL the Docks are complete.
FormID: 010382F5 ABBUYCONTRACT DIAL Hire for a 1000 Gold
FormID: 010382F8 ABFollowcontract DIAL Follow
FormID: 010382FA ABContractstay DIAL Stay here
FormID: 0103A0E0 sutchogrea DIAL What is on your mind.
FormID: 0103A0E2 sutchogreb DIAL Can you get rid of Drad's ogres?
FormID: 0103A0E4 sutchogrec DIAL Drad's ogres are dead.
FormID: 010433BF sutchdocks5b DIAL Halt! You're under arrest
FormID: 0104E8BD Sutch6b DIAL What happened here?
FormID: 0104E8BF Sutch6c DIAL Kinian, your father is dead....
FormID: 0104E8C1 Sutch6d DIAL Conan, what should I do next?
FormID: 0104E8C3 Sutch6E DIAL Kato is the city of the black bands?
FormID: 0104E8C5 Sutch6f DIAL Why are you not against me?
FormID: 0104E8C7 Sutch6g DIAL What are these weird beasts?
FormID: 0104E8C9 Sutch6h DIAL Your father has fallen in battle...
FormID: 0104F99E SutchConnandead1 DIAL What happened to Conan?
FormID: 0104F9A0 SutchConnandead2 DIAL Conan
FormID: 01053E6F Sutch6g2 DIAL Hello, what is going on here?
FormID: 010566A1 SutchLockBox1 DIAL Where's the reward?
FormID: 010566A3 SutchLockBox2 DIAL Did you find another key?
FormID: 010566A5 SutchLockBox3 DIAL Hello, what are your duties here?
FormID: 010566A7 SutchLockBox4 DIAL Well met Rachel, nice to see you again
FormID: 010566A9 SutchLockBox5 DIAL How are you today?
FormID: 010566AB SutchLockBox6 DIAL Are you okay?
FormID: 010566AD SutchLockBox7 DIAL Have you found anymore keys?
FormID: 010575F7 SutchFarm1 DIAL What needs to be done?
FormID: 010575FA SutchFarm2 DIAL Location, and supplies.
FormID: 010575FC SutchFarm3 DIAL Hello, I need some funding.
FormID: 010575FE SutchFarm4 DIAL Can we use your farm?
FormID: 01057601 SutchFarm5 DIAL He agreed!
FormID: 0105FC01 SutchQuestHouse1 DIAL What about the manor?
FormID: 010602DD SutchEutherGen1 DIAL and you are?
FormID: 010602DF SutchServantHealling DIAL Potion?
FormID: 010602E1 SutchServant1Healling1 DIAL Potion of Healing
FormID: 010602E2 SutchServant1MagikaPotion DIAL Magicka Potion please

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