L10N/Dragon_Captions_The_Imperial_City_of_Sutch_Reborn/9.0/Dialogue/SutchPLayerHouse のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 0105FC02 SutchPLayerHouse SutchQuestHouse1 0 Oh, so Kinian told you about the manor then did he? Gave the deed to you? Well then.. I assume it is rightfully yours.. you can keep the deed too
FormID: 0105FC02 SutchPLayerHouse SutchQuestHouse1 1 It was once said to belong to Aden, then third knight commander in Sutch, before it was burned, in addition to Samuel, and Kato... rest in peace....
FormID: 0105FC02 SutchPLayerHouse SutchQuestHouse1 2 So, just head on up. It should be furnished, with items, and servants... have fun, my friend.
FormID: 010602DC SutchPLayerHouse SutchQuestHouse1 0 Hope you are enjoying your new home.
FormID: 010602DE SutchPLayerHouse SutchEutherGen1 0 Welcome my friend... good job for beating the Orical... welcome... we are the high rock chapter of Respawn clan.
FormID: 010602DE SutchPLayerHouse SutchEutherGen1 1 if there is anything u need, let me, or one of us know...
FormID: 010602E0 SutchPLayerHouse SutchServantHealling 0 Why yes, my lord... what do you need?
FormID: 010602E3 SutchPLayerHouse SutchServant1Healling1 0 Why yes, here you go.. strong brewed.
FormID: 010602E4 SutchPLayerHouse SutchServant1MagikaPotion 0 Ah yes, here... freshly brewed.

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