L10N/Dragon_Captions_The_Imperial_City_of_Sutch_Reborn/9.0/Dialogue/SutchStaff のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 010566A2	SutchStaff	SutchLockBox1	0	Greedy! I say! What happened to the days where a good deed was enough for adventurers! Grr...	
__なんと強欲な! やれやれ。とはいえ冒険者にとって十分な報酬となると、うーむ……
FormID: 010566A2	SutchStaff	SutchLockBox1	1	Well, I guess I can give you this, it's a key to the old vault... 	
FormID: 010566A4	SutchStaff	SutchLockBox2	0	Why, yes. Lisa left this at the castle, so I guess you can have it.	
FormID: 010566A6	SutchStaff	SutchLockBox3	0	Who, me? I'm the new Treasurer here. I manage all county funds and make sure the vault is kept up to date. So, if you ever need funding, see me.	
__私ですか? 私はここの新しい財務科担当です。全ての資金を管理し、宝物庫を最新の状態になるように保ちます。もし資金提供が必要なことがあれば、私にお申し付け下さい。
FormID: 010566A6	SutchStaff	SutchLockBox3	1	Oh, before I forget, here, I found this key you can have.	
FormID: 010566A8	SutchStaff	SutchLockBox4	0	Oh, it's always good to see you, I found another key, here, it's yours	
FormID: 010566AA	SutchStaff	SutchLockBox5	0	Oh, good, I feel safer already with the aid you have given to Sutch. Here is another key.	
FormID: 010566AC	SutchStaff	SutchLockBox6	0	Oh! Everything happened so fast, I don't know... I think I'm fine... but if you want to confront those forces that are working against us....	
FormID: 010566AC	SutchStaff	SutchLockBox6	1	You will need something important from the vault, here, take this key.	
FormID: 010566AE	SutchStaff	SutchLockBox7	0	Ah, well, why yes, I have found another, the last one. Here you are, good luck my friend.	

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