L10N/Dragon_Captions_The_Imperial_City_of_Sutch_Reborn/9.0/Dialogue/sutchbiuld2 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 0102B1B9	sutchbiuld2	sutchd	0	It is good, for a start anyway....  But, some bandits came raiding into town recently, and stole a bunch of supplies, we sent Captain Max out, but...	
FormID: 0102B1BC	sutchbiuld2	sutche	0	Oh, hello sir, I'm just worried,  it's... My husband you see, he is a guard captain here in Sutch...  When the bandits came, he chased them, but...	
FormID: 0102B1BF	sutchbiuld2	sutchf	0	Oh my, Kynareth save me, no! How can this be, how? Why? Why have the gods cursed me!? Thank you young friend.  I must deal with this grievance...	
__ああKynarethよ、私をお救いくださらないのですか! なぜ、どうしてこんなことに。なぜ! 神は私を見捨てたのですか! ……申し訳ありません、教えていただきありがとうございます。私は、この不条理に立ち向かわなければなりません……
FormID: 0102B1C2	sutchbiuld2	sutchh	0	Oh! Thank you! Thank you so much! Now at least I have this to remember him, I know what I must do now.... I will join the Fighters Guild.	
__ああ、ありがとうございます! 本当にありがとうございます! これがあれば、彼のことを忘れたりすることはありません。……私は決意しました。Fighters Guildに加わりたいと思います。
FormID: 0102B1C2	sutchbiuld2	sutchh	1	So I can hunt down bandits like the ones that killed my husband, so I can get some sort of revenge.	
FormID: 0102B93A	sutchbiuld2	sutchh	0	Oh, I'm sorry, please go find Max's sword, I truly need it.	
FormID: 0102B1C5	sutchbiuld2	Sutchg	0	Oh, good... I'm sorry to hear about Lisa's husband, and our renegade captain, but the supplies are safe, and construction can continue.	
FormID: 0102B937	sutchbiuld2	sutchi	0	WHY! WHY! Because they kicked me out, one minor infraction, and they stole everything from me! Those fools, they needed me, now they don't have me...	
__なぜ? なぜだと! やつらが俺を追い出した、たった一つの規則違反で全てを奪い取ったんだ! あのバカどもは俺がいなくなってからその価値を思い知っていることだろう。
FormID: 0102B937	sutchbiuld2	sutchi	1	They'll be sorry, oh, yeah, I sent the bandits to get supplies, I killed the nosy captain that came looking for them. What are you gonna do? Nothing	
FormID: 0102C0C2	sutchbiuld2	sutchd2	0	Captain Max, he hasn't come back. His wife, Lisa is quite worried about him, you should go console her.	
FormID: 0102C0C4	sutchbiuld2	sutche2	0	Oh, my... he has not come back yet? I am quite worried about him....  Please! go find him. He should be in one of the caves near by...	
__ああ、夫はまだ戻ってこないのでしょうか。ひょっとすると、彼の身に何かあったのかも……。おねがいします、彼を見つけてください! 彼は付近の洞窟のどれかにいるはずです!
FormID: 0102C0C6	sutchbiuld2	sutchf2	0	Please bring me his sword! I must have it as a keep-sake. Do this for me, and I will reward you friend! Please go get it now.	
FormID: 0102C0C8	sutchbiuld2	sutchg2	0	Now we can finish the construction of the Fighters Guild, and staffing of it.	
__これで我々はFighters Guildの建築を終えて、職員を配置につかせることができます。

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