L10N/DemonBane/1.0.1/Books/SLRDHKillOrderJonus のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*本文 [#l4697d14]

**原文 [#ma341648]
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Jonus the Wretched, Imperial City Waterfront. Beggar. Dispose of body under Talos Bridge.
Our seers have determined that this beggar possesses the gift. Despite being destitute and harmless, the master has ordered that all born Demonhunters must be eliminated. His death will be a simple matter and he will not be missed. After the order is fulfilled, proceed south and rendezvous with one other agent at an old hunting shack just north of Kvatch. You will receive your next kill order at that location.
Dawn is breaking.

**訳文 [#ha5de6a7]
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Jonus the Wretched。Imperial City Waterfront。物乞い。死体はTalos Bridgeの下に棄ておく事。

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